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TOPIC: 2025 Transmuted Token Ideas

2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #25

Iross wrote:

Fred K wrote:

Impy wrote: I'll come back with my Assassin's Crossbow replacement idea from last year

+2 Deadshot's Crossbow, part of Deadshot set (see note for bonus effect idea)
+3 Deadshot's Crossbow of Sniping, part of Deadshot set, x3 damage on natural 20s
+5 Deadshot's Crossbow of Assassination, part of Deadshot set, x3 damage on all crits
Only usable by bards, rogues, rangers, fighters
D10 Damage Wheel
Note: Add a 4 Piece deadshot bonus maybe, either +2 to hit or +2 damage, or if TPTB don't wish to add to set bonuses, give the Crossbow just a extra +2 to hit than it otherwise would have to fit with set theme

I’d recommend a modification to this idea,
First - have the new ur nerf the old assasin’s crossbow to x3 on nat 20 only. To make up for the difference, have it be nightshade’s crossbow allowing sneak attack damage as part of the multiplier on crits (like the other nightshade items.) have it be usable by all classes except cleric, wizards, monk, and druid.
Then have a relic transmute and a legendary transmute
Nightshade’s sighted crossbow - crit range 19-20 plus prior abilities
Nightshade’s deadly crossbow - crit range 18-20 and overcomes all crit immunities.

-also include the option for the legendary transmute for a less expensive path including the original +2 assassin’s crossbow.

If Rogues are given a new Legendary weapon, I'd much rather it be melee than Ranged. Melee builds could do with the boost, since the Viper Strike set gets much worse for Rogues over time because unlike Monk and Ranger, Rogues can't get part of the set bonus from offhand, so have to lose two of Waist, Legs, and Shirt slots which have progressively been given Relic level transmutes over the last several years. In addition, both the Viper Strike set and Nightshade's +2 Short sword are long out of print and expensive to obtain.

On the other hand, Ranged builds are already doing just fine without needing a new Legendary weapon, and if the Assassin's Crossbow were for some reason nerfed, Nightshade's +2 Throwing Dagger is still readily available, which was printed only a few years ago and would immediately replace the Assassin's Crossbow as a BiS ranged weapon without any need to make a new one.

My idea is this isn’t just for rogues. We almost had a new legendary ranged weapon last year and it shifted to the sword. Io’s was the last legendary ranged missile weapon (Thor’s is ranged but also melee and not a missile weapon.) the concept allows nerfing the assassin’s crossbow but putting a good replacement at each stage of the transmute.

Melee just got the 2nd highest damage wheel weapon ever released this year. Two handed weapon users just got the biggest gloves ever released (in terms of damage.) tey next legendar weapon should either be a two handed missile weapon or a two handed melee weapon (if it isn’t focusing on just 1 class.) The problem with a two handed melee weapon is that is BiS for only 1 class - barbarian. Every other class sacrifices something big to go with a 2 handed melee weapon as their primary attack.
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #26

Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
Girdle of Frost Giant Strength
Surtr’s Girdle of Fire Giant Strength

May need to tweak the recipe for Frost Giant Strength.

Jeff Martin wrote: All damage is Sacred.

Acherin wrote: I also added VTD support for the most annoying token of 2024 the +2 Sun Scimitar.

Last edit: by Grizwald.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #27

Grizwald wrote: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
Girdle of Frost Giant Strength
Surtr’s Girdle of Fire Giant Strength

May need to tweak the recipe for Frost Gian Strength.

This may be interesting. Especially with mythic II girdle being opened for crafting in 2025
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #28

Mythic weapon suggestion:

(All mythic weapons should just be a proper name)
Usable by all, requires 40 strength, 20 Dex
+7 hit
Crit 19-20
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #29

Love my Death Knight set and would like to see a Legendary. Thinking a shield that would consume the death knight shield plus more items.

+4 to AC
+4 to Str
+1 to retribution for each death armor item equiped including this one
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #30

Fred K wrote:
My idea is this isn’t just for rogues. We almost had a new legendary ranged weapon last year and it shifted to the sword. Io’s was the last legendary ranged missile weapon (Thor’s is ranged but also melee and not a missile weapon.) the concept allows nerfing the assassin’s crossbow but putting a good replacement at each stage of the transmute.

Melee just got the 2nd highest damage wheel weapon ever released this year. Two handed weapon users just got the biggest gloves ever released (in terms of damage.) tey next legendar weapon should either be a two handed missile weapon or a two handed melee weapon (if it isn’t focusing on just 1 class.) The problem with a two handed melee weapon is that is BiS for only 1 class - barbarian. Every other class sacrifices something big to go with a 2 handed melee weapon as their primary attack.

Fair point, I'd focused on the "Assassin's Crossbow replacement idea" and missed the wider list of classes. I'd be completely on board with a new Legendary bow which is equippable by most classes since Io's is ten years old now. If that's the case, I'd like to see the new bow differentiating more from Io's in some way - either instead of or in addition to the Nightshade's ability.

The suggestion to nerf and replace Assassin's Crossbow would be best discussed in a separate thread, and then continued in token design if TPTB feel a nerf is actually needed. I'll put a thread up in a bit. The consensus among people I've discussed with over the last few years is that it's not causing a problem, although that's not necessarily indicative of the view of the wider community.
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build
Last edit: by Iross.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #31

Gloves of Gripping (UR)
+6 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+6 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Greater Gloves of Gripping (Relic)
+8 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+8 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.

Grabby's Gloves of Gripping (Legendary)
+10 damage to attacks if your mainhand is empty.
+10 damage to attacks if your offhand is empty.
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #32

So since the theme this year is Norse, what if there was a transmute for a Longboat that would grant bonuses to the entire party? This would require some additional thought to implement, so just brainstorming here. A couple options:

A new slot where each class could transmute a class-specific token that grants a bonus on the party card?
A designated group captain whose Longboat is the one used for (transportation to) the dungeon?
Everyone gets their own Longboat (think the beach landing scene in the movie Troy where each hero has their own company)?

This could be done either in a big way (think something similar to the safehold program, but an option to reward cohesive teams), or an individual way (only impacts a single character).

Certainly lots of room here for crowdsourcing a fun and interesting proposal.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #33

+2 Mystic Staff of the Woodlands
Usable by: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elf Wizard, Monk, Ranger, Wizard. Does Poison Damage. 5,6,7,8,9,10.

+3 Mystic Staff of Virtue
Usable by: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elf Wizard, Monk, Paladin, Wizard. Does Sacred Damage. 7,8,9,10,11,13.

"somebody's" +5 Twisting Mystic Staff
Usable by: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elf Wizard, Monk, Wizard. Similar to Chaos Cannon: 9 Poison, 10 Sacred, 11 Cold, 12 Fire, 13 Shock, 14 Sonic, 16 Force. Also, may polymorph into multiple creature types in a room.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #34

Potion of the Rainbow Bridge. Exalted (4 star). Restores a dead character to life with full hit points (One use).

New version of Gem of Last Hope.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #35

Tokens names that are based on the idea of a Viking theme, specifically Rangar Lothbrok Saga.

1. Shield Breaker
2. Axe of Ragnar Lothbrok
The axe that Rangar always uses.
3. Gungnir "The Spear of Odin"
a. Never misses - always finds it's mark, no matter how far away or how well-hidden a target may be. It's incredibly sharp and durable.
b. No shield or armor can withstand a direct hit from the spear without some sort of magical protection.
c. Embodies strength, power, and authority.
d. Spear always returns when thrown.
4. Mjolnir - Thor's Hammer (there is already one in TD)
5. "Hairy Breeches" or "Shaggy Breeches"
a. Boiled hide trousers that protected Ragnar from the snake (dragon)

Just some ideas based on Trent's interview with Jeff last night. :)

Team Legacy
Yes I'm an Arneson you do the math.
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2025 Transmuted Token Ideas 1 year 1 week ago #36

UR, Charm of Chance - whenever you roll a die, heal 5hp

Relic, Cloak of Chaos - reroll any die (5/game)

Legendary, Loki's Helm - gain UR Special & Eldritch Runestone effects
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