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TOPIC: Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019

Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #13

edwin wrote:

Legion wrote:

David Zych wrote: Also, I don't know enough about how things work behind the scenes to have an informed opinion about whether it ought to be the AC specifically who does this, but: from a perception standpoint it's particularly powerful that someone "important" is taking the time to listen to you, and from a pragmatic standpoint it's great to give feedback to the person who actually has the power to fix things (of the sort that are fixable, anyway).

I had no idea that the guy at the end was an AC. I thought it was kinda cool to have someone interested in my immediate feedback, but now that I know it was an AC, I kinda agree with Picc that they probably had more important things to do.

Also did not know they were AC. Not sure what AC do by the way. Appreciated the opportunity to give positives and negatives about the runs.

As I understand it, an Adventure Coordinator is basically the shift manager/supervisor for that specific dungeon. During that 8 hour shift, they are in charge of the volunteers (DMs and NPCs) who work in that dungeon and make sure everything is working correctly. I think there are multiple ACs for each of the dungeon, so that one is always working.

But I've never been a volunteer, so I could be wrong.
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk

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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #14

I didn't love the cramped space or delay, and I think feedback is incredibly important.

Maybe have someone posted past treasure, with a big sign saying please give us your feedback.

Also, every single one of them had a shirt on that said "coordinator" on it. I dont know TD hierarchy, are there other coordinators other than AC? Coach coordinator? NPC coordinator?
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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #15

Picc wrote: Personally I hated the way this was implemented. It felt like you were being ambushed and not allowed to leave.


Wade Schwendemann wrote: I dont know TD hierarchy, are there other coordinators other than AC? Coach coordinator? NPC coordinator?

There is one Coach Coordinator per shift also, they handle both coaching and training. Adventure Coordinator manages the actual dungeon. There might be more, not sure.
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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #16

Picc wrote: Rant incoming.

Personally I hated the way this was implemented. It felt like you were being ambushed and not allowed to leave. In principle exit interviews are a good idea but a couple of points.

It's the ACs job to roam the dungeon fixing problems. If they are stuck at the end soliciting surveys they cant do that. IMO surveys should be done by a dedicated volunteer with customer service experience.

Doing the surveys in dungeon isnt great, the space is small, the noise is high, and this year specifically the air quality wasnt great. My wife has asthma and anxiety issues, the exit survey almost caused her a panic attack more then once. If this continues please consider moving it out to the treasure area.

Also if someone had a bad time there's a good chance it was with a member of their party. No one is going to speak up about such issues in the presence of said party and even if they did there is pressure little the AC can do to fix it after the run.

I will also be interested to see if this process results in more or less complaints this year. I kind of get the feeling that if you prompt people to think about their issues they will think of something...

Also while the exit interview text was greatly improved to be more positive during the weekend I felt a little attacked as a veteran player after our Thursday night sessions. The initial wording felt more then a little adversarial between new players being solicited for feedback, and vets being thanked for not ruining things (even though it was hard). I mean if you want to drive a wedge between groups of players this is how you do it.

End of the day IMO the idea is fine but the execution needs to be improved. As is I know that my wife's desire to play TD again has been reduced by the exit interviews (and by knock on effect my ability to attend events will be affected, she will probably forget and I will talk her into it but I dont think that was the desired effect).

Personally I would be just as happy if this never happened again, but I suspect this oppinian will be in the minority (at least so far as people will post publicly).

anyone that knows me can always give me feedback (preferably about TD :) ). I can always get it to correct person, even if I am not an AC at that con. I did have a few people come up to me at different times and give me feedback when I wasnt on shift.

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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #17

Milambus (Jake) wrote:

edwin wrote:

Legion wrote:

David Zych wrote: Also, I don't know enough about how things work behind the scenes to have an informed opinion about whether it ought to be the AC specifically who does this, but: from a perception standpoint it's particularly powerful that someone "important" is taking the time to listen to you, and from a pragmatic standpoint it's great to give feedback to the person who actually has the power to fix things (of the sort that are fixable, anyway).

I had no idea that the guy at the end was an AC. I thought it was kinda cool to have someone interested in my immediate feedback, but now that I know it was an AC, I kinda agree with Picc that they probably had more important things to do.

Also did not know they were AC. Not sure what AC do by the way. Appreciated the opportunity to give positives and negatives about the runs.

As I understand it, an Adventure Coordinator is basically the shift manager/supervisor for that specific dungeon. During that 8 hour shift, they are in charge of the volunteers (DMs and NPCs) who work in that dungeon and make sure everything is working correctly. I think there are multiple ACs for each of the dungeon, so that one is always working.

But I've never been a volunteer, so I could be wrong.

where did you get this 8hrs number?

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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #18

Agree appreciated the ability to give feedback. Also agreed it felt awkward to be held up in a little space at the end of the dungeon. Would have preferred something different. Maybe out in the treasure area, but once there people likely only have there mind on treasure, so might not be effective.

I did like having the epilogue area out in the light. (If it was like that last year - I missed GENCON so was new to me).

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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #19

The positive attitude of the ACs was a great way to exit. Soliciting feedback this way and being inviting to the community is also a positive.
Finding a staging area for this would be a good idea.
I very much like the idea of combining the treasure pulls and feedback. New players will be drawing, and have time to chat. Vets can grab their bags or treasure tokens and hustle to the next run - or let the AC that a prop had a new glitch, etc.
I think it’s more positive than negative.

I think with small adjustments it would be quite good for new players to find out about the forums, the community, etc.

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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #20

Responding to a lot of the previous comments, would it have helped if the DM in the last room told people before they left that there would be somebody outside soliciting feedback?
I strongly agree with the previous comments that one’s out in the treasure room most thoughts of problems in the dungeon would be A very low priority.
Having a booth or a table Down the hall after treasure pulls, with the sign is not going to be as effective because people feel that it’s really only the big problems that need addressing when the little things are as important as the big things.
I did read through all the posts but I’m trying to think I don’t remember seeing a suggestion that would have made it better feeling for the players to have the AC between the last room and the treasure report. Does anyone have a legitimate suggestion on how to accomplish that?
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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #21

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote:

Milambus (Jake) wrote: As I understand it, an Adventure Coordinator is basically the shift manager/supervisor for that specific dungeon. During that 8 hour shift, they are in charge of the volunteers (DMs and NPCs) who work in that dungeon and make sure everything is working correctly. I think there are multiple ACs for each of the dungeon, so that one is always working.

But I've never been a volunteer, so I could be wrong.

where did you get this 8hrs number?

I could have been making it up... but I thought I had heard/read it over the years on the forum. As I said, I've never been a volunteer, so feel free to correct anything I got wrong.

Bob Chasan wrote: I did read through all the posts but I’m trying to think I don’t remember seeing a suggestion that would have made it better feeling for the players to have the AC between the last room and the treasure report. Does anyone have a legitimate suggestion on how to accomplish that?

Perhaps if the AC meets the players in the same place, but then guides them out to desk as they talk.
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk

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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #22

As a whole, ACs don’t put in 8 hours. Their shift is done when it’s done, they are there as long as they are required to be. Some of the hardest working volunteers are our Co ordinators.

It’s filthy casuals like me that get an hourly shift. 😹

Taking my volunteer hat off for a moment: standing between me and my treasure REALLY killed the mood and my hype coming out of room 7. Like others, I felt trapped and did not appreciate the added time, so I felt stressed to get to other events and it was a little souring.

I appreciate the intention - there is no way to fix things without getting immediate feedback, but I think how we survey players could be improved. There is opportunity here to develop this so it works, it just needs some tweaking.
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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #23

It may be best with the introduction immediately after the last room and then talking while drawing treasure. For example:

"Hello, I'm you're friendly AC! Did everyone have fun? Lets go get your treasure, and while you're waiting to draw let me know if there are any props that weren't working right, or things we could do better"

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Huge props to the customer service being shown at Gen Con 2019 5 years 6 months ago #24

Wade Schwendemann wrote: Maybe have someone posted past treasure, with a big sign saying please give us your feedback.

I gave this exact feedback to my AC. I think having their Epilogue person directing them to an optional feedback station that has a volunteer for verbal feedback, a place for written feedback, and cards with a place for e-mail or online feedback, to balance people's schedules, memories, and comfort speaking.

Bob Chasan wrote: Would it have helped if the DM in the last room told people before they left that there would be somebody outside soliciting feedback?

I tried to do exactly that, whenever I could. Maybe someone can comment if that helped.
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