Set Bonus

When the specified quota of unique items from a set are equipped, additional effects come into play. Some set bonuses have only two required items while other set bonuses may require six. See each set's description for details.

Assuming all the required pieces can be equipped simultaneously, characters may benefit from more than one set bonus—either from different sets or within the same subset. E.g., a character enjoying the Might Quintet bonus also gains the Trio & Quartet bonuses. (But remember, +level effects never stack.)

When a set bonus is achieved by equipping a weapon, shield, orb, or anything held in (not worn on) the hand, the hand-held item is "locked in" for that mode of combat. Therefore:

  • If you equip a hand-held item in a melee slot to fulfill a set bonus, you must keep that specific hand-held item equipped when engaging in melee combat.
  • If you equip a hand-held item in a ranged slot to fulfill a set bonus, you must keep that specific hand-held item equipped when engaging in physical ranged combat.

You may temporarily swap one or both hand-held set-piece items (either melee for ranged or ranged for melee) and maintain the set's bonus. However, the bonuses granted by the individual "lost" item(s) won't apply. E.g., a ranger using Scepter, Orb, and Boots of Might to gain a level may swap out the scepter and orb to use a ranged weapon, but may not use any other melee weapons. During the swap-out, the ranger loses the +2 Strength bonus granted by the Orb of Might, but maintains the +1 level granted by the Might set.

To qualify for a set bonus, the set's quota must be filled with unique items if the items are Ultra Rare or lower in rarity. E.g., a ranger may wield two +1 Mithral Long Swords, but they only count as one when it comes to qualifying for the Mithral set bonus. However, if both of the set weapons are either Relics (★) or Legendaries, they count as two items toward the set's quota.

(of the) Ancients Set

When at least 3 items are worn, the character gains +1 level. There is no 4-piece bonus.

Arcane Set

When all three items are equipped, the first 0–2nd-level spell the wearer casts is not marked off their character card. This ability may be used once per game--not once per spell, not once per spell level.

Arcanum Set [coming Soon]

As of 2025, only the first item in this set has been released. The second and third items are coming in 2026. The specifics of the set bonus have yet to be revealed.

Cabal Set

When all three items are equipped, the character may cast two spells in one round, once per room. Unlike the effect from Bracelets of the Zephyr, the bonus spell is not cast as a scroll and can be modified.

Celestial Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains immunity to melee and mental attacks from evil outsiders.

Charming Trio

When at least three items are equipped, character gains +1 level. There is no four-piece bonus.

Darkthorn Set

When all three items are equipped, attackers take 2 points of Piercing damage if they successfully damage the wearer with a melee attack.

Deadshot Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains +1 level.

Death Knight Set

When at least three items are worn, grants 4 points of Darkrift Retribution Damage.
When at least 4 items are worn, grants 2 additional points of Retribution Damage for a grand total of 6.
When at least 5 items are worn, grants 2 additional points of Retribution Damage for a grand total of 8.
There is no 6-piece or 7-piece bonus for this set.

Defender Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains Free Action and +1 to AC (in addition to the AC granted by the individual items.)

Dragonhide Trio

When at least three items are equipped, character automatically succeeds on saving throws vs. dragon breath weapons and gains +3 to all saving throws.
Don't confuse Dragonhide with Dragonscale (see below). They are not interchangeable. But if three items from each set are equipped, both set bonuses are bestowed.

There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Dragonhide items.

Dragonscale Set

When all three items are equipped, Fire damage inflicted upon the character is reduced by 10. This bonus supersedes the bonuses granted by the individual items in this set.
Don't confuse Dragonscale with Dragonhide (see above). They are not interchangeable. But if three items from each set are equipped, both set bonuses are bestowed.

Elemental Eldritch Set

The Elemental Eldritch Set bonuses are shown below. The bonuses granted at each tier are grand totals—not cumulative. E.g., the 3-piece bonus only gives a healer a +6 to their cast healing spells, not +10.



Heals Cast**


















*+Level effects never stack

**Only affects cast healing spells (see "Healing Bonus Note" note below), not special powers, scrolls, wands, etc. A "special power" is not a "spell". Rule of thumb: if it's not printed on the character card under a section titled "Spells", it's not a spell.
Healing Bonus Note: This bonus is for spells cast by the healer, not spells cast on the healer--unless the healer and the target are the same person (self-healing.)
Multi-Target Note: Multi-target attacks/heals get a pool of bonus damage/healing to be allocated among the eligible recipients as the attacker/caster sees fit. It does not grant the full bonus to each target.

Affects melee, missile (including alchemical weapons), and spells, but not special powers or items (scrolls, wands, etc.)

Footman Set

When all three items are equipped, character gains +2 to AC and Cold damage inflicted upon the character is reduced by 1 point per attack.

Lucky Set

When at least two items are equipped, the wearer's maximum HP increases by 5. There is no additional bonus if a character equips more than two items.

Might Trio

When three items are equipped, gain +1 level.

Might Quartet

When four items are equipped, in addition to the Trio bonus, the character's melee attacks do +2 Damage (for a total of +1 level and +2 Damage)

Might Quintet

When five items are equipped, in addition to the Trio & Quartet bonuses, the character's melee attacks do and additional +2 Damage (for a total of +1 level and +4 Damage)

Mithral Trio

When three items are equipped, take only half damage from breath weapons. There is no Quartet bonus.

Mithral Quintet

When five items are equipped, in addition to the Trio bonus, the character gains Deadbane: any successful melee attack from an undead monster to the wearer does 10 points of damage to that undead monster.

Mithral Sextet

When six items are equipped, in addition to the Trio and Quintet bonuses, the +1 Mithral Long Sword instantly kills a dragon on a natural 20 if the 8 or 9 on its damage wheel is closest to the damage dot on the combat board.

Mountain Dwarf Set

When all three items are equipped, Cold damage inflicted on the character is reduced by 1.

Redoubt Set

When at least three items are equipped, the character gains +2 to Strength and +5 to max HP. There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Redoubt items.

Sea Raider

Unlike most set bonuses that increment based on the number of tokens equipped, the Sea Raider set bonus increases the more body slots you equip with a Sea Raider item. For the purpose of this set's bonus, there is only one Weapon slot. Even though it's possible to equip more than one Sea Raider weapon, no matter how many different Sea Raider weapons you're using--Melee, Ranged, or both--those Sea Raider weapons only count once toward this Set bonus.

For every two slots you equip with a Sea Raider item, you gain +1 to your maximum Hit Points. Therefore:

  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 2-3 unique slots adds a total of +1 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 4-5 unique slots adds a total of +2 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 6-7 unique slots adds a total of +3 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 8-9 unique slots adds a total of +4 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 10-11 unique slots adds a total of +5 to your max HP
  • Equipping a Sea Raider item in 12 unique slots adds a total of +6 to your max HP

For full details and FAQ, see the Sea Raider Mega Set Bonus page.

Silver Elf Set

When all three items are equipped, the wearer is immune to underwater hindrances. There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Silver Elf items.
No other tokens with "Silver Elf" in their name are part of this set.

Snake Priest Set

When at least three items are worn, all your Melee and Ranged attacks deal +1 damage as Poison. There is no 4-piece bonus.

Templar Set

When all three items are equipped, character regenerates 3 Hit Points upon entering a room.

Viper Strike Set

When at least three items are equipped, all characters gain +2 To Hit on all attack slides (including spells.) In addition to the To Hit bonus, monks and rogues gain an additional benefit.

Monks: If their Viper Strike weapon critically hits, it deals +5 Poison damage—which gets doubled to 10 because it's a critical hit. (If you prefer to think of it as +10 Poison damage which is not doubled, that's fine too.)

Rogues: When making a sneak attack with a Viper Strike weapon, the bonus damage from the sneak attack (+15 if the rogue is 4th level or +20 if the rogue is 5th level) is doubled if a critical hit is scored. Under normal circumstances, the +15/+20 bonus damage from a sneak attack is not doubled on a crit.

There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Viper Strike items.

Wind Set

When all three items are equipped, the character gains the feather fall effect and immunity to non-magical missiles.

Note: These are the only three tokens in this set. Other tokens with the word "Wind" in their name do not qualify.

Zealot Set

When at least three items are equipped, Darkrift damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1 point per attack/effect. There is no additional set bonus for equipping more than three Zealot items.

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