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TOPIC: 2025 Token FAQ (WIP)

2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #1

  • Druegar
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This post is a work in progress. Before replying to this thread, please check this post to see if it's been updated.

Can I equip more than one of the extra Bead slot bracelets?
Much like the Havoc Rings and Whispers Beads, even if you're able to equip more than one wrists slot item, you may not equip more than one of the Bead slot expander bracelets. (As of this writing, Bead Bracelets, Greater Bead Bracelets, and Bibwik's Bead Bracelets.)

Is there a cap on the number of Bead slots?
The Bead slot is joining its Charm (max 10) and Ioun Stone (max 9) friends in getting a hard cap. One may not equip more than 8 Beads, regardless of how many bead-expander items you may have equipped.

Charm of Temptation
Q. If more than one player wants to use a Charm of Temptation at the same time, how do we determine which person gets to use theirs?
A. Rock Paper Scissors

Q. May a player use a Charm of Temptation after another player has already done so in the same room?
A. No. Once a Charm of Temptation has been used in a room, no other player may use one in that room--even if the first player did not successfully complete the Rogue Skill Test.

Q: Why is this restricted to bard, monk, and ranger?
A: Limiting it to only 3 classes reduces the potential for friction among players. In addition, these specific classes were chosen due to their history (in older versions of the most popular TTRPG) of having rogue-like skill sets.

Damage Reduction Cap
There is now a cap of Damage Reduction 20 for each type of damage, regardless of sources. Thus, the most DR you could have is (inclusive):
Acid DR 20
Blunt DR 20
Cold DR 20
Darkrift DR 20
Eldritch DR 0 (Eldritch can't be mitigated)
Fire DR 20
Force DR 20
Piercing DR 20
Poison DR 20
Sacred DR 20
Shock DR 20
Slashing DR 20
Sonic DR 20

Death Knight 5-Piece Set Bonus:
When at least 5 items are worn, grants 2 additional points of Retribution Damage for a grand total of 8. This is in addition to any RD that may be granted by individual Death Knight tokens. There is no Death Knight set bonus beyond 5 pieces. Here's a summary of the Death Knight set tier bonuses:
3 pieces = 4 Retribution Damage
4 pieces = 6 Retribution Damage (not 6+4)
5 or more pieces = 8 Retribution Damage (not 8+6+4)

Defender 4-Piece Set Bonus:
If you equip all four Defender set items, in addition to the 3-piece bonus (+1 AC and Free Movement), you get +2 to your max HP.

Enchanter's Whetstone & Trinkets
Q: Can Enchanter's Whetstone modify Rare trinkets?
A: No

Eyes Slot Clarification
By default, each character has one Eyes slot. Whether you're wearing a single lens (e.g., Lens of the Hawk ) or a pair of lenses (e.g., Abyssal Lenses of Taunting ), the item fully occupies your Eyes slot. I.e., you may not equip two "Lens" tokens. Same goes for an eye patch.

If you've equipped Cranston's Helpful Hat, you may equip two Eyes slot items. It could be one lens & one eye patch, one lens & one lenses, or just abut any combination of two Eyes slot items you like. However, you cannot equip more than one eye patch.

What happened to the Jörmungandr ring?
If you saw the first batch of 2025 tokens, you may have noticed the outer ring seen on every token without damage wheel was replaced by an ouroboros-like ring meant to depict Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent, AKA World Serpent, eating its own tail. We really loved the idea, but the snake head was just not discernible when printed at token-size.

Lute of the Brute
Q: Can I attack with this weapon while playing a different instrument for Bardsong?
A: Generally speaking, no. Like all other instruments, Lute of the Brute must be held in both hands to perform Bardsong with. However, if you have a Widseth's Lute you could perform with Widseth's and attack with Lute of the Brute. In this case, Lute of the Brute would be treated as an ordinary two-handed weapon.
You may not perform bardsong with two different instruments at the exact same time.

"of the Ancients" 5-piece Set Bonus
When at least 5 items are worn, the character gains +1 level and +5 to max HP. (+level effects never stack)

Sea Raider Mega Set Bonuse(s)

Shield Maiden Bracers
Q: Do these allow the wearer to wield a two-handed melee weapon with a melee off-hand item that isn't a shield? E.g., +2 Mug of Battle, Orb of Might, or Tankard of Health
A: No. It must be a Shield.

Q: Why doesn't this token have a class list that excludes classes that can't use shields? E.g., rangers can't use shields in melee.
A: In case at some point in the future we allow traditionally shield-less classes to use some kind of shield.
Q: Do you have plans to do so?
A: Not at this time, but one never knows what the future may hold.

Q: Does this mean classes that can't otherwise use a shield can use a shield if they wear these bracers?
A: No

Thor's Mug of Melee
Q: While inside the adventure, can I swap this out for a different off-hand melee item?
A: No. It is locked into the melee off-hand slot for the entire adventure. You may swap it out while making a ranged attack, but that's it.

Trilliant Ioun Stones
No character may equip more than one Ioun Stone with the word "Trilliant" in its name.

Trinket Use
There is no limit on the number of trinkets you can bring into the dungeon. However, the one monster form per room rule is still in effect. For all the crunchy details, see the TDb description for Trinket of Trollform.
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Last edit: by Druegar.

2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #2

Druegar wrote:
Holy Symbol of Selenwa

This slide is not an actual attack. It's an abstraction of the cleric's ability to channel holy power. Items that increase crit range do not affect this slide. As is the case with all slides, expect pucks to get bumped around. This slide effect cannot be used if there are no Undead in the room or if the cleric has already used Turn Undead in that room.

Just wanted to clarify if Charm of Blissward is equipped, can this still be used? Charm of Blissward alllow Evil Outisders and Giants to be turned.

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Last edit: by David Harris.

2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #3

Jörmungandr was removed from all the tokens. Was this intentional, or will it be back in a final-ish draft?

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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #4

  • Druegar
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AAckeret wrote: Jörmungandr was removed from all the tokens. Was this intentional

Yes. We loved the idea, but it just looked like a blob when printed at actual token size.
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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #5

  • Druegar
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David Harris wrote: if Charm of Blissward is equipped, can this still be used?

Yes. Updated OP to reflect that.
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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #6

Druegar wrote:
Holy Symbol of Selenwa ... After every player has made their slide that round, if the cleric's slide ends up as a natural 20, the Turn Undead is tripled instead of doubled.

Two clarifications:
1. There is still a bead skill check in addition to the slide?
2. A nat 20 still triples only the base+skill damage (i.e. adding at most another 12), not the spell damage bonus?
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!

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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #7

  • Picc
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Druegar wrote:

AAckeret wrote: Jörmungandr was removed from all the tokens. Was this intentional

Yes. We loved the idea, but it just looked like a blob when printed at actual token size.

Boo, (seriously I understand the limitations of print size but it was a really fun idea)
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #8

  • Druegar
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David Zych wrote:
1. There is still a bead skill check in addition to the slide?
2. A nat 20 still triples only the base+skill damage (i.e. adding at most another 12), not the spell damage bonus?

Yes & Yes. Updated OP to reflect that.
Live long and prosper

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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #9

Token of Temptation has now been restricted to 3 classes Bard, Monk, and Ranger. Can I ask to why ? My initial thought of this was excited to be able to attempt a Rouge clue w/o a Rouge ( Rouge Treasure never crossed my mind ). But not only 3 classes can. Why these 3 classes ?

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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 5 days ago #10

I like the slide effect with this Holy Symbol, it adds some fun and potentially some extra damage. It is more powerful than the previous one, but by a reasonable amount considering how long the old one has been out of print and how scarce it is.

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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 4 days ago #11

Tyraël The Just wrote: Token of Temptation has now been restricted to 3 classes Bard, Monk, and Ranger. Can I ask to why ? My initial thought of this was excited to be able to attempt a Rouge clue w/o a Rouge ( Rouge Treasure never crossed my mind ). But not only 3 classes can. Why these 3 classes ?

Just a player but here's my guess. Those classes are the other highly skilled classes in most D&D editions. (The monk is debatable, but for sure is a very Dex oriented class). Basically, if you were playing D&D and didn't have a Rogue, you'd expect one of those 3 classes to be the one on trap duty, most likely.

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2025 Token FAQ (WIP) 1 year 4 days ago #12

James W wrote:

Tyraël The Just wrote: Token of Temptation has now been restricted to 3 classes Bard, Monk, and Ranger. Can I ask to why ? My initial thought of this was excited to be able to attempt a Rouge clue w/o a Rouge ( Rouge Treasure never crossed my mind ). But not only 3 classes can. Why these 3 classes ?

Just a player but here's my guess. Those classes are the other highly skilled classes in most D&D editions. (The monk is debatable, but for sure is a very Dex oriented class). Basically, if you were playing D&D and didn't have a Rogue, you'd expect one of those 3 classes to be the one on trap duty, most likely.

Makes sense then! Thank you :)

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