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TOPIC: New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole)

New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #13

It all depends on what you enjoy doing. Roleplaying & D&D? Yep. MtG? Yep. Board Games? Yep yep. There's lots of options.

I've been attending for <mumble> years, since I was 17 or 18. I've had phases of playing pretty much of all the different genre of games, and always had a lot of fun. These days, I'm primarily into Board games, and spend most of my time playing demo games at the various manufactures demo areas, and the dealer's room. I also get a ribbon for the Board Room which has a vast library of board games and players looking to play. If you're into board games it's a great value.

And then there's the amazing food, just a block away at North Market, as well as the restaurants just down the street. So many things to do.

I'd suggest checking out the FAQ at BGG: boardgamegeek.com/thread/2043104/origins-2019-faqs

And of course, TD ... ;-)

Have a great time!

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Last edit: by EvilJohn.

New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #14

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Bob Chasan wrote: Lots of great advice here. Origins is a great Con to start with because there’s so much to do, go with the flow and you’ll have a good time.
GenCon is much more controlled, hectic and busy so can be really overwhelming.
Good luck and have fun.

What he said. Origins is like a mini-GenCon. You actually have time and don't feel rushed in the Dealer Hall. That gives you plenty of time to try all kinds of new and even older stuff with the Dealers. You get to meander instead of being shoved down the aisles.

I also echo the generic coins route. Origins always seems to have open spots in games you can wander into. And, if the spots are filled, I have rarely ever had an issue from the DMs and Players about letting me join in. The more the merrier!!

As for food... the Farmer's Market a couple blocks away is great!! A huge variety at very affordable and non-Convention Hall jacked up prices.
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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #15

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Origins Home Page has an event listing of all the Con Exclusive/Centric Events,
just scroll toward the bottom for links ............Spud :evil:

Anime Area Artist Alley Blood Drive Comedy Shows Community & Family Room
COSI Mythic Creatures Costume Contest Cthulhuthon Doctor Who Track
Electronic Gaming Film Festival Gaymer Pride LARP Music & Dance Open Gaming
Origins After Dark Origins Awards Origins Library Origins University Paint N Take
Pin Bazaar Quiet Room Sensory-Friendly Room True Dungeon Unpub Room
I'm not going to lie to you, I've been drinking .....

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #16

I am a local. As a few said, the North Market (behind the buildings across High St.) is a unique part of Columbus. I also recommend Barley's Brew House (between the convention center and North Market) for good beer and food. Sometimes their AC works too... The arcade bar above it is great too. There is a free bus called the C-Bus which basically runs up and down High St. every 30 minutes or so. You can get a great view of Columbus for nothing. If you like unique parks, the Scioto Mile is close-by. A while back they basically took-out a dam and created a great river-side park. Get your picture with the deer on the bridge. COSI is right next to it if you like science. While it is not a gallery hop weekend, if you like art or crafts, High St. north of the convention center is home to dozens of galleries. I'm sure you know about Jeni's ice cream so no reason to talk about that.
Oh yeah... one TD run is not enough!

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #17

Patrick wrote: Hey everyone!

So, here's my question: What else do you recommend doing at Origins while we're there?

The Battletech pods will be returning to Origins this year. They are wonderful simulators that allow you to pilot 30ft tall walking engines of destruction. 7 minute games w/unlimited lives, unlimited ammo, against up to 6 other pilots in a free for all environment.
When in doubt, go left

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #18

Aaron Jozwiak wrote:

Patrick wrote: Hey everyone!

So, here's my question: What else do you recommend doing at Origins while we're there?

The Battletech pods will be returning to Origins this year. They are wonderful simulators that allow you to pilot 30ft tall walking engines of destruction. 7 minute games w/unlimited lives, unlimited ammo, against up to 6 other pilots in a free for all environment.

That sounds like fun
Please visit my fledgling token store.

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #19

Beertram wrote: I am a local. As a few said, the North Market (behind the buildings across High St.) is a unique part of Columbus. I also recommend Barley's Brew House (between the convention center and North Market) for good beer and food. Sometimes their AC works too... The arcade bar above it is great too. There is a free bus called the C-Bus which basically runs up and down High St. every 30 minutes or so. You can get a great view of Columbus for nothing. If you like unique parks, the Scioto Mile is close-by. A while back they basically took-out a dam and created a great river-side park. Get your picture with the deer on the bridge. COSI is right next to it if you like science. While it is not a gallery hop weekend, if you like art or crafts, High St. north of the convention center is home to dozens of galleries. I'm sure you know about Jeni's ice cream so no reason to talk about that.
Oh yeah... one TD run is not enough!

And Don’t forget about the
Jeff Ruby Steakhouse
If you like to Ball,
Only a block away,
I hear it’s amazing,
My crew is trying it out on Wednesday.
When a Falcon's Strike breaks the body
of its prey, it is because of timing.
Sun Tzu
Art of War 500 B.C.

D&D, been playing 35 years
GenCon, been going 23 years Straight
True Dungeon, been playing 16 years Straight and all 4 events last year.

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #20

He may know bout jeni ice cream but others may not.

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #21

I'm excited for the barcade myself

Lori Martin wrote: YES! THIS!!!!

True Dungeon tourist.
This is a neat thing.

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #22

First - Welcome!

I'd recommend the dealer hall then the more unusual games like Aces and 8's, etc.

Of course, there is a recommendation I'll give you that means it being very late for when you drive home. The event I have the most fun with each year (even more than TD - I know, blasphemy) is the Kobolds Ate My Baby Midnight Massacre. It's a rules-light RPG multi-table interactive event where you play as Kobolds trying to accomplish some mission that is absurdly hard because you are kobolds (not great at much). It's incredibly funny and a great end to a day. This year, it is run on Friday at 8p-midnight with more players than usual. They got permission, for their anniversary, to go up to 150 players in a single chaotic space. No idea how many they'll get but it will be more than enough for some mayhem. Keep in mind, this event has been kicked out of almost every respectable space at Origins and GenCon for being too rowdy. They somehow conned their way back into regular spaces for this year. Definitely worth checking out.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 8 months ago #23

Late night werewolves.
Two rooms and a boom.
"Nice guys finish last but at least they finish"

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New to Origins (and Conventions as a whole) 5 years 7 months ago #24

Thanks everyone, for the great advice all around!

We're not local, and driving in from out of state tomorrow, starting at 6am.

Should arrive sometime around 10am, with time to grab some generic tickets, and see what happens.

I'm looking forward to it! See you tomorrow!

Thanks again.

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