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TOPIC: 2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please!

2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #97

Part of why Ultra rares weapons need to be extra good is because if they are not then Enchanter’s Whetstone makes people go why not just get the rare weapons and use it instead. So because Enchanter’s Whetstone makes TD need to trick up all the URs or no one wants them.
Last edit: by Wayne Rhodes.
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #98

We can also.make sure they all get into legendary recipes, so that when they are Inevitably obsoleted, there is still demand for them.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #99

Charm of Trollform: I love the idea of this, but at 1/game I'm not sure a Hardcore or low-Nightmare level player built for spell-slinging will find it worth rearranging their build for enough +hit to make it worthwhile (contrast with tokendb.com/token/shamans-belt/ which is worth building around since it can be used in every combat). My suggestion would be to make it a little bit more "batteries included" by adding +2 polymorph to-hit and reducing damage a little to compensate. Alternatively +4 to hit but only for the trollform itself (not any other polymorphs).

The Ancients: I share the concerns others have raised about choose-your-own-ability tokens bogging down in-person coaching. You would think players with UR+ tokens would all have their builds in software by now, but based on my (admittedly first/only so far) experience at GenCon last year you'd be incorrect in that assumption, there are liable to be a lot more of these floating around than, say, Kilt of Dungeonbane, inevitably some players will want the coach to help them decide which attribute(s) would be best, and that's hard because there are a LOT of choices for each token (not just 2 or 3).
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #100

David Zych wrote: Charm of Trollform: I love the idea of this, but at 1/game I'm not sure a Hardcore or low-Nightmare level player built for spell-slinging will find it worth rearranging their build for enough +hit to make it worthwhile (contrast with tokendb.com/token/shamans-belt/ which is worth building around since it can be used in every combat). My suggestion would be to make it a little bit more "batteries included" by adding +2 polymorph to-hit and reducing damage a little to compensate. Alternatively +4 to hit but only for the trollform itself (not any other polymorphs).

The Ancients: I share the concerns others have raised about choose-your-own-ability tokens bogging down in-person coaching. You would think players with UR+ tokens would all have their builds in software by now, but based on my (admittedly first/only so far) experience at GenCon last year you'd be incorrect in that assumption, there are liable to be a lot more of these floating around than, say, Kilt of Dungeonbane, inevitably some players will want the coach to help them decide which attribute(s) would be best, and that's hard because there are a LOT of choices for each token (not just 2 or 3).

Choose your own ability.. or this means that the + 1 point we can put anywhere in our attributes ( ex: STR, DEX, CON etc ) correct ?
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #101

Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid) wrote: We can also.make sure they all get into legendary recipes, so that when they are Inevitably obsoleted, there is still demand for them.

Fair point, I just don’t know if enough legendary’s are made to offset a token that not much better than a rare with enchanters Whetstone. That’s why I don’t argue down many of the abilities on the new UR weapons compared to pre Whetstone URs.
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #102

David Zych wrote: Charm of Trollform: I love the idea of this, but at 1/game I'm not sure a Hardcore or low-Nightmare level player built for spell-slinging will find it worth rearranging their build for enough +hit to make it worthwhile (contrast with tokendb.com/token/shamans-belt/ which is worth building around since it can be used in every combat). My suggestion would be to make it a little bit more "batteries included" by adding +2 polymorph to-hit and reducing damage a little to compensate. Alternatively +4 to hit but only for the trollform itself (not any other polymorphs).

The Ancients: I share the concerns others have raised about choose-your-own-ability tokens bogging down in-person coaching. You would think players with UR+ tokens would all have their builds in software by now, but based on my (admittedly first/only so far) experience at GenCon last year you'd be incorrect in that assumption, there are liable to be a lot more of these floating around than, say, Kilt of Dungeonbane, inevitably some players will want the coach to help them decide which attribute(s) would be best, and that's hard because there are a LOT of choices for each token (not just 2 or 3).

I think you are right that many new players will have the Ancients set because it is probably the best option for a new player getting started that wants to be level 5. With that said, I think that most folks already have figured out what stats are useful for their class at the rare level when they have more than one option per slot to choose from. I don’t see this as adding much complexity and it comes with the benefit of having a good starting set for just about everyone.
Last edit: by OrionW.
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #103

  • James
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I just wondering from a previous statement that the greaves slot was done and now I see a multi year transmute for it, kinda weird.
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #104

James wrote: I just wondering from a previous statement that the greaves slot was done and now I see a multi year transmute for it, kinda weird.

I think that statement was that the TBO greaves are done. That said, my memory is not all that reliable.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #105

Powerblade3 wrote: Overall, I think there were a LOT of positive changes made here! I especially love the Troll Shield <3
I still think it would be neat if the +2 Savage Sword got a reduction in damage in exchange for a fun -2 AC sundering effect on enemies ^^

Back in the day Sundering caused some issues we wish to avoid. Sorry.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #106

Flik wrote: Can I say that I wish Gloves of Divine Touch weren’t in the glove spot? Last year I lobbied hard for what ended up being Gauntlets of Divine Guidance, mostly because UR healers didn’t have anything to put in that slot. I was very excited and gladly jumped on an Onyx one as a must have.

These new Gloves of Divine Touch immediately replace them the next year….as an epic geared healer I cannot pass up more healing and more importantly a third way to split my healing spells. I will be sad I have to immediately put my Divine Guidance in the proverbial trash bin in one year.

Can we please have this item in a different slot? I think the best slot is actually Feet because no +healing item exists there. I think Ioun Stone (replacing the new focus one), Charm, Head, Legs, Back, or Ring would all be better as well.

But the feels bad on that will be real to all the healers who ran out to buy Divine Guidance. Thank you for all the hard work.

It would need to be put into a one-slot "slot" like the Gloves. And Gloves are so thematic...I dunno. Let me think about it. Sorry for the consecutive awesome Cleric hand things. I supposed Bracelets are out of the question?
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #107

Mike Steele wrote: Thanks, Jeff! Iktomi's remains extremely underpowered as a class legendary, it would be nice if Charm of Trollform were modified to help boost it. I'd recommend changing it to Charm of Wyvernform, and giving it "can use melee attack at ranged when equipping Iktomi's". It's already limited to just one room per game.

I'd also recommend making it just Druid, and modifying the Elf Wizard character card when we revise those to have a non-Polymorph specialty. As underpowered as Iktomi's is, it is undercut even more if you give the Wizards a non-consumable polymorph token as well.

Let's fix the Druid thing with the class re-do later this year.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Images < Feedback Please! 1 year 11 months ago #108

Jeff Martin wrote:

Flik wrote: Can I say that I wish Gloves of Divine Touch weren’t in the glove spot? Last year I lobbied hard for what ended up being Gauntlets of Divine Guidance, mostly because UR healers didn’t have anything to put in that slot. I was very excited and gladly jumped on an Onyx one as a must have.

These new Gloves of Divine Touch immediately replace them the next year….as an epic geared healer I cannot pass up more healing and more importantly a third way to split my healing spells. I will be sad I have to immediately put my Divine Guidance in the proverbial trash bin in one year.

Can we please have this item in a different slot? I think the best slot is actually Feet because no +healing item exists there. I think Ioun Stone (replacing the new focus one), Charm, Head, Legs, Back, or Ring would all be better as well.

But the feels bad on that will be real to all the healers who ran out to buy Divine Guidance. Thank you for all the hard work.

It would need to be put into a one-slot "slot" like the Gloves. And Gloves are so thematic...I dunno. Let me think about it. Sorry for the consecutive awesome Cleric hand things. I supposed Bracelets are out of the question?

Boots would be far better than wrist, wink wink ;)

Likely the best spot if you don’t want to do ring or a multiple slot. I’d even take head slot. Would make a good choice at getting a solid healing item or maintaining an armor set bonus.
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