Badge of Beading: it's still effectively slotless, given that there are (presumably) no other tokens that compete for this slot in this set -- even just one in the Rare tier to show the expected power level would help shake off (or reinforce) that pay-to-win feeling. Unless future badges (or whatever the slot is called) are at least as good as the second and third best beads, it'll be hard to make it competitive. Maybe increase the base number of beads to two, and have this grant one bead slot instead?
Bead of Jealous Heroism: given plays only have one natural bead slot, this effectively comes with no drawback. Other items with Jealous in their names have interactions with rings; maybe this one should too? Alternatively, increasing the base number of bead slots would resolve this lack of drawback.
Belt of the Fearless:
Belt of the Brave
is already considered too powerful for its rarity. You want to double down on that, rather than admit it was a one-off mistake?! At +2/+5, this UR rivals the +3.5/+3.5 from the Legendary
Surtr’s Girdle of Fire Giant Strength
Butterfly Cloak: should say "with 10 hp" rather than "with 10 hps"
Charm of Spell Storing: missing class restrictions, unless you want to open this up to Ranger.
Death Knight Mail: presumably missing the link to
. That said, it doesn't feel like an item in the DK set without a strength bonus. I'm curious: did people call for the DK Mail they wanted that +2 STR or did they want it for the DK set bonus? If it's the former, but there are concerns about giving more STR to Ranger, may the idea of a DK Mail should just be dropped.
Harlax's Helpful Lamp: should be "+1 max hp" instead of "+1 hp" for consistency.
Ioun Stone Amethyst Orb:
- What happens if the wearer drinks a potion that the target cannot drink? Currently, this applies just one token, 2005-2008's
Potion Owl’s Wisdom
, if a Cleric targets a non-Druid (or a Druid who didn't fail a skill test this round). Probably a non-issue, but would be nice to get preemptive clarification. (I'm assuming it'll just fail if the target isn't on the potion's class list.)
- Does it also work if the wearer drinks a damage potion; e.g.,
Potion Thor’s Retort
? As worded, I think it does, since the effect is "deal damage to enemies".
- Is the target of the effect allowed to refuse the effect of a drunk potion; e.g.,
Potion Nymph’s Tears
? I don't expect griefing to be prominent in a co-operative game, but people just be like that some times.
- Does this work on
Potion Death’s Door
Potion Revival Root
if both the wearer and target and dead? What if only the target is dead (and the wearer can't physically approach the deceased target to administer the potion directly)? I think the answer is "yes" to the first question, but the second needs clarification.
Ioun Stone Fluorite Sphere: much more powerful than
Ioun Stone Infernal Fire Prism
, which just grants +2 to melee (as fire) without the additional Spell and healing effects. Also, as worded, it's unclear if the heal effect is meant to be when receiving or casting spells. Given the similarity to Focus this token would have were it the second effect and the rate at which Focus trickles out, I'm assuming it's the former, but this should be clarified.
Lucky Kilt: link should be
, not
/set. Even without a larger set bonus, I love that new items continue to trickle out for the set!
Mage Staff of Power: this is committing
hard to this particular mechanic for Mage staffs. It'll be hard to go back if you change your mind later without upsetting people -- remember backlash after the 2019 wand revamp because people had taken action in 2018 (e.g., bought supporting tokens, mulched wands) expecting the 2018 revamp to last for more than one season? Additionally, the
Ring of Expertise
was just released last year -- do you want to rerelease this effect again so soon? Then again, there aren't any supporting tokens (+INT) in this set, so maybe there won't be as much backlash should things change this time. All that said, I don't play Wizards, so please: listen the Wizards and not me.
Ring of Havoc: inferior to
Ring of the Drake
, though arguably the ability to be transmuted to a better ring is an ability, and Drake is honorarily named, so Drake should be more powerful. Maybe make the UR +2 melee AND +2 range, and only force the choice at the relic/legendary tier? But then it would feel weird that an upgrade would make you lose an effect....