I've been following the discord chat both between my close group of friends and the larger TD Fans discord. The reaction to safeholds isn't great, but that isn't being conveyed here.
Let me start with this:
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7 responses in a few minutes isn't a ton, but I think everyone is basically quite invested in TD - from players with multiple legendaries to volunteers.
Some select quotes that generated a lot of discussion:
Sorta disappointed that any discussion about the actual effects of the Safehold got ignored and it's just talking about pricing now...
We have gone down the path of effectively slotless bonuses. What discussion of effects really matters? How broken the bonuses are?
I wanted safeholds to be primarily an out-of-game benefit with zero power creep. TPTB doesn't seem interested in that. I would be somewhat okay with small, incremental, yet expensive power creep (i.e. mythic is to legendary as legendary is to relic). TPTB doesn't seem interested in that. I don't know what to even suggest anymore, because dithering over individual token powers feels like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic
yeah, I thought they were going to be something different, not just another few new slots with the same old +stats. This is the most convoluted way of just saying "expensive new slots to unlock"
Safeholds are just a symptom of a philosophy of not caring about sustainability. Too many of the arguments are just so repetitive, and the focus is in the wrong place. I see an agreement on what players want posted here, then we just keep getting the same stuff that widens the gap between starting numbers (including treasure) and next year numbers.
you know, this is the medal slot all over again times 10
These quotes are all tied to the fatalism that we have a huge slot creep / expansion - the thing that lots of people in the original ideas thread
didn't want, including myself.
I'm editing this as a go, because I can't devote large blocks of time to this. I care very much about getting this right, so I've blown a large portion of a holiday day off work following the discussion.
I'm happy to provide guided feedback, but that is extremely challenging given the current status. Do I give feedback on a quickly changing set of new slots with new tokens to represent the entourage now following me through a dungeon? Do I give feedback on the cost of doing so? What about mythic stuff that is a huge can of worms?