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TOPIC: 2020 Ultra Rare Token Images

2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #37

Jeff, print them.....run to the printer now.

Being in Design for 20 years it will never stop until you let it. Second guessing, little voices too many opinions, this is like Round 5. Time for the Design Fatality.
"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity."

Boom goes the Devil Drake when this Rogue slides a 20 with a Holy Hand Grenade.

My Rogue Build: truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=569&id=244107&limitstart=0
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #38

The only change I would make is to the rod of the meek

18 str max
Natural 20 only does normal damage, no critical.

Remove the other restrictions. Then it becomes a bump piece and plays more meekly.
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #39

Hmmm.... Can the Lenses of Vital Insight be swapped for Lenses of Seer Sight?
When all signs point to Rome, Diane, it’s time to buy Lira and go. - Agent Dale Cooper
2004 Gen Con's True Dungeon ○ 2005 Assault Atop Castle Greyhawk ○ 2005 Battle Beneath Castle Greyhawk ○ 2005 True Heroes "Avengers Assemble!" ○ 2006 Escape the Spider Cult (VIP) ○ 2008 Hope for the Lost ○ 2009 With Smoak Comes Fire ○ 2009 The Five Aspects ○ 2009 True Grind ○ 2010 DragonWard ○ 2010 The Evading Hilt ○ ... and beyond!
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #40

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WaterSomePlants wrote: Hmmm.... Can the Lenses of Vital Insight be swapped for Lenses of Seer Sight?

I don't see why this keeps coming up. I would not expect to be able to swap my old Woody +1 Plate Mail be swapped for Lucky Plate Armor.
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, which strives to produce bigger idiots.  <br /><br />So far, the Universe is winning.
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #41

Bracers of Reckless Fury: Should limit this to two-handed weapons only. Then in two-ish years you could make a +4 damage wrist item for the one-handed weapon wielders.

Cloak of the Elm: This seems weak. MEC wizards are you trying to stack HPs enough to use this?

Charm of Glory: I like it. Charms and Rings are close in power level, expect all the Legendary Rings. I'm just not sure that its a good fit for a year thats supposed to be all about new players. "Lucky Helm" might be better in this slot.

Lenses of Seer Sight: The effect is good, the name just doesn't seem to fit them. how about "Lenses of the Dead-Eye"?
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #42

Rather than code differences for tokens based on what class someone is playing, seems a lot easier to just limit which classes can use those tokens.

Going to be amusing to see where the class specific paths go by the end. Bead +7 Dex, transmutes to cleric relic, perhaps?
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #43

Picc wrote: Could we maybe consider switching the powers of the Arcane Braclets & Earcuff. That would in effect cause them to become functional reprints of orbits and charm bracelets (people could still get more ioun slots by equipping arcane earing & orbits if they wanted but it might slow down the slot creep a little).

I'm not sure what you're aiming at, but if you swap them then here's what's available in ears or wrists:

+4 Ioun and +2 charm.

If you don't swap them here's what's available:

+2 to one of Ioun and Charm and +4 to the other.

I like the second option as it's more flexible.

If you're trying to keep down the total power level of the game I agree that less options are less powerful.
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #44

Rob F wrote:

Jeff321 wrote:

Flik wrote:

Matt Goodman wrote: The barbarian bracers should probably have 2H weapons only.

I’m inclined to agree, otherwise they become BIS for all melee classes? Maybe not for ranged ranger or most rogues that actually want to sneak attack.


Also agree

Also agree.

Alternatively, just limit it to: Barbarian, Fighters, Paladin.
Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #45

kurtreznor wrote:

Boilerplate wrote: I think this might have been discussed in the earlier threads, but can someone explain to me why we need the hit and damage limiters in the rod? Are we really afraid of someone with 18 or less strength both hitting too frequently and doing too much damage with this?

And i was going to suggest removing the STR limit since the to-hit/damage limit has things covered.

I agree it should be one or the other.

I like the STR limit because it hints strongly to new players that there is something going on here and sets them on a journey of discovery.

A damage cap is just confusing to people who aren't already building in an app, understand the rules, etc. And those people probably have the requisite ~+5 STR in rares or uncommons to not be the target user of this already.
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #46

Xavon wrote:

WaterSomePlants wrote: Hmmm.... Can the Lenses of Vital Insight be swapped for Lenses of Seer Sight?

I don't see why this keeps coming up. I would not expect to be able to swap my old Woody +1 Plate Mail be swapped for Lucky Plate Armor.

Because of TD's prior generosity in allowing 2 URs that I can think of to be traded in when they were eclipsed.
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #47

I profoundly appreciate moving the damage bonus back onto Bracers of Reckless Fury from the prior iteration.

I also like the -2 AC negation from Barbarians more than additional DR - it is thematic and makes wonderful sense - they've got lots of practice acting this way :laugh:
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2020 Ultra Rare Token Images 5 years 7 months ago #48

My thoughts on the overall slot expanders... wow! This will really shake up some builds!

The character builders and app generator authors will be the real heroes this year.

Really happy to see Charm of Brooching back, as it's necessary for high level play and really scarce.

Really like the recent Earcuff of Orbits, Charm Bracelets, Arcane Bracelets/Earcuff, Charm of Brooching, and Charm of Glory sextet that let you take your pick of:

+2 Ioun, +4 charm
+2 Ioun, +3 charm, +1 ring
+4 Ioun, +2 charm
+4 Ioun, +1 charm, +1 ring
+2 Ioun, +3 charm, +1 back
+2 Ioun, +2 charm, +1 ring, +1 back
+4 Ioun, +1 charm, +1 back
+4 Ioun, +1 ring, +1 back

It's worth holding onto all 6 of these tokens as your build moves around, and choosing between different options as things shift.

It's also going to shore up the market on volunteer Iouns (of which I just sold a bunch, sigh...) and volunteer charms, which seems a nice updraft for the volunteers.

As excited as I am about all this, I worry a bit about how many are happening at once, and what collecting will be like for those who miss out on this bonanza.

I hope the 6 slot expanders can be put into a reprint rotation or something starting in 2022 with 1 of each of the 6 tokens above being reprinted each year so long as there's demand.
Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.
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