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TOPIC: 2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups

2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 2 years 3 months ago #1

  • Druegar
  • Druegar's Avatar Topic Author
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Welcome Lucky Golden Ticket Holder!
This is the place where all Golden Ticket holders select which convention and adventure they wish to redeem their Golden Ticket on. Unless all other slots have been claimed, you must choose a convention (either Gen Con or Gamehole Con) and an adventure featured at that convention.
Note: Not all details are final. We reserve the right to make alterations without notice if we deem them necessary.
There are two different versions of Golden Ticket tokens this year: "Team Francis (1 of 60)" and "Team Gib Gub (1 of 40)". However... the team names are just for fun and do not mean anything! Even though the tokens have slightly different text on them, they both redeem exactly the same way, and they mean exactly the same thing. Do not let the different wording fool you into thinking they go with different adventures or different conventions. You can use either of them at either convention (Gen Con or Gamehole Con) or on any adventure--subject to availability.

How To Redeem Your Golden Ticket Token
Send an email with the subject line:
GT Registration
to MyUsername@truedungeon.com. Do not literally send an email to the email address "MyUsername@truedungeon.com" Substitute the username of the person who composed this post for the red italicized text before @truedungeon.com. (The name you need to use is shown to the left of the top of this post. Hint: it starts with a "d" ;) .) In that email, include all of the following (feel free to copy/paste this text block to use as a template):
  1. Your real name:_
  2. Your forum name:_
  3. The character class you prefer* to play:_
  4. The slot (A, B, C, etc.) you prefer* to play:_
  5. A legible photo of your GT token (either jpg or png)
*There is no guarantee your preference(s) will be available. Selections are made on a first-come, first-pick basis. If you have no class and/or slot preference, specify that--don't just leave either of those preference lines blank. But no matter when you register your GT, it's highly recommended that you have at least one or two other class builds as backup when you arrive at the event.

Do not attempt to register your GT slot until you have the actual token in your possession. You may not reserve a spot by claiming your GT token is "on the way". Incomplete emails--including emails with no photographic proof--will not count as a registration.

After we verify your claim, we add your forum name to the "sign-up sheets" below, as designated by convention and adventure name.

After your name & class appear on this page, you need to send in your Golden Ticket token for verification via this page. It's in the Special Redemption section. You may need to scroll down a bit to see it.

Remember, securing your place on a GT run is a two-step process that needs to be done in this order:
  1. Email the photo of your GT token to reserve the slot & class of your choice.
    Check back here (the post you're reading now) to ensure we recorded your slot & class request accurately.
  2. After your accurate reservation appears in this post, register and send in your GT token for verification.

Congratulations on your awesome acquisition!

Gen Con (Wednesday evening)
Darkhold Keep 7:00 pm (Slot "A")
  1. Cassie--elf wizard or wizard
  2. smakdown--barbarian
  3. Dougout--monk (or ranger or any class)
  4. AcidPezz--druid
  5. Jay Earle--bard
  6. David Harris--wizard or elf wizard
  7. Nikkeh--dwarf fighter (or fighter)
  8. arcbat--fighter
  9. Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid)--any
  10. ralykam--any

Darkhold Keep 7:12 pm (Slot "B")
  1. Ini--wizard
  2. Didgeridoo--bard
  3. Desmuri--barbarian
  4. Killasamuri11--druid
  5. phineas gage--monk
  6. Gonite--rogue
  7. James Bennett--cleric
  8. DerbyChick--paladin
  9. Scott Yoder--ranger
  10. Ipswitch--elf wizard

Darkhold Keep 7:24 pm (Slot "C")
  1. Eseell--elf wizard/wizard (or any class)
  2. Flik--cleric
  3. mortalclembot--dwarf fighter
  4. brian haag--rogue
  5. Andrew Knoll--wizard
  6. Maelios--druid (or elf wizard)
  7. Casey Wren--dwarf fighter (or anything other than wizards)

Tomb of Terror 20th Anniversary Adventure 7:01 pm (Slot "F")
  1. Kithren Bloodwood--fighter
  2. Dergidan--rogue
  3. Fred K--elf wizard
  4. OrionW--druid
  5. Laramore--ranger
  6. Kaelten--bard
  7. larcklorn--dwarf fighter
  8. Josh Rayden--paladin
  9. Zoe Zhang--wizard
  10. colsteve--monk

Tomb of Terror 20th Anniversary Adventure 7:13 pm (Slot "G")
  1. Wiltey--druid
  2. Kusig--bard
  3. CarabooC--ranger
  4. WM13--rogue
  5. Lynthia--cleric
  6. Manimal--barbarian (or dwarf fighter)
  7. kirkbauer--wizard/elf wizard
  8. Grellden--paladin
  9. Ultraczar--fighter
  10. Balran--elf wizard/wizard

Tomb of Terror 20th Anniversary Adventure 7:25 pm (Slot "H")
  1. Archmage78--ranger
  2. Lili--cleric
  3. Trent--barbarian
  4. Wyld--dwarf fighter
  5. Braxton--rogue
  6. Mongo--bard
  7. Dave--elf wizard
  8. Delwon--druid
  9. Reap--monk
  10. AxgrymtheSlayer--paladin

Tomb of Terror 20th Anniversary Adventure tells the tale of how Dalin's father came into possession of the map and key to the Door of Many Doors--behind which lies the Tomb of Terror.
Darkhold Keep 7:36 pm (Slot "K")
  1. Kenban--ranger
  2. Ferret Slayer--druid
  3. TybaltGray--paladin
  4. Jason Efford--fighter (not dwarf)
  5. Pstyle--cleric/any
  6. zinniz--barbarian
  7. Alex P--monk
  8. Omega T--bard
  9. Fizzikx--rogue

Barb Beard's Treasure 7:02 pm (Slot "Q")
  1. Michael--bard
  2. Fiddy--any
  3. Beertram--any non-wizard
  4. Dragon6483--any
  5. Jpotter--any
  6. gunnermk11--barbarian
  7. KermitKing--monk (or any martial class)
  8. Jimtw--cleric
  9. haasdt--druid
  10. charleston--ranger

Gamehole Con (Thursday afternoon)
Curse of Crimson Isle 1:36 pm (Slot "X")
  1. Trent--barbarian
  2. Wyld--dwarf fighter
  3. Mongo--monk
  4. Dave--elf wizard
  5. LordBrian--paladin or cleric
  6. Delwon--rogue
  7. C4pt Chunk--fighter
  8. CarabooC--ranger
  9. Scott Yoder-bard
  10. Manimal--paladin or cleric

Curse of Crimson Isle 1:48 pm (Slot "Y")
  1. Pstyle--druid/bard/cleric/any
  2. QRooster--rogue (or paladin)
  3. payden--wizard/elf wizard
  4. OrionW--druid (but flexible)
  5. Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid)--any
  6. Fred K--any
  7. Smakdown--barbarian
  8. AceNorton--paladin (or fighter)
  9. Quip--monk
Live long and prosper

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Last edit: by Druegar.
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 2 years 3 months ago #2

A big thanks to Chad for managing this task for many years, but now that it has grown to 100 Golden Tickets, it is too much a task to ask of him. Thanks Chad.

Also, feel free to post in this thread to communicate with your fellow GT winners.

PLEASE DO NOT attempt to claim a GT spot with a post. That must be done through an email as described above. Any offending post will be deleted.

Note: We reserve the right to tweak and change things as needed. Events are still somewhat in flux, but the details given here are our best guess as to the final state of things.

And congratulations on finding a Golden Ticket! Well done.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
Last edit: by Jeff Martin.
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 2 years 1 week ago #3

  • Druegar
  • Druegar's Avatar Topic Author
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To all who have already emailed the photo of your GT token with your slot & class preferences, please remember to register and send in your GT token for verification on the Token Exchange Program page. It's in the Special Redemption section--you may need to scroll a bit to see it--roughly ⅕ of the way down from the top.
Live long and prosper
Last edit: by Druegar.
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 2 years 1 week ago #4

I have been holding mine to send in with a transmute, and keep putting off sorting my transmutes in favor of other household projects.

Is there a deadline (or a courtesy "deadline") by which the physical token needs to be sent in?
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 2 years 1 week ago #5

Do TPTB know which day the Gamehole Con Golden Ticket run will take place on?
"IMHO we like to solve problems here on the forums that are only perceived problems due to a myopic view." -Bob C
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 2 years 6 days ago #6

dokkaebi wrote: Do TPTB know which day the Gamehole Con Golden Ticket run will take place on?

+1 - I would definitely recommend making it Wed Evening if possible to avoid conflicts with other event schedules.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 1 year 11 months ago #7

dokkaebi wrote: Do TPTB know which day the Gamehole Con Golden Ticket run will take place on?

Historically those runs have been Thursday before we start the regular runs. If we have enough Local Install help to get both adventures up and ready on Wednesday we could possibly do the GT runs Wed evening, but that really depends on how much help we get.

Hopefully that helps explain the reasoning behind the when and why!

Lori :-)

Lori Martin
True Dungeon Exec. Director
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 1 year 11 months ago #8

I see the updated text but can we get an updated “run” tracker in the main post. If we are cutting 3 runs of Crimson Isle I don’t know what spot to go in with not 3 full runs to replace…

Can slots A, B, and C just turn into Tomb of Terror instead? People might not even want to move.
Last edit: by Flik.
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 1 year 11 months ago #9

Flik wrote: I see the updated text but can we get an updated “run” tracker in the main post. If we are cutting 3 runs of Crimson Isle I don’t know what spot to go in with not 3 full runs to replace…

Can slots A, B, and C just turn into Tomb of Terror instead? People might not even want to move.

this please.

Otherwise there is a decent chance we won't be able to keep our selected classes in the reshuffle

drat, I saw the change, time to email Dan and hope
*mental note* always listen to Jeff
Last edit: by Brad.
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 1 year 11 months ago #10

Thanks for the quick fix! I will be fine staying in slot A.
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 1 year 11 months ago #11

Lori Martin wrote:

dokkaebi wrote: Do TPTB know which day the Gamehole Con Golden Ticket run will take place on?

Historically those runs have been Thursday before we start the regular runs. If we have enough Local Install help to get both adventures up and ready on Wednesday we could possibly do the GT runs Wed evening, but that really depends on how much help we get.

Hopefully that helps explain the reasoning behind the when and why!


Patron events start around 5pm on Wednesday evening of GameholeCon. I know Trent has been getting that badge level a few years now.
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2023 Golden Ticket Sign-Ups 1 year 11 months ago #12

The GHC patron dinner is awesome. It would be a hard choice between it and the GT run… would probably pick the GT run.
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