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TOPIC: 2025 Transmuted Token Ideas

2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #37

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Fred K wrote:

Impy wrote: I'll come back with my Assassin's Crossbow replacement idea from last year

+2 Deadshot's Crossbow, part of Deadshot set (see note for bonus effect idea)
+3 Deadshot's Crossbow of Sniping, part of Deadshot set, x3 damage on natural 20s
+5 Deadshot's Crossbow of Assassination, part of Deadshot set, x3 damage on all crits
Only usable by bards, rogues, rangers, fighters
D10 Damage Wheel
Note: Add a 4 Piece deadshot bonus maybe, either +2 to hit or +2 damage, or if TPTB don't wish to add to set bonuses, give the Crossbow just a extra +2 to hit than it otherwise would have to fit with set theme

I’d recommend a modification to this idea,
First - have the new ur nerf the old assasin’s crossbow to x3 on nat 20 only. To make up for the difference, have it be nightshade’s crossbow allowing sneak attack damage as part of the multiplier on crits (like the other nightshade items.) have it be usable by all classes except cleric, wizards, monk, and druid.
Then have a relic transmute and a legendary transmute
Nightshade’s sighted crossbow - crit range 19-20 plus prior abilities
Nightshade’s deadly crossbow - crit range 18-20 and overcomes all crit immunities.

-also include the option for the legendary transmute for a less expensive path including the original +2 assassin’s crossbow.

The only thing I'd advise here is we wanna overlap Io's keen ability as little as possible in my opinion. I think the ignore crit feature is a cool idea. I am hoping to aim for a more generically useful ranged legendary rather than something tailored to a class' ability
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #38

Iross wrote: Gloves of Gripping (UR)
+6 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+6 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Greater Gloves of Gripping (Relic)
+8 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+8 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Grabby's Gloves of Gripping (Legendary)
+10 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+10 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

If a Monk equips the legendary and uses no weapons, they would get +20 damage?

Jeff Martin wrote: All damage is Sacred.

Acherin wrote: I also added VTD support for the most annoying token of 2024 the +2 Sun Scimitar.

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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #39

Grizwald wrote:

Iross wrote: Gloves of Gripping (UR)
+6 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+6 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Greater Gloves of Gripping (Relic)
+8 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+8 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Grabby's Gloves of Gripping (Legendary)
+10 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+10 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

If a Monk equips the legendary and uses no weapons, they would get +20 damage?

No, they get +36, because they use a follower to get 2 hand slots lol.
Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #40

Matthew Hayward wrote:

Grizwald wrote:

Iross wrote: Gloves of Gripping (UR)
+6 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+6 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Greater Gloves of Gripping (Relic)
+8 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+8 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Grabby's Gloves of Gripping (Legendary)
+10 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+10 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

If a Monk equips the legendary and uses no weapons, they would get +20 damage?

No, they get +36, because they use a follower to get 2 hand slots lol.

I'd not considered the follower aspect as I've not been looking at Safehold transmutes until I can make them, so that's an entirely valid reason for this being a bad idea. As for getting +20 damage at the cost of both hand slots and a gloves slot, that doesn't seem like it's much difference in power level to equipping a legendary weapon and damage-boosting gloves, since you're missing out on a sizable hit bonus from not having a weapon.
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build
Last edit: by Iross.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #41

Matthew Hayward wrote:

Grizwald wrote:

Iross wrote: Gloves of Gripping (UR)
+6 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+6 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Greater Gloves of Gripping (Relic)
+8 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+8 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Grabby's Gloves of Gripping (Legendary)
+10 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+10 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

If a Monk equips the legendary and uses no weapons, they would get +20 damage?

No, they get +36, because they use a follower to get 2 hand slots lol.

My only qualm is that we just did a set of Legendary gloves that only benefit 2 handed weapons. I do like the idea that if we did do Legendary item that boosts damage directly vs a stat bonus, that it makes you directly choose which. Though as I think about it, the only class this would help in addition if they were used together, is the Monk.


Basing off Matthew H. Analysis that’s 36 damage directly. Which I don’t know how that would look as far as a normal attack and a crit form attack. Should we allow them to be used in conjunction? I’m first instinct is to say no, but then how would that be fair to other slots we use multiple legendary tokens. I’m torn on this one. I’d have to vote yes. The safe hold follower ( SH T3 ) is not one that super easy to access and if someone works to get it and strings it together with the follower above, plus gets both legendaries, I’d vote yes to both being used at the same time. Though personally, it makes me sad that another set of Legendary gloves slips past my Paladin. He can’t do barehanded. the + 5 Deathcleaver + Gregors let’s be have + 8 base dmg, or I could use Ava’s and no shield for + 10 under Gabbys. Maybe make it the same then. Gregors is + 8 for 2H, what about making Gabbys +8 / + 8 for a max of + 16 total with no weapons or shields. That would give it the same boosting power as Gregors. Or it should be less than Gregors. Maybe + 6 / + 6. That way when someone sacrifices both main and off hand for a 2H weapon, + 8 under Gregor. Then the flip side, using a 1H weapon, +6 so it adds to but doesn’t over shadow the +8 for using a 2H weapon, but then the extra +6 for giving up offhand will add the +12 giving a combined bonus that in my opinion, isn’t overwhelming and helps keep it from jumping super high.

I would like to heard from our monk and barbarian players to see how using both gloves in legendary form will benefit or hinder over all damage after everything is calculated for both normal hits and critical hits
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #42

Another poster brought up that Norse magic often involved sacrifice.

How about a legendary eye slot transmute.

UR eyepatch of the Valkryie - player takes a -2 to hit to provide the rest of the party with a +2 to hit for the entire dungeon. PC also gets +4 to will saves
Relic - Eye of the Valkryie - as above but also -1 to all saves, party gains +2 to all saves for the dungeon. PC may auto-succeed on a will save 1/dungeon.
Legendary - Eye of the All-Father - as above, plus PC is -10 hp, the party is +10 max hp for the dungeon. PC sees through all illusions , sees invisible, and always makes Will saves.

Only 1 players may provide bonuses to the party per group from these items (though the user can still gain the other benefits for just themselves.)
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #43

Can we please make a Bard UR -> Legendary necklace this year coming up? The Songbird necklace being THE bard necklace is a bit lame as compared to most classes.
Preminant Resident of the State of Confusion
Part-Time Cat Herder
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #44

Fizzikx wrote: Can we please make a Bard UR -> Legendary necklace this year coming up? The Songbird necklace being THE bard necklace is a bit lame as compared to most classes.

Charm necklace is pretty fantastic. As is the legendary lute, which was the bard class legendary
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #45

Grunnel’s Delicious Bread. Exalted (4 star). Heals ten HP.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #46

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Tankard of Lamentation : Heals 10 HPs when a 1 is rolled on initiative. It helps take the sting out of a bad role.
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Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #47

Trinket of Fenrir (4 Point)
Damage wheel from Shaman’s Greater Necklace, but without the other added features.

I would love to see a polymorph transmute, but understand that token economics make this impractical for a relic/legendary transmute path. With that said Fenrir, a wolf decedent of Loki, is described as on the fiercest and creatures of all time. I think it would make an awesome polymorph trinket and worthy of a transmute. Making it a 4 point would limit the power of the token, but would allow it to more easily fit in the set.

Edit: If TD wants to avoid using something as iconic as Fenrir, "Lindworm" also offers a great norse tie-in for a polymorph trinket.
Last edit: by OrionW.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #48

If we get a Gauntlets of the Midgard Serpent reprint this year, it'd be nice to have an upgrade path. Either something that removes the penalty or something that *increases* the penalty but also adds poison damage :D
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