Full Disclosure: my Main class is Rogue, but Fighter is high on my list of alternates (with Barbarian and Ranger) so I do have an interest in the class, and acquiring Fighter tokens.
I've mostly held back in the Great Relic Debates because folks who play the class as their primary deserve to have their opinions heard. But if we're still tweaking the final tokens, this is something I've really been thinking about....
The Fighter (in live, Physical-world TD) is supposed to be over-all better at Fighting than the other classes.. not just be stronger/have more cool stuff. In the earliest iterations of TD, that was reflected by giving them more practice at the combat table, and better over-all stats. Now that everyone has access to better stats (via token design) & we've all played so much that the combat slides feel like second nature, that uniqueness is lost.
But I really like the way the RARE Fighter medallion gives some of that back, with the expanded crit range (even if it's just with Rare 1-h weapon & shield). I also like how the Legendary gives that expanded crit range. It's missing from the Relic, tho. And that feels odd.
Sure, many folks who've been playing TD since before Relic existed will have purchased various weapons which give them expanded crit range (Thor's, etc) ... but for a newer player purchasing their first class Relic, odds are good they don't have that going for them. It'd be kinda nice to have expanded crit on the Relic. Especially since the Rare highlights it as a cool Fighter power.
If we're tweaking this token down a notch in Strength, could we include the 19-20 crit range with 1h weapon on it again...? It won't make a difference at the high end of the Fighter range where folks are using Thors, but it'll make a big difference to a Fighter whose first UR weapon might be the Axe of the Dwarvish Kings.
Thanks for considering this, Jeff.