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TOPIC: 2022 Ultra Rare Token Images

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #97

AND removing +Healing and +Melee so that really doesn't mean much.

Definitely the current UR Belt is too good.

Making it +2/+2 Missile only would make it horribly niche.

+2/+3 at Ranged is where my suggestion will stay. That's a small bump over the completion rare and doesn't include the AC or Reflex that would be gained off a pure +DEX belt

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #98

Will the Charm bracelets transmutes accept the old version? I might have sold mine and switched to the Arcane Bracelets, but if not I'd like to know if I can use them to make the relic.
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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #99

Arcanist Kolixela wrote:

kurtreznor wrote:

Arcanist Kolixela wrote: PLEASE remember the Belt of the Brave exists.

If you are suggesting a +2/+2 Ranged UR belt when a +2/+2 Melee RARE belt exists that's just bad design.

If it swaps over to Ranged it needs to be better than the existing Rare Melee belt.

We've already nerfed several UR tokens into rare in 2021, let's not go the other direction for 2022

Can we please remove the rarity designations from completion and volunteer tokens. They don't accurately reflect the rarity of these tokens.

Also, belt of the brave is an extreme outlier. If it had gone through token design like a regular set token, it would never have been printed. Please stop using it as an argument for making every belt stronger. It is better than every other melee UR belt, but happens to be red instead of purple or blue.

Not gonna happen.

Definitely should never have been printed. But it was. and it sets the bar for belts a step or two higher because of that.

Doesn't have to be amazing (my suggestion for using it as a starter for a transmute path is +2/+3 Ranged) but it needs to have something above that belt.

This is always a common misconception that the new good token has to become the baseline but really the baseline should never change and development should be a sinusoidal pattern

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #100

Jiminy Christmas, I just counted - I am going to need SEVEN of these! Plus I still need a Shirt of the Oaf, so that makes EIGHT!
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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #101

Some great changes here!

Badge of Beading: IMO don't need "w/ 1 space" printed on the token, just print "(new badge slot)". This gives you plenty of time to think about how many badge slots there ought to be -- I would recommend at least 2 for the sake of future designs. :)

Bead of Focus: hooray!

Belt of the Fearless: agree with others that this is way too much, and maybe right after Belt of the Brave just isn't good timing for a new UR melee belt

Butterfly Cloak: hooray!

Harlax's: not sure whether it's a good or bad change (I'll defer that judgment to those who knew him best), but this version feels very different from before

IS Fluorite Sphere: recommend rewording as either "+2 to healing spells" (like Focus items) or "+2 from healing spells received" (like Key of Healing), right now I honestly can't tell which is intended
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #102

Dergidan wrote: The ship may have sailed on this, but what about:

Harlax's Helpful Lamp: Choose one at start: +1saves, +5hp, +2hit, +2damage

The numbers might not be quite right, perhaps too high, but that would feel more like a "coaching" buff to me, as in "where does my build need a little help?"

This is a neat idea! Option of +2 to any one save could fit that theme also.
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #103

As a comment on the statements about the first badge being a slot expander. I would be ok with the badge slot being for slot expanders. With the choice being which slot you are going to expand.
Each year a new token can be released expanding a different slot forcing choice and adding to the variety of build options rather than having strict BiS

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #104

  • NightGod
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+2 Chaos Canon: Hurry for all/all! That's going to make for some great theme runs.

Badge of Beading: I like it! I'm worried a 00 newbie might be disappointed on it, but that's a thing for most slot expanders.

Bead of Jealous Heroism: I'll reiterate what everyone else says that this drawback seems too weak compared to previous +level items. By comparison: Medallion took a neck slot and two charms, Ring of Fateful took both ring slots, Cook's took head and 2 Ioun slots.
I'd suggest something like bead +no earcuffs.

Belt of the Fearless: Has reams written about it already and many great ideas. I was partial to switching to ranged and maybe adding fear immunity.

Butterfly Cloak: +2 saves puts it in a nice place, but also feels like a side-grade to the Shadowskin. I'm not sure what I would suggest to make it different, but some sort of different effect could be nice just to mix things up a bit. It's not bad as it is, just thinking about variety.

Charm Bracelets: my charms have been getting tight, so this is great to see. I wouldn't be mad at the few suggestions to drop in an entirely different UR here and swap to an Ioun expander path, either. I assume there will be room for the original version in the transmute path.

Charm of Spell Storing: Great item and gives me the chance to make up for not buying the RoSS.

Death Knight Mail: Darkrift is thematic, if a bit underpowered. Would +CON be out of line here? Then again, not every UR has to be perfect.

Earcuff of Orbits: Agree with those who say three slot expanders is a lot for one year. I'd personally do badge and one of either this or charm and then tentatively plan for a transmute path on the one that got bumped next year, but I'm also not sure what transmutes might already be planned for the future.

Gloves of the Merfolk: I like the competition here with Blessed Tempest, though agree with the question of merfolk being associated with ranged, but that's just a quibble.

Harlax's Helpful Lamp: I liked the older version better, starting off the run with a dice roll in coaching seemed fun and I was looking forward to being pumped when someone hit a Nat 20. That said, if I had never seen the earlier version, I would be happy with this one, too.

IS Amethsyt Orb: I like new mechanics and this is definitely that. That said, this is niche even beyond the class restrictions so I don't see this getting used a lot and would recommend it be part of a transmute path to sell more. Ditto on the questions about Lotus Bowl interactions.

IS Flourite Sphere: I'm not sure if this is a synergy effect like the Key or bonus to heals cast. I'd love to see more healing here for the priests as well as synergy. Something like +3 to heals cast and +2 to heals received would keep it useful for all and give a good bump in a slot that hasn't had much healing love.

Lucky Kilt: Making it part of the set is great. If I didn't have the eldritch this would be a no brainer.

Mage Staff of Power: Of course happy to see it and love the new ranged path Wizards are getting. Agreed that the +2 to hit would be nice but also very happy with the switch to INT helping hit instead of damage, which probably balances that out some. How does this interact with something like the Banshee Prism affecting "missiles and damage spells"? I assume that wouldn't add since it's not specifically increasing ranged, but that may complicate the party card, just something to note as needing a ruling.

Ring of Havoc: Love the ability to pick which bonus (more coaching interaction in the year of Harlax) and a huge fan of the Lore mechanic with the Havoc series.

Shirt of the Imbiber: Expected. Agree with the suggestions to put a small stain on it like a spilled drink for fun.

Sniper Spectacles: Good reprint. The suggestions for tweaks to help rogues here with a slightly different item aren't unnoticed, either, things are looking a little light for them.

Overall, maybe drop one of the charm/ioun expanders (with a transmute path planned for the one that gets bumped next year) and consider reprinting one of the rogue tools? I think Ektdar's Tinkering Tool is about due, it will have been 8 years since the last reprint. Or maybe even some new completely new rogue tool, if there's any ideas floating around?

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Last edit: by NightGod.

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #105

I really the set displayed so far. A lot of my comments would just be repeats of previously made statements, but I have an observation I want to share incase somebody has an opinion.

Ring of Havoc - This is a choose your own bonus, which I really like, but without the transmutes I find it hard to justify a purchase for ranged builds I have. This concern is mainly due to how ranged players can get the same effect out of Ring of Roaring, but the melee falls somewhere between Ring of the Eel and Ring of Dark Health/Greater Holly Ring. It definitely seems worse than Ring of the drake that gave a broader boost at the same level and gave returning affect to all classes that could use shuriken. With that said, I dont think boosting DMG is the answer, but rather maybe a neat effect or a boost to saves or stats that dont boost to-hit or damage bonus'.

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #106

Chaos cannon: even with lower numbers, I am still excited by the chaos. Just curious, can ammo be used with this?

Badge of beading: oh good, this is in a slot now, so I won't have to buy it. Please create other badges.

Bead of focus: decent include. I might get one for druid, but don't need as I already have lucky traveler.

Bead of jealous heroism: doesn't really have a drawback. My first thought was that I should get 2 of the relic, just for options. Then I realized that if I don't use slot expanders, and I would only need to loan it to newer players, the upgrade does nothing. So, I guess that's fine, I will still want 2 of this.

Belt of fearless: way too powerful. There are already lots of melee belts, how about Ranged? Or at least something different.

Butterfly cloak: very nice. I really like this one now.

Charm of spell storing: I've seen some people ask why not reprint the ring, but I like the variety of slots...then I started wondering: is it really too powerful to wear both? Maximizing spells has never been my focus, so I don't even have the ring, but if giving up a good slot for a 1/game spell is fine, is 2 slots for twice actually overpowered?

Harlaxs helpful lamp: I guess this is good since it is slotless, but the bonus is really small without a full set. Maybe:
# in party:
1-4 = +2 hp
5-9 = +5 hp
10 = +7 hp

Ioun stone fluorite sphere: this is all over the place. Well, spell damage and receiving extra healing is good for wizards, but the melee damage feels tacked on for no reason. Or the damage bonus is omitting missiles for some reason.

Mage staff of power: I am excited by this new weapon. But please make sure it is good enough as a primary weapon. While the 1st level spell is a cool ability, please don't let that hamstring the item from being a good weapon.

Ring of havoc: fine as an UR, but I wouldn't spend money on it...but the relic is good enough and versatile that I want AT LEAST 2 of them.
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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #107

+2 Chaos Cannon: I think this version is a lot better balanced with the lower damage wheel, and making it one-handed allows for some interesting possibilities such as a shield in the offhand slot.

+2 Mug of Battle: Probably a good idea to make the bonus +1 AC, but I think this would be better increased to +2AC considering that it's going in a slot normally used for a shield. If a monk or ranger wants to use two of them to gain 4AC I doubt it'll be a problem considering the options they already have like Orb of Might or Viper Strike.

Badge of Beading: I think that the "new slot w/1 space" could be removed from this and just left on the player mat and PHB. It's good to have reminders when new slots are created, but I think that on a slot expanding token this working could get a bit confusing. I'm fine with the token itself as it uses up a slot which will presumably see tempting alternatives in the future.

Belt of the Fearless: I agree with others that this is too strong for an UR. +2 to hit and +3 to dmg would still make it very desirable, or a ranged equivalent offering something similar to provide an alternative option to Arcane Belt or Orion's Belt.

Butterfly Cloak: I really, really like this as it is now. I'd have to think very carefully about whether I'd want to use this, Cloak of Shadowskin or Lucky Cloak. It's not an easy choice, which to me says the token is very well balanced.

Death Knight Mail: I agree with previous feedback that the current ability is a bit underpowered and it's better to avoid an STR bonus being made available to Monk and Ranger. Can I suggest that this token individually grants 4 Retribution Damage instead of the Darkrift reduction? That would make an awesome pairing with the set bonus to double up on the retribution damage, and would make any retribution builds very happy at the same time.

Gloves of the Merfolk: This seems very balanced, there will be situations where you might want to run either this, Gloves of the Cutpurse or Gloves of Greater Archery in a build. I'm not sure we need it in the same year as Sniper Spectacles though so perhaps this could be included in the next year's set instead?

Everything else: I think this year's tokens are looking great, and I'm very happy with all the others in the current form - especially the reprints :) A valid point has been raised by others about possibly delaying Charm Bracelets and its transmutes until the next year, with Earcuff of Orbits remaining in the 2022 set.
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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #108

kurtreznor wrote: Bead of jealous heroism: doesn't really have a drawback. My first thought was that I should get 2 of the relic, just for options. Then I realized that if I don't use slot expanders, and I would only need to loan it to newer players, the upgrade does nothing. So, I guess that's fine, I will still want 2 of this.

Belt of fearless: way too powerful. There are already lots of melee belts, how about Ranged? Or at least something different.

Ioun stone fluorite sphere: this is all over the place. Well, spell damage and receiving extra healing is good for wizards, but the melee damage feels tacked on for no reason. Or the damage bonus is omitting missiles for some reason.

Should the Bead of Jealous Heroism eat another slot in addition to only allowing 1 bead, like an Ioun Stone or something so that it has a drawback for those without slot expanders?

With regards to Belt of the Fearless and IS Fluorite Sphere, here's a potential solution: Change the belt to missile only and adjust stats accordingly since missile was specifically left off of the IS. Current UR+ missile build belt options are: Viper Strike (2014 token), Orion's (relic level), or Arcane Belt (get less benefit than spell casters), and that's pretty much it.

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