So, there's precedent for dropping classes going from relic to legendary with Redoubt.
OTOH, monks and wizzes can use both TaMor's and Rolland's, so not clear what the thematic problem is.
Sure, many years ago, the boots would have been nothing but +2/3/5 AC and call it a day, but, then, there would be incessant complaining of how useless that is. It does seem weird to combine a Rolland's with another "token" worth of stuff, but Rolland's is in a multislot and these aren't, and, far more relevant for weal or ill, it's 2022 where power must be higher every year or somehow the game will collapse.
Melee classes are generally going to prefer Death Knight Boots on first runs. As soon as there's a +2 spell damage boots, wizzes would likely switch to that if they don't already get +3/6 out of feet slot. A wiz might rather +2 CON out of the slot.
I wouldn't care if the ACs dropped to 2/3/4 or 2/3/5 for old school progression. Do I care if monk/wizzes are off the legendary? Kind of, but I'd rather see something good finalized than constantly strain for great.
As for bead, I think caster skill tests make TD feel like doing something and differentiate classes, but, as a practical matter, I just don't bother with any test besides monster lore anymore and have been persuaded enough that those people who like skill tests can do them. To Fiddy's point, the obvious thing to do is to limit the bead to just the spellcaster classes and leave rogue off of it because that's the most interesting skill test!
Could be more old school, non-TaMor's and have bead progression 2/3/5.