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TOPIC: GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (FULL)

GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #13

Fred -

I'd LOVE to be your huckleberry elf wizard for this run. Should I bring coffee for everyone? I mean, it's appropriate that not only will I be able to cast Alertness each round, I could probably be persuaded to drop some alertness on the players, too lol

As my partner will most certainly still be sleeping at this time, I'll be able to bring 3 additional sets of TEs and a smattering of decent gear (fighter, rogue, druid) for sharing if needed :)
I write D&D things!

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Last edit: by AlanP.

GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #14

At the end of this week, we’ll be organizing the run so last call for previous players!
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #15

AlanP wrote: Fred -

I'd LOVE to be your huckleberry elf wizard for this run. Should I bring coffee for everyone? I mean, it's appropriate that not only will I be able to cast Alertness each round, I could probably be persuaded to drop some alertness on the players, too lol

As my partner will most certainly still be sleeping at this time, I'll be able to bring 3 additional sets of TEs and a smattering of decent gear (fighter, rogue, druid) for sharing if needed :)

Huckleberry hound it is!
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #16

I'd like to bard for you unless i have a conflict that i am currently not aware of...

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #17

Hi there, I've never done True Dungeon but would love to play. I was supposed to go this year with my uncle (he got me into Gencon) but he sadly passed in January. My cousin might also be interested, if I can get him to sign up for these forums.

I'd really like to get to play with some experienced people!
Just let me know which role you'd like me to do and I'll look it up and do my best to do a good job!

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Last edit: by Alec.

GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #18

Alec wrote: Hi there, I've never done True Dungeon but would love to play. I was supposed to go this year with my uncle (he got me into Gencon) but he sadly passed in January. My cousin might also be interested, if I can get him to sign up for these forums.

I'd really like to get to play with some experienced people!
Just let me know which role you'd like me to do and I'll look it up and do my best to do a good job!


Firstly, condolences on your loss. And welcome aboard.

If you're new to TD, this year features runs that are sealed pack format that are less pricey. One of those may work well if you don't have a lot of tokens yet. And lots of players have spares they're willing to give away to help feed a new player's token addiction.

And certainly some foljs can be found here selling or giving away.
Tenth level achieved! Now for the long journey to 11th level!

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #19

Thanks. He was a real OG gamer, went to the original Gencon, his friend even went on a date with one of Gary's daughters hahah. He had a lot of stories to tell. But he'd want me to meet new con friends and have a good time.

Also thank you! Excited to meet people.

Okay, 20 questions time from a newb here
  • So will I just pay you at the con for my ticket? Not sure how logistics work on that.
  • I have been looking at the packs. I was thinking of spending $250 on Warhammer the other day, maybe I'll spend on one of the packs with a guaranteed ultra rare, pricey but do I get to keep that kind of stuff? What happens if my character dies, do I lose my treasures?
  • Is there a good starting class? (if there's a place with answers to these questions let me know, I've spent about an hour looking around the site)
  • I tend to be the kind of person that when I get into something I play to win, so I'd like to be prepared.
    I'll go read the players handbook now, I guess. Anything else I should read/do?
  • I was going to try to get a spot for Darkhold Keep and Barb Beard's Treasure, how difficult are those normally to get on the gencon website?

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Last edit: by Alec. Reason: adding a question

GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 9 months ago #20

Answering some of your questions

Any tokens you buy are yours to keep.
A 250 pack is a great place to start, though if you know you want a specific class, buying gear for that class may be a little cheaper.

If you die, you still get full treasure at the end.

Any class can be a good starter. The spellcasters have some memorization, but even if you get it wrong your spell still works. Play what you like and is open.

The only way to "win" is to have fun. It's a team game after all. Keep asking questions, we love yo help newer players!

Gen Con runs are an absolute madhouse. If you're willing to play anytime as a single, many options will be open to you on these forums.

Welcome to an awesome game!
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 8 months ago #21

Just checking in. Has this roster been filled?

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (Full) 1 year 8 months ago #22

I put in everyone who had previously joined us where I could. John and Jeff - I only had 1 slot left and figured the two of you would like to be in the same run. We are tying to get tickets for the darkhold keep run right after this so there might be openings there.

With more than half of the geoup changed over from the original campaign run folks, I am open to a different theme. Thoughts?
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (6 slots open) 1 year 8 months ago #23

Alec wrote: Thanks. He was a real OG gamer, went to the original Gencon, his friend even went on a date with one of Gary's daughters hahah. He had a lot of stories to tell. But he'd want me to meet new con friends and have a good time.

Also thank you! Excited to meet people.

Okay, 20 questions time from a newb here

  • So will I just pay you at the con for my ticket? Not sure how logistics work on that.
  • I have been looking at the packs. I was thinking of spending $250 on Warhammer the other day, maybe I'll spend on one of the packs with a guaranteed ultra rare, pricey but do I get to keep that kind of stuff? What happens if my character dies, do I lose my treasures?
  • Is there a good starting class? (if there's a place with answers to these questions let me know, I've spent about an hour looking around the site)
  • I tend to be the kind of person that when I get into something I play to win, so I'd like to be prepared.
    I'll go read the players handbook now, I guess. Anything else I should read/do?
  • I was going to try to get a spot for Darkhold Keep and Barb Beard's Treasure, how difficult are those normally to get on the gencon website?

Alec - All3 adventures will be fun. I recommend your first runs be normal difficulty. NM or Epic runs require a good deal more tokens to survive and loaner builds wouldn’t give you an accurate reflection ofmthe game just starting out (more complex and wouldn’t pair well with experiencing it with 10mpacks and just getting started.) I am hoping to put a geoup together for the 10 pack shorter run and will invite you if we succeed in buying out a run.
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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GenCon Thurs 8:35a Tomb of Terrors Campaign run NM (Full) 1 year 8 months ago #24

Reminder for everyone listed on the run - please remember to block that out on your events schedule for when events go live Sunday!
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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