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TOPIC: 2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas

2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #25

Non-themed item suggestions

+2 Sling of Seeking
Gains an additional +2 to hit (+4 hit total)

Give sling users a new UR weapon option if we can't have a sacred sling reprint. Acts as a +2 sling in all respects, but gets an extra +2 to hit.

+2 Viper Strike Shuriken
Includes 4 points of poison damage

Adds another Viper Strike option

Bead Bracelets
Wrist Slot
+2 beads

Ring of Life Stealing
+2 melee damage
Gain 2hp on melee hit

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #26

Thorny Bead - Double all retribution damage to any monster that hits wearer in melee (Fully realizing that using the term "double" has proven to be problematic in some games, could also change to deal 10 points of retribution damage [in line with Belt of Thorns])

+2 Cursed Maul - Must equip through entire dungeon, -5 to all healing done and received, higher damage wheel than normal +2 UR 2H weapons, usable by Clerics and Druids only

Runestone Fitting Base Reprint - with potential for Transmuted Runestones that don't get turned in at the start? This concept could replace the proposed Spellbook slot so we don't have to worry about Barbarians eating their spellbook...

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #27

I would love to see a torso slot UR that grants retribution damage with *no* AC bonus. maybe Eelskin Jacket? or Eelskin Vest?
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #28

David Zych wrote: I would love to see a torso slot UR that grants retribution damage with *no* AC bonus. maybe Eelskin Jacket? or Eelskin Vest?

Oh, that reminds me of an old idea I had...

Ghostform Armor - you are incorporeal (corporeal creatures have 50% miss chance against you, and you do not have 50% miss chance against other incorporeal creatures)
this is not a signature.

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #29

The Anti-Cabal set (all pieces equippable by classes that case no spells: Barbarian, Dwarf, Fighter, Monk, Rogue)

Lenses of the Anti-Cabal
Ignore monster DR based on number of LotAC equipped in party:
1-2: ignore 2 DR
3-4: ignore 4 DR
5: ignore 6 DR

Gloves of the Anti-Cabal
Change the elemental damage your attacks deal based on number of GotAC equipped in party:
1-2: add 2 damage and you can set all your damage dealt to Fire or Cold damage
3-4: add 2 damage and you can set all your damage dealt to Fire, Cold, Sonic, or Shock damage
5: add 2 damage and you can set all your damage dealt to Fire, Cold, Sonic, Shock, Acid, or Holy damage

Charm of the Anti-Cabal
1/Round regen HP on successful hit against monster based on number of CotAC equipped in party:
1-2: regen 2
3-4: regen 3
5: regen 4

Set bonus: 10 retribution

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #30

Spellbook (slotless)-
Allow user to burn a spell slot as a standard action in order to cast a scroll which they are eligible to use without turning it in. Common scrolls require level 0 slots or higher, uncommon require level 1 or higher, rare require level 2 or higher

Staff of the Shapeshifter (primary weapon, elf wizard and druid only)-
Allows user to burn a spell slot in order to use a polymorph potion without turning it in. Common potions require level 0 slots or higher, uncommon require level 1 or higher, rare require level 2 or higher.

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #31

Ring of Dark Energies
As a standard action, you may deal 10 damage to any single enemy
The idea behind this one is that it will have a lot of situational uses at the cost of a ring slot. Melee builds can use it in ranged-only rooms, builds with hit modifiers too low to deal with a tough enemy can use it to participate in the combat, etc. There is also an intention here to give Rogues something extra to encourage them to use the flank ability, with potential to make this into a theme for future token development (see this post in the Rares thread).

Loincloth of Power
You gain +1STR and +1DEX for each empty slot on your character (maximum +5)

Earcuff of Chains
All damage dealt to you is reduced by 3.

Earcuff of Focus
Damage and healing from your spells is increased by 2.

Keepsake Pouch (slotless)
You do not need to turn in a consumable of Uncommon or lower rarity after using it (1/Game)
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #32

I would like to see a UR with a GP value (maybe 5K), like the Sapphire necklace from long ago. Why? Because treasure is awesome. Adventures love treasure just as much as they love gear. I love all the different GP Tokens that are released, they are some of the coolest Tokens.

Maybe the GP UR can also be functional in some way so it has an in game value as well. Slotless Mirror of Beauty: 5,000 GP and +1 Charisma. Or something like that. A 10K UR volunteer Token of some sort might also get more people out to help.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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Last edit: by Rob F.

2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #33

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Rob F wrote: Death Knight was also part of better set. And Charm Bracelets are now part of a Relic Transmute which leads to a Legendary. For what it's worth I spent zero dollars on those three. Zero interest as I have plenty of them from before (have the Mithral Gauntlets). If there would have been three new cool UR's I would have dropped some dough. How well did Mad Evokers do?? Even as part of a transmute I don't think it was as near in demand as the first time. And anyone you know chasing Shield of the Scholar? Lenses of Divine Sight? Nope. CoS was reprinted and I think the only reason that did well was because of the transmute path. Re-print Harlax's in three or four years and none of the big Token buyers will be gobbling them up like they did this year.

I can speak on my personal experience with the Mad Evoker's. I spent two years looking for one, never saw it below $250 (and only saw two for sale that entire time), which I just couldn't talk myself into at the time. Even without the Mage Medallion transmute path, I would have bought one as one of my top picks for the year.

Shield of the Scholar was a must-buy for my son's bard scroll build. I remember a lot of newer parties looking to buy them for their clerics in the run-up to that token design period. I also remember people searching for Divine Sight before that revamp, or at least PUG clerics talking about how much they'd love to own them.

I think it's important to remember that this community is actively growing and there are many people playing today who weren't 5 years ago, let alone 8-10 and giving them some access to those "greatest hits" tokens helps keep them involved

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #34

Can also speak to my own story, where I paid $300 for LoDS, used them for one con, and they were promptly nerfed. That was the first year I was getting into buying tokens and it was my first big purchase after CoA. Yeah I was a little salty at first because they were preached as a must have. But I didn’t know the disdain towards them for years on the phone.

I’m okay with it now, but that means I’m not buying any $300 URs anymore. I really want a +2 sacred sling but IO transmuters keep that thing ridiculously high that I don’t want the same thing happening.

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #35

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Libram of Locksley: Rogue may give up a rogue box treasure to cast soothe wounds for 5 damage.

Libram of High Sorcery: 1/game may cast a scroll as a spell without turning it in.

Mad Diviners Charm: 1/game user takes 10 damage to view a rogue or bard clue.

Charm of Quick verse: Bard, may sing and cast a spell on the quick strike round.

Figurine of Power: Finger May equip an additional Ring
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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2023 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 10 months ago #36

Picc wrote: Libram of Locksley: Rogue may give up a rogue box treasure to cast soothe wounds for 5 damage.

Libram of High Sorcery: 1/game may cast a scroll as a spell without turning it in.

Mad Diviners Charm: 1/game user takes 10 damage to view a rogue or bard clue.

Charm of Quick verse: Bard, may sing and cast a spell on the quick strike round.

Figurine of Power: Finger May equip an additional Ring

Really like locksley if it’s 5 for group…giving a pull needs to be a great value

Charm of quick verse is awesome

Ranger for Epic

Updated 5/22/2023

Am on Discord as AureliusBP if you want realtime chat.
ebay seller ID jcampbell04

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