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TOPIC: Treasure Draw disappointment again

Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 6 months ago #25

This morning 22 pulls, 3 monster bits and a Kvothe's Bloodless.

This evening 34 pulls, 4 monster bits, Icecrag hero Earcuff, redoubt helm.

I'll tally it all up later.
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend - Faramir

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Last edit: by Harlax.

Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #26

jedibcg wrote:

Dave wrote: Will also post final totals on Sunday. Having pulled a 25k eldritch bar i really can't complain. But...the rest of my pulls are generally disappointing to say the least.

Total pulls thus far 153
Rares 58
Uncommons. 61
Monster bits 31
Ultra rares. 0
Specials 3 (25k gp bar, 500gp bar, minotaur hide)

Monster bit distribution skewed a little with 13 lava beast nuggets to 3 succubus horns.

I do have 20+ of each of the monster trophies except succubus which I only have 10. This is from Thursday draws. I hope it will even out a bit over the con, but I have plenty to trade folks to even them out.

I'd be interested in a trade. I only got one spidaur venom and several succubus horns. I'd like to even that out a bit.
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Last edit: by Brynn Symington.

Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #27

I liklely cannot trade at gen con as my sunday is booked.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #28

You're welcome. While i know there are others like me who live through the perpetual disappointed draw syndrome, it seems like there are many many more who experienced the joy of capturing an elusive pokemon...sorry, wrong game...I mean token.

For the lucky ones, I did my best to thin the box of less desirable items. My totals are not horrendous, but only because of the premade 10 packs. Let me summarize. Before TD ran out I snagged 10 packs. Results were 40 rares, 35 uncommons, 22 monster bits, 3 specials (25K gp bar, 500 gp bar, minotaur hide) and 1 UR (lenses of sage speed).

Once i was on my own using the wand my results were 111 pulls, 38 rares, 50 uncommons, 22 monster bits, 1 special (aragonite) and 0 UR.

They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That explains why i play the mad elven wizard with a propensity for cutting himself. A lot of blood has been spilt in the dungeon this weekend. If the Colts don't do well this year they may blame it on the curse of all the fallen adventurers buried under their playing field.

One more run today. I return to my madness.

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Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #29

Here's my final numbers. I'm pretty happy.

Total: 173

Icecrag Hero's Earcuff
2x Fallen Star Mushroom
Enhanced Creeper Amulet

Boots of Might

Trade Goods
5,000 GP Bar
1,000 GP Bar
2x Dwarven Steel
Elven Bismuth
Enchanter's Munition

2x +2 Sling Bullet of Gazebo Slaying

Monster Trophy (41/173 = 23.7%)
11x Succubus Horn
5x Spiduar Venom
16x Lava Beast Nugget
9x Elder Orb Eye

119x Standard UC/Rare
(3350 GP)
Classes Played: Barbarian (65 times), Monk (56), Ranger (33), Rogue (25), Cleric (21), Fighter (13), Druid (12), Paladin (11), Dwarf Fighter (10), Bard (7), Elf Wizard (2), Wizard (2)

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Last edit: by Reap.

Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #30

My final tally. I'm neither happy nor unhappy, but 2 tokens away from being miserable

10 packs were back today, but even that didn't really help.

241 total (130 from 10 packs)

Transmutes 0

Ultra Rares 1
Lenses of Sage Speed

Trade Items 5
25000 gp bar
500 gp bar
Mystic Silk
Minotaur Hide

Monster Ingredients 45
Lava Beast Nugget 17
Elder Orb Eye 12
Spidaur 11
Succubus Horn 4

Standard Rare 93
Standard Uncommon 98
Gold 3950

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Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #31

I pulled two sets of 17 on Friday.

Set 1 from the out front boxes = 1 bit.

Set 2 from the box at the end of BHM = 7 bits!!! 41%.

I also got 1600gp from 7 of 34 pulls which I thought was a higher % of gp than i should expect.

I'm happy with my pulls, but mostly because of the second box.

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Last edit: by Graven.

Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #32

111 pulls
18 bits
6 specials below
+2 Dex Amulet
1k bar
Fallen Mushroom Star
Kvothes Bloodless
10k bar
Icecrag Earcuff

Very happy as this is my first year pulling something better than a monster bit. :)
Seems bits were 20%

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Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #33

Approximately 216 pulls.

28 monster bits. 6 full sets, so remarkable distribution.

A 10k bar and about 3.5 k in loose gold.

2 X Charm of Heroism

Icecrag Hero's Earcuff

Blessed Redoubt Plate

Kvothe's Bloodless

Rays Ring of Remembrance

Redoubt Helm

Exalted Creeper Amulet

2 X Enhanced Creeper Amulet

Shirt of Banefull Prowess

Alchemist Parchment

Enchanters Munition

Fewer bits, URs and gold than anticipated,
Significantly more Relics than anticipated
About the expected minor transmutes.

I was not one of the lucky ones to pull an orange, but overall very solid. Color me happy
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend - Faramir

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Last edit: by Harlax.

Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #34

I had a relatively small sample size, 81 token draws:

36 Uncommon 44%
20 Rare 25%
17 Monster Bits 21%
8 Specials 1%

The specials were:
Enhanced Creeper Amulet
+2 Rod of Persuasion
Blessed Redoubt Plate
5 trade goods (one each of Alchemist's Ink, Elven Bismuth, Enchanter's Munition, Minotaur Hide, and Mystic Silk)

The money total was the only disappointing thing though. One Rare and one Uncommon for a total of 400 GP. Despite that, I think this was a really good haul.

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Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #35

Final count for all of my pulls:

136 total pulls

+5 Baton

5 URs

Enhanced Amulet

Exalted Amulet

Greater Alchemist Pouch

Elven Bismuth

23 Monster Bits

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Treasure Draw disappointment again 8 years 5 months ago #36

Next year I am going to have someone draw for me - maybe I can trick the treasure boxes that way.
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