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TOPIC: Frac! ! ! ! !

Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #13

Out of the Phoenix's fire, I burned into one arm demon.
Out of the Phoenix's tear, I healed into mortal man.
Out of the Name is Eversuede!!!

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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #14

Fracing can cause earthquakes. Yes they are very minor but its causing them with alarming frequency.
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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #15

OK. I can't read any more of this without responding. Sorry if it offends some, but if I can get even one of you think in terms of reality, it was worth it.

Fracking is the best thing that has happened to the American economy since the computer. It's so helpful to us that even Obama's minions can't stop it. Please show me ANY concrete scientifically defensible evidence that fracking ever caused anything bad. Yes - that means I am educated enough on the scientific method and its application to environmental issues that I can read hype when I see it. If fracking ever could do any harm to groundwater, it would only be if the fluids were applied incorrectly (pretty much impossible with all the legal requirements in place to prevent it) or there was an accident like a wellhead crack or a spill (accidents can always happen but if one does, the entity responsible will be fined so much they will be bankrupt shortly thereafter. Surprise - none of the small companies that do fracking want that because their boards are filled with successful business men - the sworn enemies of modern liberal America).

I'm begging you people to know what you're talking about or not say anything at all. The liberal media backed by George Tsoro's billions and empty-headed movie stars have so misguided the majority of the American public that our country will be lucky to survive the next 20 years intact. Remember Captain Planet? He fought the mean corporate people who were destroying the world on saturday mornings.

With 17 trillion in debt and counting and the entitlements pushing larger, when the inevitable eventual day comes that the dollar collapses, you all better run and hide, dare I say, behind your legal gun owner friend. FYI - the most startling points about Detroit's bankruptcy - 40+ years of liberal democratic union-friendly management, with massive entitlements, AND most horrifying - 1 hour wait time for the police to respond to an emergency call. That is deadly for the unarmed law abiding citizen.

Oh wait, if we're running out of time, before that happens, let's buy some more democratic votes with promises of free stuff for those unwilling to work, and let's raise taxes, institute more red tape for small business, and restrict the free market further to make job creation even less viable, and don't forget all the while keep saying we are trying to add jobs - the fools will never figure it out - until they take an economics course. After all, these are the same people who believed Obamacare would save them money while it removed individual freedoms, added 30 million plus non-payers to the insurance rolls, and created tens of thousands of government jobs, many in the IRS of all happy places. For those who haven't figured it out yet - private sectors jobs create wealth, government jobs drain wealth.

Oh one more - let's make sure we never require drug testing to access welfare money - that would suck for our constituency.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Last edit: by Disbeeleaf.

Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #16

And Disbeeleaf shows you can't have an intelligent discussion regarding politics on this forum.
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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #17

Uh Oh, I had better be quiet or the monsters in the dungeon will make me buy Obamacare.

Seriously Brian, I respect you and your opinion, and no one in this thread has said anything crude or inappropriate. If anyone is capable of refuting my statements with facts (no hype please - I can smell it a mile away), I would be happy to be corrected.

and FYI - I am not a spout for the conservative viewpoint. I support a woman's right to choose and I believe in entitlements for those who truly need them - the sick and infirm.

I only ask, actually insist, that people pay attention to facts. Sadly, most do not.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #18

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I don't know, I think he made some good points. For me at least this thread is the first I've heard on the topic so if nothing else its motivated me to do more research.
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Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #19

I have proof. No earth quakes in texas for 100s of years. Fracing starts and we get 1 every other month in Direct correlation to a fracing site.

Wow random coinsidence? Apparently I'm just wrong and some mindless minion of Obama. There is no way I could have experienced this or come to my own conclusions when everything out there tells me otherwise. I would stick my head back in the sand but its shaking. Don't mind all that science-y stuff just believe fox news, its the best!

Now if you want to tell me that shaking isn't a big deal, fine have at it. But shaking = bad in my book even if its a small bad that is outweighed by the good $$.

p.s. i've read the contamination stuff and note i'm not arguing one way or another on it because I think the jury is still out on that. I don't drink well water or I might care more.
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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #20

"The liberal media backed by George Tsoro's billions and empty-headed movie stars have so misguided the majority of the American public"

Just one quote from your post. Not crude, maybe not inappropriate, but certainly not conducive to a productive conversation.
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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #21

bpsymington wrote: "The liberal media backed by George Tsoro's billions and empty-headed movie stars have so misguided the majority of the American public"

Just one quote from your post. Not crude, maybe not inappropriate, but certainly not conducive to a productive conversation.

And that quote is pretty close to 100% correct. I am amazed at what people 'think' they know and most of it comes from misinformation perpetuated by the main stream media.
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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #22

There's example number 2.
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Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #23

bpsymington wrote: There's example number 2.

The thing is, I was you. I was so dead set in my liberalism that I would say things just like your saying here. Now I am a die hard libertarian. I learned better.

BTW, I get my news from many sources in a few different languages even. My sources include those on the left and those on the right and those in the middle (very few of those exist). I am really not trying to be mean here but what your doing is a standard tactic bpsymington. You are trying to say that our points do not have any validity without backing up that statement with proof.

Again, I was you. I know at least somewhat how you think. It took a hell of a lot of fact based evidence to get me to open up my mind. Once I did I was astounded at the outright lies that I had believed.

I also understand that I am not going to be able to convince you on a forum. That is just not going to happen. If you want to get down with a fact based discussion sometime I would be more than happy to do so. It takes a lot to break the brain washing that most people grow up with and it also takes an open mind. Thankfully my parents always pushed me to question everything I saw and find things out for myself.
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Last edit: by cdsmith.

Re: Frac! ! ! ! ! 11 years 6 months ago #24

There is a joke that pretty much sums it up. Remember, I used to be a liberal so I know just how true this is.

What is the definition of a racist? Anyone that is winning an argument with a liberal.

So many times when presented with the cold hard facts of a situation I have my liberal friends resort to saying things like, "Your just mean" or some other argument that relies upon nothing more than feelings.

When you start to get down to real facts you cannot be distracted by feelings. When you are looking to actually fix the issues and problems and not just do something you feel good about it gets ugly. Real solutions are not pretty unfortunately but most people do not want to look at them and deal with them.

I stopped looking at the intentions of what our representatives are doing and I started to look at the results. Detroit is a perfect example of those results. It should be very hard to ignore that yet people do. The Patriot Act is another example of idiocy at work. The results are turning this country into a dictatorship and destroying our republic. The Affordable Care Act is yet another example of feel good politics that is actually hurting people. I see the results first hand in other small business owners and with the medical groups that I work with. By the way I have read the ENTIRE Affordable Care Act so I know first hand what is in it.

I think the greatest threat to the freedom's of every single Citizen of the United States is feel good politics and the politicians that promote it. They avoid the real issues and pander to the unknowing masses.
You can't fix stupid but you can TPK it.

"Mamma always said that True Dungeon is like a box of Drow Poisons. Ya never know how you're gonna die."

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