I wanted to respond with some positive feedback for the Monk relic and legendary. I think they look great. Adding in the Psychic power and +1 use is especially cool. I think the damage could be reduced by 1 or 2 and they would still be pretty great.
I will break down my interpretation of it and discuss a few things:
Monk Relic
- +5 Sacred dmg FoB
- Stun Fist works 19-20
- may hit Ranged target with Flurry of Blows
Monk Legendary
- +7 Sacred dmg FoB
- Stun Fist works 18-20
- May hit Ranged target w/ FoB
- Imbues Psychic power w/ +1 additional use
- Unlocks up to power 7
I like segmenting the effects into other recognizable tokens, if I can, and have done so below:
Monk Relic
- +5 melee damage
- Ring of Stunning Fist
- Gloves of the Flying Fist
Monk Legendary
- +7 melee damage
- +1 Ring of Stunning Fist (if an ultra rare version of Ring of Stunning Fist were to exist)
- Gloves of the Flying Fist
- Dark Disciple’s Shirt
- The effect of having 7 teeth
I was initially apprehensive about seeing the legendary gaining the effects of all 7 teeth. I felt that it detracts from my tooth investment so far and only grants me access to power 7 one year early.
But then I considered how annoying it would be for someone to obtain or create this legendary in several years and then have to chase down difficult-to-find teeth to power it up. I think granting access to 7 teeth powers is okay and one of the less messy ways to make it work.
I really like the granting psychic power and +1 additional use similar to
Dark Disciple’s Shirt without the restriction of using a different power. Very flavorful.
It is nice to see
Gloves of the Flying Fist in the monk relic and legendary.
The damage of the relic and legendary is on the higher end, as I mentioned before. Reducing the damage by 1 or 2 may be appropriate and would still have the relic and legendary token on my "must make" list.
All in all, I am really excited about the current state of the monk relic and legendary tokens and am happy with changes made over the revision iterations.
Thank you again, TD, for letting us be a part of token development and listening to our feedback!
Playing True Dungeon since 2012.