Online Resources

There are some great online resources available for new and veteran players. Some of them are managed directly by TD HQ while others are created and managed by our amazing community. 


True Dungeon Token Database

Long, rectangular header image. Wooden background with the text

The True Dungeon Token Database (or Token Db as we're fond of calling it) features individual entries for all of the tokens we release each year. We strive to make those entries as clear and detailed as possible so that our players and volunteers can get a full understanding of the ways each token can be used. Token Db also features comprehensive search and filter functions to help you find the information you need. For example, you could see a listing of all Rare two-handed weapons. You could also see something very specific like a listing of all 2012-minted, Rare two-handed weapon tokens that are usable by Barbarians that have "fire" in the token's description.

Don't see something you're looking for on the database? You may have stumbled on a secret token that hasn't been released yet! We frequently keep tokens hidden until after they've been found in treasure, so keep checking back and it may show up. Check out the links below for more!

Try it out yourself at!

Learn all the in-s and out-s of Token Db's search and filter functions.

See something on Token Db that doesn't add up? Report any issues on our dedicated forum thread. Most changes to Token Db for reported issues are made on Monday and Friday mornings.


VTD Character Creation & Management

In order to play Virtual True Dungeon, players are required to have a character outfitted on a character management program that connects with our VTD DM software. Our VTD Software is currently compatible with two different 100% FREE character management programs: the TD Character Creator website and the Character Generator mobile app available on both iOS and Android. Create your character on one (or both--it never hurts to have a backup!) of these programs in order to play Virtual True Dungeon. Please see the links and information below to learn more about the character management program options.


Acherin's True Dungeon Character Creator

Logo image for TD Character Creator. Blue shield with letters TD on it in white in front of a gray sword. The words Character Creator in gray text.

The True Dungeon Character is a free service provided by players for players in conjunction with True Adventures Ltd. Create, save, and download character sheets as well as join team organizations.

TD Character Creator is a web based character management program.

Check out these instructional videos to learn how to create a VTD character on PART ONE | PART TWO

Leave a question or comment for Acherin, the developer of True Dungeon Character Creator, on his dedicated forum thread.


Cranston's True Dungeon Character Generator Mobile App

True Dungeon Character Generator is an app created for players of the True Dungeon role playing game. This application allows the user to assemble characters from an existing database of tokens, connect to the True Dungeon dice roller during virtual events, and provide final character statistics for use in the game.

Which version of the Character Generator app you need is dependent upon the device you are using.

iOS users can download the app directly from the Apple app store.

Android users will need to side-load the app onto their devices. To update or install the Android version of the app on your device, follow these steps:

  1. Open directly on the device where you need to update or install the app.
  2. Click the link for the most recent version of the app. Your device will either immediately start the download or ask for your permission to download. 
  3. Once downloaded, open the file. 
  4. Your device will ask if you wish to install/update the app. Choose yes.
    • Depending on your device settings, you may need to adjust the permissions on your device at this point to allow app installation from your web browser. 
  5. Congrats! You now have the latest version of the Android app.

Leave a question or comment for Cranston, the developer of True Dungeon Character Creator, on his dedicated forum thread.


Amorgen's Character Designer Spreadsheet

Do you love a good spreadsheet? We certainly do! While not able to connect to the DM software we utilize in VTD, Amorgen's Character Designer Spreadsheet is a killer tool for designing your True Dungeon character build. What's more, Amorgen has gone to the trouble of making multiple spreadsheets that are compatible with a variety of different software and devices. Check out the links below!

Read a bit about Amorgen's TD history and get the latest spreadsheet.

Contribute to the spreadsheet or report an issue on the dedicated forum thread.


True Dungeon Tokens: Collection Tracker & Character Builder

Created and maintained by dedicated fans, True Dungeon Tokens helps token collectors keep track of their TD Token collection. Besides the standard token data, it also allows you to track all of your tokens by back color. In addition to what you’ve collected, you can keep track of which tokens you want and which ones are available for trade. You can see what other people have available for trade too!

True Dungeon Tokens includes a character builder to calculate your stats for playing True Dungeon. If you also track your token collection on the site, you can base your build just on the tokens you own! You can also create and manage Parties for your group of adventurers.

The fans behind True Dungeon Tokens have also been kind enough to offer their site as a host for community-driven TD resources like the Android version of Cranston's Character Generator app and Amorgen's Character Generator spreadsheets.

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