
Allegra "The Chainmal Chick" Torres played an NPC elven Cleric in 2010. Allegra "The Chainmal Chick" Torres played an NPC elven Cleric in 2010.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for True Dungeon!

True Dungeon exists because of the work of a lot of great people who volunteer their time to ensure the players have fun. Many volunteers get involved because they play True Dungeon--then fall in love with it. They want to contribute to something that they think is pretty cool, and they are willing to work so that others can experience the fun as well.  

We have a dedicated website that allows you to create a volunteer account and then select different events at which to volunteer. This makes it very easy to re-apply to at other events.

We are accepting volunteer applications for upcoming TD events. There are many great benefits that come with volunteering for True Dungeon. These include up to a $400 stipdend, free spot in a hotel room near the event area, free convention badge, free limited-edition Participation Tokens, free limited-edition volunteer-only tokens, as well as other great swag. More information at the link below. Be aware that benefits vary slightly from convention to convention.

CLICK HERE to get more info or volunteer!



Volunteer Gallery

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