---> This is the post to read if you want to get up to speed on what we've solved, and what (probably) still needs solving.
Quite a while back... The Quick Token Reference Guide came out (in print, and electronic versions.) The token checklist referenced a
Mystery token, under the “Special” section, and the 2 blue underlined spaces implied it was a transmute token with 2 words in its name.
A thread called
started to discuss it (and other token-related fun.)
(Note: there was also a mystery token (of sorts) in the Transmute section of the checklist, but Druegar edited it out, and confirmed that it had been an error, and unrelated to the current puzzle.)
Origins! - People began finding the Relic Recipe Fragment tokens i the treasure boxes, and the thread
Relic Recipe fragment
Another thread started roughly the same time, called
What the…
wherein Druegar posted the occasional hint or clue.. mostly in beige text on beige.. meaning you had to highlight the message with your mouse (or quote it) to get the text to show up. This "Search for Hidden Text with your Mouse" became a common theme in Druegar's clues/posts.
The first Hint in post #1 was :
Druegar wrote: You should remember that sometimes clues are
in plain sight.
A page showed up in the Token Database called “Relic Recipe Fragment” which contained the following riddle:
Token Database wrote:
In days of yore, quite long before
The humans came to plunder more
A relic forged from goods of trade
By ancient hands the thing was made
Alas, for now, the method’s gone
To craft this fine phenomenon
‘Twas fractured by a hand of bronze
And now it’s just some polygons
When days are long and three stars bright
The Dark Knight comes with special sight
For bringing forth the pieces all
To eldest place before the fall
So gather now your goods abound
And bring them where the start be found
A myst’ry now that was foretold
With time, that knowledge shall unfold
The same thread discussed naming strategies for the 6 fragment shapes, leading to Picc’s handy Naming Convention guide, which Druegar altered shortly after to offer some “different” names for the pieces.
We did not know it at the time, but he’d also added some Teal pixels to the Relic Riddle.
Not too long after, Druegar posted a graphic containing a short riddle/clue, whose initial letters spelled out “ENHANCE”. If you enhanced that same clue, you could find Teal dots highlighting letters which spelled “first.”
It took some searching, but people realized Druegar had put teal pixels into the naming convention image first… and those picked out letters which spelled “Eclipse Night”
Meanwhile, a new thread had been started called
Deciphering the Relic Fragment Riddle
, with the intent to brainstorm the riddle.
Somewhere around
post #131
this became the single thread to combine all the puzzle solving.
it was discussing upcoming Eclipses as possible “Dark Nights” with Special sights.
On July 2nd (the night of the Solar Eclipse) Druegar started a new forum thread called
What are your plans for the 4th?
There was a clue in initial post (in beige invisible text)provides scrambled letters to spell “Druegar Die”
Druegar wrote: Since I'm in a new place, I'm not sure what I'll be doing. Hopefully it involves fireworks.
Do you sEe It?
Disneyland always has a great Fourth of July fireworks show.
DiG aroUnd And your seaRches may yiEld tRuth!
I miss my AP. 
A search of the TDb page for Druegar’s Death Die unearthed a single pixel hyperlink on the Druegar Death Die page, which led to this image of 9 film stars
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The image was sprinkled with Teal dots. While several people suggested they looked like stars or a constellation, we have not been able to figure out exactly what they mean, or which constellation (if any) they are from… the Pegasus and Orion are front-runners.
The image includes 9 actors: 8 of the 9 are folks who starred in the 1985 movie, Clue (though the pictures are taken from other movies, mostly, not the Clue movie specifically). The 9th actor was Gordon Jump, who most notably played the station manager from WKRP. Missing from the picture is Mr Green.
Click here for a full list of the actors and their roles:
(right-left, top-bottom)
Martin Mull (8/18/43 - ) as Harvey in the 1980 movie Serial.
Madeline Kahn (9/29/42 - 11/3/99) (rest her hilarious soul) as Victoria Bisbane in the 1977 Mel Brooks movie High Anxiety.
Howard Hesseman (2/27/40 - ) as Pete Lassard in the 1985 move Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment.
A promotional shot of Colleen Camp (6/7/53 - )
The great Tim Curry (4/19/46 - ) as Cardinal Richelieu in the 1983 movie 3 Musketeers.
Leslie Ann Warren (8/16/46 - ) in the title role in the 1965 movie Cinderella.
The great Christopher Lloyd (10/22/38 - ) as Commander Kruge in the 1984 move Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
Eileen Brennan (9/3/32 - 7/28/13) as Genevieve in the 1971 movie The Last Picture Show.
Gordon Jump (not in the movie Clue) (4/1/32 - ) (Born on April Fools Day) as Zack Feldman in the 1973 episode of The Partridge Family "Strike Out King".
A little while later, in
post #389
Druegar posts clue of “What Does Gordon Do” (relevant letters highlighted in
Druegar wrote:
While I think it's nice that y'all are trying
half of the time you're all way off the mark,
almost as if you were inserting what you all
think you want it to be, not what it should be.
Different ways of thinking are frequently, if not
often the best way to go. I guess you might
effectively consider it to be thinking outside of
some kind of rectangular enclosure.
Go ahead and stretch your thoughts. You've heard of
opening your mind, I'm sure. This, you know,
really should be a thing that the community can
do all together. Use this exercise to show how
otherwise disparate people can come together,
no matter what their geographical locations are.
Dodging the things that are right in front of you,
or not immediately obvious isn't good, is it?
The obvious answer is: Gordon Jumps.
Alternatives include: Gordon Stars (in movies), Gordon Acts, He lays there (dead), Station manager for WKRP
A little while later again, Druegar posted another clue in
post #427
Druegar wrote:
What you want to consider is how many
hours it could take to succeed. I suppose
twilight is a good time to check, but not necessarily.
I also think it's important to take into account
what "secondary" characteristics can be revealed.
Winning may not be everything. Don't wind up with
egg on your face. Sometimes, if you feel you're
whipped, consider that extremes may be next door.
A high-low relationship is not always invalid.
Another thing to consider is where, or maybe
how, one might go about engineering information
attorneys don't need to concern themselves with.
I had hoped to reveal bits and bobs
every now and then, but much verbosity had to be
bequeathed upon an unknowing crowd. The excesses
are things to be discarded most of the time. Will a
hypnotist need to be called to help forget all the dross?
If you take the “second characters” of each line (
bold added after), it says, “How High Not Very”
Druegar says there’s over 450 posts (tho it was only 448 posts by our math)
post #457
Druegar says (in hidden text) that wasn’t a clue… but if we look, we might find more.
Braxton wrote "Aaargh." and Druegar replied, in
post #463
with an image of a Pirate. It took a bit, but eventually someone discovered the word "Fragments" hidden in the image.
Around this time, July 16 - which also happens to be a lunar eclipse! - folks discover that the searching TDB for Relic Recipe Fragment doesn’t lead you to the page it used to. Now the
TDb returns 6 results for fragment
, with each Relic Recipe Fragment page identified by a different number.
Those pages each contain hidden text (which can be seen if you highlight the text just above the words “Useable by”) and putting together the hidden text from all 6 pages gives the following clue:
Token Database Fragment pages wrote:
If you seek the riches
Ring truth for which to sound
The items that you’ll need
To forge a relic found
Go down for which we’ll lead
A ledge so near the ground
#461 Laz uses his once/yr clue to get the following
Clue from Jeff
Look for Riches
Which leads to the discovery that the Ring of Riches in the lower left of the forums (scroll all the way to the bottom) is now linking to an image of a token which seems to be our mystery token. The .png file named OB.
On July 16 (or 17?) it said “O B” (note: The file is also named "OB")
On July 18 it said “Or Be” and had a small purple dot in the center
On July 19 it still says “Or Be“ but the dot in the center has expanded to look like a star, in a field of stars
Folks are watching in the hopes that this updates ?every day?
Meanwhile, in
post #604
Druegar posted a picture of Kermit the Frog. We haven't found any clues hidden in the post yet... but you never know. It may tie in with the "Jumps" clue (Frogs jump) or that Mr Green was missing from the 9-square of Clue stars (Druegar even writes in Green, not Teal, for this post.)
Please note: The image is from the internet, not hosted on TD forums or Druegar's personal web site, so odds are pretty good it hasn't been altered or laced with teal pixels.
Druegar wrote:
JACKOFTRADZE wrote: just confirming more and more the Burrito connection
Why are... there so many.. songs about burritos?
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