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TOPIC: FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!)

FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #97

  • Picc
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Personally I still think treasure creep is the biggest long term problem that no one wants to talk about but ya know.

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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #98

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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #99

Picc wrote: Personally I still think treasure creep is the biggest long term problem that no one wants to talk about but ya know.

Set a cap of 28. Let everything stack. Let there eventually be many combinations of ways to get there, with the "least costly" in terms of slots being CoA + CoA2 + LVL in the short term and eventually 2 slotless Ultra Legendaries wrapping up in 50 or so years.
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #100

Fiddy wrote:

Picc wrote: Personally I still think treasure creep is the biggest long term problem that no one wants to talk about but ya know.

Set a cap of 28. Let everything stack. Let there eventually be many combinations of ways to get there, with the "least costly" in terms of slots being CoA + CoA2 + LVL in the short term and eventually 2 slotless Ultra Legendaries wrapping up in 50 or so years.

Am I the only one amused that the Druid conversation was attempted to be diverted to another thread, and then the very next post leads down another rabbit hole? Of course, if the tokens have been sent to the printers, we might as well use this thread for rabbit holes. ;)
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #101

Matthew Hayward wrote: <snip>
I don't think I disagree with you that much.

I do think there is a problem with a new UR that strongly challenges an existing class focused legendary in the same slot in general though.

In the past I feel slots had a more cohesive identity, and Torso was about defense, and Wizards thematically don't get great defensive options.

Over the last few years there has been an increasing push into offensive features of the torso slot, starting with random +1 STR uncommon torso items, and culminating in the Death Knight Set and these robes.

I would be happy if Torso slot stepped back from it's offensive development; but if it doesn't eventually Wizards should get in on that bounty - and thematically it might make _more_ sense for the Wizard torso slot to be more offensively oriented than any other class (because it's obviously _not_ very defensively oriented).

I'm trying to think if there is another slot that is so similarly bad for a given class.

I can't think of an example like that (other than offhand for Wizards and Rogues...)

I’d point out the 2014 legendary robes were offensive at the time (still required intelligence to be a crazed evoker) and assisted in offensive hitting (for ranged to hit slide spells).

I agree with the post that if Wizards are left off, it should be called leather armor at least. Make it a leather halter top armor if nobody wants to have AC on it while leaving wizards off.

I personally think the robes should have wizards, and the legendary boots should not. I foresee the legendary boots being a wizard / monk issue more so than the robe with wizard. Maybe that’ll be part of the class redesign though? Ac from any place not the torso is fair, and needing ac is important.
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #102

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Anyone else notice the UR Greaves protects against damage in general but both transmuted Greaves only protect against Combat Damage?

Seems to me it should be reversed.
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Have you checked the Token DataBase ?
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #103

Since you added the can’t use other whispers beads to the transmute, could you carry the rogue ability from the UR to all levels.
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #104

Ro-gan wrote: Anyone else notice the UR Greaves protects against damage in general but both transmuted Greaves only protect against Combat Damage?

Seems to me it should be reversed.

okay, so one of us is not seeing the latest version of tokens. I don't see any transmuted greaves in the most current, FINAL IMAGES (maybe). What I see for the final UR is just the combined damage reductions for each of the current rare greaves.
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #105

Wayne Rhodes wrote: Since you added the can’t use other whispers beads to the transmute, could you carry the rogue ability from the UR to all levels.


Alternatively, only prevent the legendary and relic from stacking, so the rogue could go UR whispers, legendary, and BoB.
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #106

Arnold wrote: Ultra rares
+2 Sacred Sling
Damage wheel is off. Shouldn't have 3 or 4 (via Kurt).

Gauntlets of Divine Guidance
You can drop the 'cast' and 'pts'
+3 to hit with Melee weapons & +2 to healing spells

Ring of the Savant
The way this is worded sounds like a flat +5 is added on to the total of the spell, not necessarily the total of the skill check itself. Not sure if that differentiation matters, but it's worth pointing out. Modifiers is misspelled (via Reap).
+5 is added to final total (after modifiers) if Skill Test is successful

Robe of Harmony
Probably doesn't need parentheses. Polymorph is usually not capitalized on tokens.
1st-3rd level healing & damage spells & polymorph damage get +4 to total

Shirt of the Shrewd
Has an oxford comma
+3 to damage spells, healing spells & polymorph damage. -1 to saves

Cloak of Mystic Flourish
can probably drop the second instance of 'w/ Mystic Staves'
+2 to hit w/ Mystic Staves (Wizards: total +3 to hit)

Fancy Hat
I wonder if the 'or' should be an '&'. I think it would sound better that way.
+1 to AC (Bard: Bardsong works underwater & in magical silence)

Pants of the Pub
Should probably have an ampersand. Can shorten Constitution to CON to make room.
+2 to CON & -1 to Reflex saves

Ring of Sacred Touch
After noticing that Rogue is on multiple augmented rares, I think this Ring should be templated like the other augmented rares. Spacing should work since you won't need to list 'sacred' twice.
+1 Sacred damge w/ Melee attacks (Cleric & Paladin: total +2 dmg)

Bead of the Cleaver
'You gain' is unnecessary text
+1 to hit & +1 to damage with Axe weapons

Cloak of Wealguard
You can drop the '(1/game)' since Elf Wizards only have one cast of Instant Safeguard. Instant Safeguard shouldn't have quotation marks since other spell-referencing tokens (ex- Magic Missile, ex- Remove Disease) don't use quotation marks.
Enhances Instant Safeguard spell to AC-18

Potion Fine Spirits
You can drop 'effect'
Heals 3 pts of dmg to 1 person & removes Fear

Grave Hunter Shirt
'Attacks' shouldn't be capitalized
Immune to Paralysis from Undead Touch attacks

Potion Warm Spirits
Does 'effect' need to be in the text?

Scroll Gaze Reflection
Parentheses seem unnecessary here.
Grants caster immunity to Gaze attacks

Thanks for the great suggestions. I changed most of them. I want to leave the 1/game restriction on the Wealguard Cloak to future proof stuff...and sneaky Wizards.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #107

NightGod wrote: Text on Greater and Boaz beads should likely be (may not equip other Whispers Beads" (plural whispers) to more exactly match the name on the token.

I can't find any previous examples of +damage or +healing modifiers on tokens using the verbiage "you cast" or "cast". Is that an intentional change going forward?

Not intentional...just sleep deprived. ;) Can you give me a list to change once the next batch of proofs hit? Thanks.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
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FINAL IMAGES (Common through Transmuted!) 2 years 9 months ago #108

Iross wrote: Would there be any possibility of renaming the UR Bead of Whispers to something else? This would allow it to be equipped at the same time as either the Relic or Legendary, while the Relic and Legendary would still prevent each other being equipped at the same time. Otherwise, could the Rogue ability be retained on the Relic and Legendary?

The current versions put Rogues in a bit of an odd situation. Do we keep the UR to have the option of an auto-pass in our builds and lose the ability to gain bigger save bonuses, or do we upgrade to the Relic or Legendary to gain more saves but lose the auto-pass ability? I'm all for build diversity, but transmuting a useful Rogue-specific token into a generically useful token without a Rogue ability will likely not feel great.

And the UR Bead of Dark Resistance is born...
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
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