Trade Token Redemption

There is an option available in the TD Store to "order" one or more Trade tokens. This "ordering" is not actually buying the specific tokens (which is NOT possible), it just starts the process for collectors to convert extra tokens into Trade tokens. The website guides collectors through the online forms, instructs you to print out an address label & packing slip, and provides a checklist of the Trade tokens the player expects to have mailed back. All of this is then mailed to TD HQ. Your transaction is normally processed 1-2 business days after it's received. There is a low-cost, flat shipping fee for US destinations, regardless of the size of your order. Destinations outside the US have higher shipping costs. If you wish to purchase new tokens as well as send in old tokens to be converted to Trade, we'll gladly ship both lots simultaneously for the same fee.

You can only get Trade tokens by using the online ordering system or at select in-person events. Trade tokens are not available during Gen Con. Mail-in Trade exchanges temporarily cease two weeks before and one week after every in-person event. Other than the aforementioned blackout periods, Trade tokens may be exchanged year-round.

All orders sent to collectors are shipped via USPS Priority Mail with Confirmation Delivery service, usually within 1-2 business days. Most orders arrive within 2-3 business days once shipped. We may occasionally run out of stock, but if that happens we will notify you of the delay and expected restock date.

We highly recommend you send us your Trade token shipment with some kind of tracking! True Adventures, Ltd. is NOT responsible for any tokens lost in the mail while in route to TD HQ.

CLICK HERE to view the Trade Token Worksheet.  It is a great tool to help classify tokens into their proper Trade Token.


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Below is the list of all Trade tokens and which tokens are required to make them. When converting Weapon or Armor tokens into trade goods, exactly 25 tokens of that particular type are required. Non-Armor and non-Weapon tokens use a point-based system that requires 25 points of tokens to make one Trade Token. The point-value of a token is determined by the formula below:

Point Conversion for non-Weapon/Armor:
Rare = 6 points
Uncommon = 3 points
Common = 1 point

For example:

  • 25 Common tokens (of a certain type) makes 25 points
  • 8 Uncommon tokens + 1 Common token makes 25 points
  • 2 Rare tokens + 3 Uncommon tokens + 4 Common tokens make 25 points

Alchemist's Ink: 25 points of any Potion, Elixir, Salve, or Oil



Alchemist's Parchment: 25 points of any Scroll



Aragonite: 25 of any Rare Weapon and/or Armor

For the purpose of converting to Trade tokens, "weapon" does not include ammunition (arrows, bolts, bullets, or sling stones, etc.)

Starting with the 2022 print run, anything that equips in the Torso slot counts as armor. This change is not retroactive. Older Torso items made out of cloth (e.g., robes) keep their previous conversion designation.

For a complete list of which tokens are considered a "weapon" or "armor", please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Darkwood Plank: 25 points of any Gear and/or Item

In general, if a token does not fit in any of the other categories and is eligible for exchange, it goes in the Darkwood Plank category.

For a complete list of which tokens are eligible for Darkwood Plank exchange, please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Dwarven Steel: 25 of any Common Weapon

For the purpose of converting to Trade tokens, "weapon" does not include ammunition (arrows, bolts, bullets, or sling stones, etc.)



Elven Bismuth: 25 of any Uncommon Weapon

For the purpose of converting to Trade tokens, "weapon" does not include ammunition (arrows, bolts, bullets, or sling stones, etc.)

For a complete list of which tokens are considered "weapons", please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Enchanter's Munition: 25 points of any Ammunition (Arrow, Bolt, Bullet, Sling Stone, Slug, etc.)

Shurikens and Alchemical weapons are not Ammunition. For a complete list of which tokens are considered "ammunition", please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Golden Fleece: 10 of any Monster Trophy token (any year or combination of years).

Monster Trophies (Ingredients) can only be obtained by drawing them from the Random Treasure Boxes at the end of a True Dungeon adventure.

For a complete list of Monster Trophies, please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Minotaur Hide: 25 of any Common Armor

Starting with the 2022 print run, anything that equips in the Torso slot counts as armor. This change is not retroactive. Older Torso items made out of cloth (e.g., robes) keep their previous conversion designation.

For a complete list of which tokens are considered "armor", please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Mystic Silk: 25 points of Cloaks, Clothing, Bracers*, Girdles, Belts, or Gloves

*In general, "Bracers" (plural) are considered clothing and a "Bracer" (singular) is a weapon.

For a complete list of which tokens are eligible to be exchanged for Mystic Silk, please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Oil of Enchantment: 25 of any Uncommon Armor

Starting with the 2022 print run, anything that equips in the Torso slot counts as armor. This change is not retroactive. Older Torso items made out of cloth (e.g., robes) keep their previous conversion designation.

For a complete list of which tokens are considered "armor", please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.



Philosopher's Stone: 25 points of any Amulet, Bracelet*, Earcuff, Earring, Circlet, Crown, Necklace, Ring, or Wand

*Not to be confused with "Bracers" or "Bracer"

For a complete list of which tokens are eligible to be exchanged for Philosopher's Stone, please reference the Trade Token Worksheet.


Frequently Asked Questions


Let's say I have the following to trade in for several Philosopher's Stones:
     12 Rare Rings, etc. (12 × 6 pts = 72pts)
     1 Uncommon Ring (3pts)
     Total 75, or 3 Stones
How should these tokens be bagged as it's not an easy division of tokens for each into 25 pts?

Answer: Please try to avoid this situation if possible. If you cannot, in the above example please place 24 pts of tokens separately in 3 bags, and then place the left-over 3 pts token in a separate non-labeled bag. Then, take all four bags and place them together in a larger zip-top bag. This is how we will know that this special case has occurred.


What's the deal with these 10× Trade tokens?

Answer: To make it easier for token collectors to store and ship some of the more common Trade tokens, we now offer larger denominations of the Trade 1 tokens. Each 10× Trade token is differentiated from its standard version by a light tan ("peanut butter") back and a large "10×" emblazoned over the item's image. 10× Trade tokens are treated exactly like ten of their standard versions. They can be used in recipes that require 10 or more of that item. For example, if a recipe requires 11 Minotaur Hide, you could submit one 10× Minotaur Hides and one Minotaur Hide to fulfil that requirement.

When ordering ten or more of a Trade 1 token, you can indicate which denominations you'd like to receive. For example, if you're sending in for 32 Mystic Silk tokens, you could select three as 10× and two as standard, one 10× and twenty three standard, or any combination that totals 32.


Can I convert my existing standard Trade tokens into 10× versions?

Answer: Yes. Simply order whichever quantity of 10× tokens you'd like and send in the appropriate number of standard versions. But you are not required to convert into standard trade tokens before converting them to 10×. You may convert directly from regular (not Trade) tokens into 10× without needing to convert to standard Trade tokens as a middle step.

You can also convert 10× into standard versions.


How do I prepare the bags for 10× Trade tokens?

Answer: Bag your tokens exactly the same way you would if you were ordering ten of the standard versions. For example, if you're making a 10× Dwarven Steels token, you'd submit ten separate bags, each containing 25 Common weapon tokens. Do not send in one bag containing 250 Common weapons. The same goes for point-based Trade tokens. For example, if you're making a 10× Mystic Silks token, you'd submit ten separate bags, each containing 25 points worth of jewelry or wands. Do not send in one bag containing 250 points worth of jewelry or wands.


When is the cut-off date for sending in tokens for exchange prior to a convention?

We must receive your shipment at least two weeks before the start of an in-person convention if you want to receive it back before that convention. All orders RECEIVED less than two weeks before a convention get processed around a week after we return from that convention.


Can I send more than one of the same type of transmute in the same bag?

  • Example: Enough tokens to make 3 of the trade tokens for Dwarven Steel in one bag? Or do I need to break them down into 3 bags?

Answer: It depends on the type of Trade Tokens you're exchanging.

  • Standard: For all weapon and/or armor Trade tokens (Dwarven Steel, Minotaur Hide, Elven Bismuth, Oil of Enchantment, and Aragonite), please place them in separate bags. E.g., to make 3 Dwarven Steel tokens, you would need 3 different zip-top bags, each containing 25 Common weapon tokens.
  • Optional: For all point-based Trade tokens (Alchemist's Ink, Alchemist's Parchment, Darkwood Plank, Enchanter's Munition, Minotaur Hide, Mystic Silk, and Philosopher's Stone), you may put exactly 25 Uncommons ("×3") or exactly 25 Rares ("×6") in a single bag, but they must be marked accordingly. Let's say you're submitting a single bag of 25 Rare jewelry tokens, thus ordering 6 Philosopher's Stone tokens. Take 1 (one) Philosopher's Stone label and manually write "×6" on it. Take that single "Philosopher's Stone ×6" slip and place it in the bag (text side facing out so it can be easily read) of 25 Rare jewelry tokens. If you were to submit 25 Uncommon jewelry items, you'd write "×3" on the Philosopher's Stone slip.
    • Please do not put more than one slip in a bag.
    • Please do not utilize this optional method if you have mixed rarities in the bag or with any quantity of tokens other than 25. This means, for example, do not put 23 Uncommons and 1 Rare in a bag. If you don't have exactly 25 Rares of the same category or exactly 25 Uncommons of the same category, please use the standard bagging method of one Trade token per bag
  • When submitting tokens to be exchanged for Trade items, please do not put more than 25 tokens in a single snack-size bag. It slows down the verification process and the bags tend to split.

We ask you to follow these procedures to speed up the fulfillment process and make it much more error-free.


Can I send in for more than one Transmuted Token in one shipment to TD?

  • Example 1 : From above, if they have to be seperate bags, can I stick many zip-top bags into one box?
  • Example 2 : I have one of every type of Trade Token, each in their own bag, can I stick that in one box?

Answer: Yes. You can put any number of different kinds of zip-top bags in any Small Flat Rate box. Just be sure the appropriate printed-out label is placed inside each bag.

Can I send in a token with charges if there are no charges remaining?

Answer: No. Charged items (e.g., wands printed before 2018, Ioun Stone Violet Prism, etc.) with no remaining charges may not be exchanged. If there is at least one charge left, it may be exchanged--as long as it was exchangable to begin with.

If I want to transmute a token but I don’t yet have all the required Trade item ingredients, can I just send in the equivalent tokens so I only have to make one shipment?

Answer: To fulfil a Transmuted token’s recipe, you must provide the exact items the recipe calls for—not the equivalent in "raw" tokens. E.g., if you want to make a recipe that requires one Elven Bismuth, you must send in an Elven Bismuth token, not 25 Uncommon weapons in its place. This still applies if you are also making Trade tokens for future exchange. You may not send in (as an example) 50 Uncommon weapons and request that one of those two Elven Bismuths be applied to a recipe in the same shipment. Long story short, you’ll need to make two shipments: the first one where you send in for all the Trade and/or Reserve tokens you need, and then a second shipment where you submit the exact recipe the Transmuted token you want calls for.

Why are we being "meanies" like this? The process has been designed to eliminate errors and confusion. It’s quite perplexing to try and interpret the convoluted schemes some collectors concoct. Rather than attempting to decipher twists, turns, and multi-layer cross-references, we want to keep these transactions as simple and uncomplicated as possible. This results in far fewer errors and reduces the number of angry emails from people whose convoluted orders got mixed up.

We realize this situation is not a perfect one, but we feel strongly that this is the best way to handle it. We think avoiding confusion and reducing errors is worth the added inconvenience. We understand it costs more in shipping this way (for both of us), but we think an orderly exchange is ultimately best for all parties.


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