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TOPIC: 2022 Ultra Rare Token Images

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #133

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Fiddy wrote: Nah, you're both overthinking it. Apollo's Belt - +1 Charm, +1 Ioun.


*2 thumbs up*

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #134

Mage Staff of Power is a melee weapon.

Is the desire to make this a Mage Range Staff of Power instead?

I like how it makes the 1st level spell force damage or is it melee attack is force damage or physical range attack force damage?

The wording is confusion for me.

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Last edit: by edwin.

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #135

Endgame wrote:

NightGod wrote:

Matthew Hayward wrote:

Pstyle wrote: Badge of Beading, could we not make a new slot already please? How about
Beaded Greaves UR
Shin Slot
Wearer can equip +1 bead

Already? The last time there was a new slot I can think of was the treasure only Greaves slot. That was a few years back.

Prior to that it was pants, and prior to that it was shirt.

It's probably not a short amount of time since a new slot came up, relative to slod additions in TD history, and I suspect we're overdue if you ignore the shin slot (which doesn't sell tokens).

Last would have actually been bead in 2018
(treasure only) shins in 2017
legs in 2016
figurine and ear in 2012
shirt in 2011
charm and runestone in 2009.

If anything, we're at the limit of the previous longest time between new slots (2012->2016 vs 2018->2022).and that gap was after adding two new slots in the same year.

I definitely disagree with the notion that it's too soon for a new slot.

There is eventually a point of slot absurdity which will be detrimental instead of positive to keep adding slots. I really think we are starting to push that line.

Exactly, this isn't sustainable. Bead slot was a stretch, now Badges?? I get that there needs to be a way to continue to advance your character but I'd rather do it with more Relics each year and a level above Legendary. Have certain Relic recipes require just UR's as transmute ingredients, maybe 4 per Relic, same with the Legendaries, have one Legendary each year that requires maybe 12-15 current year of any UR's. This allows you to keep the UR power level consistent while still driving demand for UR Tokens. Because let's face it, some UR Tokens are never in demand because their just as good as ones in prior years. Most UR weapons are a big pass for power players but necessary for the newbies or ones on a budget. Why not make them worth more to everyone as an ingredient in a recipe? And instead of all these new slots, create a level above Legendary. Drive Token sales that way instead of all these crazy slots. It also makes it much easier in the app/web character builder folks. Cuz really, what's after a badge slot? Toe rings??
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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Last edit: by Rob F.

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #136

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Rob F wrote:

Endgame wrote:

NightGod wrote:

Matthew Hayward wrote:

Pstyle wrote: Badge of Beading, could we not make a new slot already please? How about
Beaded Greaves UR
Shin Slot
Wearer can equip +1 bead

Already? The last time there was a new slot I can think of was the treasure only Greaves slot. That was a few years back.

Prior to that it was pants, and prior to that it was shirt.

It's probably not a short amount of time since a new slot came up, relative to slod additions in TD history, and I suspect we're overdue if you ignore the shin slot (which doesn't sell tokens).

Last would have actually been bead in 2018
(treasure only) shins in 2017
legs in 2016
figurine and ear in 2012
shirt in 2011
charm and runestone in 2009.

If anything, we're at the limit of the previous longest time between new slots (2012->2016 vs 2018->2022).and that gap was after adding two new slots in the same year.

I definitely disagree with the notion that it's too soon for a new slot.

There is eventually a point of slot absurdity which will be detrimental instead of positive to keep adding slots. I really think we are starting to push that line.

Exactly, this isn't sustainable. Bead slot was a stretch, now Badges?? I get that there needs to be a way to continue to advance your character but I'd rather do it with more Relics each year and a level above Legendary. Have certain Relic recipes require just UR's as transmute ingredients, maybe 4 per Relic, same with the Legendaries, have one Legendary each year that requires maybe 12-15 current year of any UR's. This allows you to keep the UR power level consistent while still driving demand for UR Tokens. Because let's face it, some UR Tokens are never in demand because their just as good as ones in prior years. Most UR weapons are a big pass for power players but necessary for the newbies or ones on a budget. Why not make them worth more to everyone as an ingredient in a recipe? And instead of all these new slots, create a level above Legendary. Drive Token sales that way instead of all these crazy slots. It also makes it much easier in the app/web character builder folks. Cuz really, what's after a badge slot? Toe rings??

Your only other option is to start making more slotless things again then. As much as In sure a handful of people could make mega legendaries most of the player base taps out at UR (most of then actually tap out at rare but that's another story).
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #137

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So we have two +3 ranged hit tokens. What would people thing about turning one of them into something different.

Gloves of focus maybe, or gloves of +3 hit while polymorphed.

Or of we wanted to be really crazy how about a legendary treasure map that could be either turned for a PYP of your choice or used in place of an UR in a legendary recipe.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #138

More (hopefully final...). Thoughts on the Melee Belt:

1. I don’t think an unrestricted UR melee belt should ever outdamage legendary Surtr’s, which is +3 of 4 depending on final STR.

This is because melee to-hit has diminishing returns as it gets higher, and in some builds at some difficulties can even become worthless.

Melee to-damage, on the other hand, never goes out of style.

2. I think at UR for melee hands slot have always been slightly better than waist: compare Mithral gauntlets/death knight gauntlets/gloves of the brute with any UR melee belt.

With that in mind, look at UR hand slot item gauntlet of linked fury, which is:
a. Class restricted
b. Weapon restricted
C. Gives +0/+5

So I’d be okay with a slot swapped one of those into waist slot.

Short of that degree of restriction is like to see the damage here no more than 4 so it never out damaged surtrs.

3. Finally, if this kind of huge effect is desired, maybe some outside the box thinking:

Belt of Seasons: +2/+5 to melee in even numbered TD seasons, +2/+0 to melee in odd numbered TD seasons.

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #139

edwin wrote: Mage Staff of Power is a melee weapon.

Is the desire to make this a Mage Range Staff of Power instead?

I like how it makes the 1st level spell force damage or is it melee attack is force damage or physical range attack force damage?

The wording is confusion for me.

I’m almost certain it’s a ranged weapon. Check Jeff’s “IMPORTANT NOTES” post about mystic staffs.

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #140

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Matthew Hayward wrote: More (hopefully final...). Thoughts on the Melee Belt:

1. I don’t think an unrestricted UR melee belt should ever outdamage legendary Surtr’s, which is +3 of 4 depending on final STR.

This is because melee to-hit has diminishing returns as it gets higher, and in some builds at some difficulties can even become worthless.

Melee to-damage, on the other hand, never goes out of style.

2. I think at UR for melee hands slot have always been slightly better than waist: compare Mithral gauntlets/death knight gauntlets/gloves of the brute with any UR melee belt.

With that in mind, look at UR hand slot item gauntlet of linked fury, which is:
a. Class restricted
b. Weapon restricted
C. Gives +0/+5

So I’d be okay with a slot swapped one of those into waist slot.

Short of that degree of restriction is like to see the damage here no more than 4 so it never out damaged surtrs.

3. Finally, if this kind of huge effect is desired, maybe some outside the box thinking:

Belt of Seasons: +2/+5 to melee in even numbered TD seasons, +2/+0 to melee in odd numbered TD seasons.

I agree with all of this assessment other the the belt of seasons. Intermittent nuts is still nuts.

If I were to redesign this belt I would add "of the meek" then I would probably be ok with 2/5

I also like the idea of collecting a set year over year like the lucky rather then it all showing up at once and enveloping half my UR budget for the year XD
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Last edit: by Picc.

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #141

Picc wrote: So we have two +3 ranged hit tokens. What would people thing about turning one of them into something different.

Gloves of focus maybe, or gloves of +3 hit while polymorphed.

Or of we wanted to be really crazy how about a legendary treasure map that could be either turned for a PYP of your choice or used in place of an UR in a legendary recipe.

I could see swapping one of the +3 ranged hit items. Maybe the gloves could switch to a different theme that doesn’t often get tokens? Retribution Shield? Another Scroll or Wand damage UR? Or maybe some awesome item for fighters & Paladins just because those classes could use something awesome?

Also, thinking about the bead expander, if there must be one, maybe that should just go in ear? Maybe that could help drive some choices in the ear slot?

Harlax’s lamp seems just a little boring - it’s very good, but kind of boring.

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Last edit: by Endgame.

2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #142

Harlax’s Helpful Lamp
Without noticing the (round up) right away, “1hp /2 Lamps” really jumped out at me with a really off-putting vibe, whereas the previous version immediately had a very positive vibe. The previous version had a powerful “gains” feel to it whereas the expression “1 per 2” made me feel uneasy, focusing on the question: “what if there’s less than an even number?” Once you decipher the (round up) condition, which I presume means 1 lamp rounds up to 1hp and 9 lamps rounds up to 5 hp, the meaning becomes clear, but the negative vibe remained and it wasn’t fun having to think about the math.

The display style of the previous version could be synergistically rewritten as:

Lamps in the Party:
1-2: 1hp
2-4: 2hp
5-6: 3hp
7-8: 5hp
9-10: 10hp

Or whatever amounts you want the number of lamps to have. I thought the previous lamp was great but I was also totally on board with the synergy idea. I thought the previous layout style/wording style, had a positive feel and communicated clearly without the math.

Butterfly Cloak
I was about to agree with the suggestion of +2 saves to the Butterfly cloak in the previous thread and then it got changed to that before I could agree with it. This will be a huge contender against my Shadowskin now and I will enjoy employing one or the other depending on the run.

Badge of Beading
When people were debating the 2020 token designs I had thought of suggesting a “string of beads” concept for a bead slot expander at the ultra rare level. Badge of Beading fits that concept. And for how restricted bead use is, I think having 3 total slots is the perfect number.
The: (new slot w/1 space) writing on the token looks clunky and is information that would probably be better relegated to the database. It’s function hasn’t changed so its explanation of “May equip 2 additional Beads” is clear, perfect, and brief. That’s all it needs to say. Aesthetically I’d just crank it back to the previous wording and take out the word (slotless). The database can explain the rest.
If people think 2 extra bead slots is too strong for it as an ultra rare I’d take the same thing at a relic level if it had to be pushed that way, but I definitely like the versatility of 3 bead slots.

As for renaming the Badge of Beading to avoid confusion regarding the slotless Badge of Nobility, that's fine however it works out.

I +1 agree with the idea of making (at some point now or later) a +4 Ioun slot legendary earcuff.
And if nothing gets done to branch Guided Strike’s sneak/crit power out of the wrist slot, I would also support a similar charm slot expander legendary earcuff for rogues (because neck and wrist charm slots are too hard to part with.)

I also think this idea has merit but agree it may be too late in the process for debate. (And maybe +2 for saves rather than +1):
The ship may have sailed on this, but what about:
Harlax's Helpful Lamp: Choose one at start: +1saves, +5hp, +2hit, +2damage
The numbers might not be quite right, perhaps too high, but that would feel more like a "coaching" buff to me, as in "where does my build need a little help?"

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #143

IS:FS is too busy and we just had +2 melee damage ISes.

Given the Guide Strike conversation, how about replacing with a charm Rogues would really want something like...

Charm of the Dirty Strike (Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue) - After your successful hit, monster is - 2AC and takes +2 damage for each physical attack next round. Cumulative.
$10 off at Trent Tokens!

Trade me stuff

Remember it's the year of the fighter!

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2022 Ultra Rare Token Images 3 years 9 months ago #144

bpsymington wrote: For the Mystic and Mage staves, I like that INT now gives a to-hit bonus. Are there many tokens that give ranged damage bonuses? I know Focus items wouldn't apply. Would the Human Wizard's wand mastery bonus apply? I assume not.

Check your App. It will add your DEX bonus and any Ranged bonuses. Mine currently sits at +20. Nothing compared to my +40 spell damage but it's a start?

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