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TOPIC: 2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES !

2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #25

SnakeEyes (Eric) wrote: Kilgor's +5 Savage Sword
"Any "20" slid means -10 Melee dmg taken for combat" - I assume this means "20" on the damage wheel? If so, Fighters will be potentially interrupting the DM to find out if they slid a 20 each round.

I hadn't thought of it that way. Interesting.
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #26

SnakeEyes (Eric) wrote: +3 Savage Sword
Removing the Ranger is good both thematically and for the token. Theme; that thing should not be able to be dual-weilded without chopping off your own ear in the process. Token; this weapon blows Welfor's, a Legendary, out of the water. It should remain in the hands of frontline melee Fighters.

Crit at 19 make sense here because it's not Fighter exclusive and Barabrians and Paly's can benefit.

Gloves (both)
By swtiching them to "to hit" bonuses, they're no longer desirable for Fighters. Paladins and Rangers might like them.

The Sword can’t be used by paladins so the expanded crit range does nothing for us. As far as the gloves, I personally liked the dmg vs + hit. But I do believe both are low on Paladins. Will be interesting to see how the class cards and legendary’s are reworked
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #27

Graphics feedback: These all look awesome, hat's off to the designer. And if an AI was also used, then It's hard to tell. Ether way they look great!

Small nit pick tweaks: see attachments.

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Last edit: by Graven.
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #28

Endgame wrote: Is the idea that Kilgore’s will be the highest damage 1H weapon? Will it exceed 2H damage? Or will the new Asher’s be the same damage like it is with welfor’s?

If this is supposed to be the super, top
End damage, maybe it doesn’t need abilities? If it’s only going to be average, maybe it needs a more coherent set of abilities?

Agree, if the new Legendary Sword is going to be the best damage dealing weapon in the game it really doesn't need any ability on it. We Fighters don't care much about the abilities plus DR for a "Savage" sword doesn't seem fitting.
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #29

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What about if the legendary functioned like a sundering cestus. That was s great ability we haven't seen in years that seems to fit "savage"

I absolvely love the name btw.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #30

Picc wrote: What about if the legendary functioned like a sundering cestus. That was s great ability we haven't seen in years that seems to fit "savage"

I absolvely love the name btw.

Jeff said sundering was causing some problems so he didn’t want to put it on another UR. Maybe it would be OK on a legendary though?
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #31

Picc wrote: What about if the legendary functioned like a sundering cestus. That was s great ability we haven't seen in years that seems to fit "savage"

I was looking for that agility but couldn't find what token it was on.
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #32

Graven wrote:

Picc wrote: What about if the legendary functioned like a sundering cestus. That was s great ability we haven't seen in years that seems to fit "savage"

I was looking for that agility but couldn't find what token it was on.

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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #33

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For the sword I think:
It's crit range should stack with Viv's rather than be 18-20. So 19-20 normally, but 18-20 if you have Viv's.

I think rather than 10dr, it should be heal 10hp on any crit. That's very savage feeling to me

I strongly disagree with folks that fighter just needs damage, fighter is a AC tank and I like that the sword plays into that. Fighter is far from the #1 damage class, so giving it more of a tank or sustain identity is great
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #34

Is the sword too good? It fits nicely into the current state of the game, where the human Fighter feels behind in damage at the highest level (although the multiple enemy combats and Viv’s have helped with that a bit ). By trying to fix the class with a new sword, that is so clearly better than anything before it, is this going to limit changes to the class card?

Also should it maybe be fighter (not dwarf fighter) for the same reason as above? Dwarf fighter is in a very good place. Do they need such a powerful sword? Maybe leave room for them to get a fancy axe that works with taunt in the future.
Last edit: by OrionW.
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #35

Kilgor's +5 Savage Sword
Crits on "18-20"
On crit monster is Enraged (The monster’s next attack must include wielder if possible, This supersedes taunt)

The idea is to force them into that death knight retribution dmg.

Death Knight Set:
3 item set = 4 retribution (Darkrift)
4 item set = 6 retribution (Darkrift)
5 item set = 10 retribution (Darkrift)

Edit: Alternate name - "Lord Savage's Death Blade"
Last edit: by Graven.
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2024 Transmuted Token Images < FINAL IMAGES ! 1 year 4 months ago #36

  • Impy
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Graven wrote: Kilgor's +5 Savage Sword
Crits on "18-20"
On crit monster is Enraged (The monster’s next attack must include wielder if possible, This supersedes taunt)

The idea is to force them into that death knight retribution dmg.

Death Knight Set:
3 item set = 4 retribution (Darkrift)
4 item set = 6 retribution (Darkrift)
5 item set = 10 retribution (Darkrift)

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