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TOPIC: Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024

Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #73

James Bennett wrote: I'd like to see Medallion of Mystic Mouth get a reprint with a slight errata to make it useful again:

May swap in, use, swap out a wand or Mystic staff as a Free Action.

I think it'd encourage more use of those at mid-tier builds.

The truth is mystic mouth was never broken, the wand rule change just made it very expensive to use. But if you don’t mind burning an extra $12 to $24 a run in consumables then it’s as good as it was the one or two years that the wands were not consumable.

Either way I support a reprint of this item in the way you proposed. I just worry it will not be desirable because of the wands needing to be consumed. I think the only reason it is expensive right now is it’s part of a legendary transmute.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #74

My rogue build is near max possible damage. Non-crit sneak attacks are usually about 80 damage with crits around 220-240. With the drow boots and 2 opponents, you can sneak tor 3 rounds. This is just how Raphael’s and the Assassin’s crossbow interact.

I would love to see a new rogue weapon that can be transmuted. As of today, we only gave Io’s for ranged damage (excluding thrown items) as a legendary. A legendary crossbow that gives x3 on a crit would be great.

I’d recommend a functional reprint of the assassin’s crossbow (x3 on a nat 20) but can be transmuted into a legendary with a better damage wheel and usable by most anyone.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #75

Fred K wrote: My rogue build is near max possible damage. Non-crit sneak attacks are usually about 80 damage with crits around 220-240. With the drow boots and 2 opponents, you can sneak tor 3 rounds. This is just how Raphael’s and the Assassin’s crossbow interact.

I would love to see a new rogue weapon that can be transmuted. As of today, we only gave Io’s for ranged damage (excluding thrown items) as a legendary. A legendary crossbow that gives x3 on a crit would be great.

I’d recommend a functional reprint of the assassin’s crossbow (x3 on a nat 20) but can be transmuted into a legendary with a better damage wheel and usable by most anyone.

How are you getting to that damage output. For one I know sneak attack damage is not tripled.

I keep hearing people say that it does that much damage but I am not sure where people get that much damage on the regular.

Can you please post your build so I can make sense of this.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #76

Rogue Max
Class: Rogue

STR: 14
DEX: 40
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 11
CHA: 20

Hit: 9 Damage: 20 AC: 25

Hit: 19 Damage: 50 AC: 25 Missle AC: 0

Damage: 33 Heal: 12 Resist: 0

Reflex: 31 Fort: 15 Will: 13

Min: 22 Max: 24

Health: 44

Damage Reduction:

Melee Mainhand: Asher’s +5 Viper Strike Fang
Melee Offhand: Brawler’s Horn
Ranged Mainhand: +2 Assassin’s Crossbow
Ranged Offhand: Empty
Head: Cranston’s Helpful Hat
Eyes: Lenses of Hunting
Eyes: Lenses of Agility
Left Ear: Arcane Earcuff
Right Ear: Earcuff of Orbits
Neck: Raphiel’s Sneaky Necklace
Bead: Bead of Bounty
Bead: Bead of Guided Strike
Bead: Bead of the Buccaneer (B&R)
Torso: Aron’s Sunhide Robe
Wrist: Luna’s Greater Charm Bracelets
Hands: Gloves of Greater Archery
Back: Pharacus’ Greater Cloak of Destiny
Back: Cloak of Shadowskin
Ring: Muk’s Greater Ring of Havoc (Ranged)
Ring: Ring of the Yeti
Waist: Belt of the Deadshot
Shirt: Arcanum Shirt
Legs: Kilt of Dungeonbane - Dexterity
Shins: Greaves of Absorption
Boots: Boots of the Four Winds
Figurine: Figurine of Power: Cat
Figurine: Figurine of Power: Panther
Charm: Charm of Avarice
Charm: Draco-Lich Claw Charm
Charm: Arcane Charm
Charm: Charm of Biting
Charm: Charm of Brooching
Charm: Charm of Summer
Charm: Charm of Winter
Charm: Charm of the Wind
Charm: Charm of Targeting
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Gold Nugget
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Platinum Nugget
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Silver Nugget
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Banshee Prism
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Kyanite Cube
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Ruby Spindle
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Mystic Orb
Slotless: Auri’s Candle
Slotless: Enchanter’s Whetstone
Slotless: Greater Alchemist Pouch
Slotless: Horn of the Blessed Ox
Slotless: Greater Arcane Scroll Tube
Slotless: Rod of Seven Parts
Slotless: Canteen of Quaffing
Slotless: Minotaur Horn of Alert
Slotless: Skull of Cavadar
Slotless: Tankard of Celebration
Slotless: +2 Rod of Persuasion (Slotless)
Slotless: Ash's Death Pouch
Slotless: Carter’s Tome of Insight
Slotless: Druegar’s Death Die
Slotless: Ektdar’s Tinkering Tool
Slotless: Grunnel’s Funnel
Slotless: Harlax’s Helpful Lamp
Slotless: Kvothe’s Bloodless
Slotless: Libram of Looting
Slotless: Pouch of Tulz
Runestone: Empty
Token DataBase

Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Character Generator for Android
Amorgen's Excellent Excel Character Generator
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #77

I think the interest was in an actual build rather than theoretical build that deals 80 without critting.

I'm sure if basically build entirely for damage can come up with absurd damage output, but I think it's more productive to have actual played builds used as examples rather than what's possible, as not everyone only cares about damage output, not everyone has every token, etc.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #78

Ian Lee wrote: I think the interest was in an actual build rather than theoretical build that deals 80 without critting.

I'm sure if basically build entirely for damage can come up with absurd damage output, but I think it's more productive to have actual played builds used as examples rather than what's possible, as not everyone only cares about damage output, not everyone has every token, etc.

True but I really do appreciate this at a minimum. It is a good starting point for a discussion.

First off bead of summer will be in the wild later this year, so we could discount that, but still valid long term

And the build sacrifices a lot in other areas.

If someone has that many Eldritch tokens and that many legendary tokens then they should probably be playing epic, except the to hit is bad on the build. But I don’t feel if someone spends that much to get that crazy we should consider it on overall game balance.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #79

You can get up to +55 Ranged damage on a rogue. You can go higher with sneak attack if you add things like cloak of the footpad.

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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #80

So terrible to hit, can’t sneak attack at range, bad armor class, bad saves, has charm of summer which isn’t out yet.

It proves we can get there if you have enough money and are willing to sacrifice most everything else.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #81

Wayne Rhodes wrote: So terrible to hit, can’t sneak attack at range, bad armor class, bad saves, has charm of summer which isn’t out yet.

It proves we can get there if you have enough money and are willing to sacrifice most everything else.

My bad on missing the lenses of agility. I quick cloned the max damage Ranger build, so +54 will be max. +56 on sneak attacks if you want to swap Cloak to a conditional sneak attack Damage cloak.

Edit: how much +hit do you really need? If you’re confident on sliding 17s, and have a Cleric and a bard in Party for +7 hit in every combat, you only need +16 hit to be able to hit AC 40 on your sneak attacks. We’ve only had one monster higher than AC 40, right?
Last edit: by Endgame.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #82

Wayne Rhodes wrote: So terrible to hit, can’t sneak attack at range, bad armor class, bad saves, has charm of summer which isn’t out yet.

It proves we can get there if you have enough money and are willing to sacrifice most everything else.

The Lenses of Agility allow sneak attacks with ranged weapons.
The assassins cross bow does x3 damage on crits.
Raphiels makes the crit range from 17-20.

All in all, while the build has many drawbacks, this is powerful offense.

NM was reading wrong post, sorry.
Last edit: by AAckeret.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #83

Endgame wrote:

Wayne Rhodes wrote: So terrible to hit, can’t sneak attack at range, bad armor class, bad saves, has charm of summer which isn’t out yet.

It proves we can get there if you have enough money and are willing to sacrifice most everything else.

My bad on missing the lenses of agility. I quick cloned the max damage Ranger build, so +54 will be max. +56 on sneak attacks if you want to swap Cloak to a conditional sneak attack Damage cloak.

Edit: how much +hit do you really need? If you’re confident on sliding 17s, and have a Cleric and a bard in Party for +7 hit in every combat, you only need +16 hit to be able to hit AC 40 on your sneak attacks. We’ve only had one monster higher than AC 40, right?

Only a 20 always hits. A 17 crit can miss if the AC is high enough.

I know a regular bard does +4+4 with the legendary. Not sure on the other +3. I’ll look it up and come up with a better tomorrow.

I was definitely not thinking about other classes bonuses though.

These are my current numbers and I have been trying to figure out how people were getting so much more damage while keeping good saves and AC and such.

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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 2 weeks ago #84

I run Cleric and always prayer (+2 hit) and bless (+1 hit, use scrolls as necessary) every combat. Our bard has the legendary lute for +4 / +4, which brings the total to +7 / +4. On the games where he plays troubadour, that bumps up another +2 / +2.

As I’ve been thinking about rogue, it’s probably one of the few places Ammo makes sense. If you had a stack of masterwork bolts (common, +1 damage) and a quiver of boosting, that would be an extra 9 damage on every sneak attack Crit. FoP brownie could double that for +18 damage.
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