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TOPIC: Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder

Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #241

Trent wrote:

Raven wrote: It was great seeing everyone at the GT run!

Thank you so much to Trent for smuggling Grog some food to sustain him through the dungeon.

And to anyone who heard rumors of me breaking the first puzzle in the first room of the first run of the Con: I blame those Power Worms which Trent gave me. They made Grog Not Know Own Strength!

I agree, it was great seeing everyone!

And it's your fault Raven. I poisoned the food because I felt so emasculated when you as the Paladin, guarded me as the Barbarian. I'm pretty sure this is the first time that's ever happened in TD history!


Our Paladin guards the Barbarian when we have no wizards.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #242

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jedibcg wrote: Our Paladin guards the Barbarian when we have no wizards.



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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #243

kurtreznor wrote: So, it seems you should change my class preference to ranger first, then bard, then whatever. And also change my name to Edwin.

Have fun y'all, yinz, and everypony.

Earlier this year, there was a lot of discussion about the fairness of selling GT slots (particularly combat slots that were claimed early on):




The original situation happened with Tsaelyn but it looks like we actually have a concrete example of this happening when Kent (kurtreznor) was able to sell his "early claim" combat slot to Edwin.

(I think existing sign-ups in Puzzle should have first had the chance to swap to that Combat slot).

I suggest that TD revise their GT sign-up and slot allocation procedures for next year.

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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #244

It's ok that you broke the puzzle. Although I did a different GT run, I did your run first thing Thursday morning and we broke the chain again! I think it was an ongoing problem :)

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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #245

jedibcg wrote:

Trent wrote:

Raven wrote: It was great seeing everyone at the GT run!

Thank you so much to Trent for smuggling Grog some food to sustain him through the dungeon.

And to anyone who heard rumors of me breaking the first puzzle in the first room of the first run of the Con: I blame those Power Worms which Trent gave me. They made Grog Not Know Own Strength!

I agree, it was great seeing everyone!

And it's your fault Raven. I poisoned the food because I felt so emasculated when you as the Paladin, guarded me as the Barbarian. I'm pretty sure this is the first time that's ever happened in TD history!


Our Paladin guards the Barbarian when we have no wizards.

I frequently guard the Barbarian and the Elf Wizard, but if one isn't playing, I guard the Monk.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #246

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Wade Schwendemann wrote: I frequently guard the Barbarian and the Elf Wizard, but if one isn't playing, I guard the Monk.

OMG! What's wrong with all you crazy people!

My weapon says "Deathcleaver," not "StandBehindPalidanButterKnife!!!"


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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #247

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It's because the Barbie is all about damage, and forgets he's only wearing a loincloth and some rough animal hides for clothes.

You see, it's not so much that we feel we need to protect the Barbarian from the monsters, as that the paladin doesn't want the party to suffer from indecent exposure, or having certain sights burned into their eyes.


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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #248

No, no okay. Complete accident, of course, but the chains were broken so often that Thursday night during a bubble there were like 8 people in the rooms removing the chains so it wouldn't keep happening.
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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #249

As an Elf Wizard, I often tank for the whole party.

It's funny when I can taunt an NPC to attack me. On one run I said in jest in front of Holly 'I'm an elf and a tree hugger! I hug the tree!' The DM then asked Holly who to attack and Holly pointed at me. Sucker. :laugh: (Note: That wasn't on the GT run, I did DAS puzzle for that.)

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Last edit: by Lodestone (KH).

Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #250

That is pretty funny!

I agree with Raven, its more to protect everyone else than to protect the barbarian.

Also, our barbarian isn't anywhere near the tokenholic that you are Trent, his AC is only 13.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #251

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Wade Schwendemann wrote: That is pretty funny!

I agree with Raven, its more to protect everyone else than to protect the barbarian.

Also, our barbarian isn't anywhere near the tokenholic that you are Trent, his AC is only 13.

Ah, OK...then I guess I should thank Raven for guarding me...hehe. I think my AC is around 37ish. And I'm not a tokenholic...I can quit whenever I want!

*slobbering* Are the new tokens out yet?


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Golden Ticket Winners Sign Up Folder 7 years 5 months ago #252

Incognito wrote:

kurtreznor wrote: So, it seems you should change my class preference to ranger first, then bard, then whatever. And also change my name to Edwin.

Have fun y'all, yinz, and everypony.

Earlier this year, there was a lot of discussion about the fairness of selling GT slots (particularly combat slots that were claimed early on):




The original situation happened with Tsaelyn but it looks like we actually have a concrete example of this happening when Kent (kurtreznor) was able to sell his "early claim" combat slot to Edwin.

(I think existing sign-ups in Puzzle should have first had the chance to swap to that Combat slot).

I suggest that TD revise their GT sign-up and slot allocation procedures for next year.

To be fair, i never promised that the slot would transfer. I specifically said that i cannot promise my current spot on combat run or class choice. After purchase, he asked me to post his preference as taking my place.

That said, i completely agree that GT signups should be handled differently; not first come basis.
this is not a signature.

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