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TOPIC: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers!

Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #85

I just had a really crazy thought about the event at the end of the teeth of cavadar; my son Clark will have just turned seven a week and half before gencon that year.
...SEVEN!!!! he's a baby, three months old, and we are talking about a super-special event that wont happen until he is seven!

also, any chance that a seven-year-old can attend this event? I may have to get a 4th set of teeth :P
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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #86

jedibcg wrote:

Arcanist Kolixela wrote:

Jeff Martin wrote: We made the document a little more clear on the "only once per adventure" on using any power.

A new version of the rules has been uploaded to this link:


Honestly I find the powers very.. MEH

Adjust Mass is likely to be useful next year but will it be good for more than 1 in 5 adventures?

Same question for Control Mass

ESP is good but provided by several Rare tokens. It's nice to have as an option but seems lacking for something requiring 4 UR tokens to have access to.

Planar Vision is good if we see Incoporeal, I'm ok with that one.

Negate Will save failure is nice, it's replicating an UR token.

Energy Adjustment and Energy Control are nice but duplicates. Why not have Energy Adjustment negate 10 damage and have Energy Control allow Self Only reuse of an expended Spell or Power?

I like the Psychic Power concept but unless the teeth do SOMETHING ELSE in addition to giving this 1/game effect they are seriously below power on the single pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts and that just seems wrong to me.

Really you think +1 to Reflex or +1 HP is better than +4 heals? I think they about on the same level. And that is just what 1 tooth does. It sounds like the more teeth you have the more powerful they will be (beyond just more points).

Do I think that +1 STR/+1 DEX/+1 Fort/Ref/Will or +1 HP is better than a single use +4 heal?


I get the other bonuses the ENTIRE dungeon. I get this healing once.

Let me ask a second question.

Is there a single point here where the teeth seem equal to the Rod segments if you have more than 1 tooth/segment?

+1 STR +1 Will ?> Water Walking 1 room/game?

+1 Fort/Reflex and Will ?> Slow Fall

I can't see the teeth as being even slightly on level with the Rod Segments unless the teeth do SOMETHING else.

Also remember. Without the Ioun Stone, the teeth as written have no in game effect.

A Specialty token that requires an UR token to ACTIVATE is patently inferior to a Specialty token that gives a static bonus for the entire game by itself.

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #87

Arcanist Kolixela wrote:

jedibcg wrote:

Arcanist Kolixela wrote:

Jeff Martin wrote: We made the document a little more clear on the "only once per adventure" on using any power.

A new version of the rules has been uploaded to this link:


Honestly I find the powers very.. MEH

Adjust Mass is likely to be useful next year but will it be good for more than 1 in 5 adventures?

Same question for Control Mass

ESP is good but provided by several Rare tokens. It's nice to have as an option but seems lacking for something requiring 4 UR tokens to have access to.

Planar Vision is good if we see Incoporeal, I'm ok with that one.

Negate Will save failure is nice, it's replicating an UR token.

Energy Adjustment and Energy Control are nice but duplicates. Why not have Energy Adjustment negate 10 damage and have Energy Control allow Self Only reuse of an expended Spell or Power?

I like the Psychic Power concept but unless the teeth do SOMETHING ELSE in addition to giving this 1/game effect they are seriously below power on the single pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts and that just seems wrong to me.

Really you think +1 to Reflex or +1 HP is better than +4 heals? I think they about on the same level. And that is just what 1 tooth does. It sounds like the more teeth you have the more powerful they will be (beyond just more points).

Do I think that +1 STR/+1 DEX/+1 Fort/Ref/Will or +1 HP is better than a single use +4 heal?


I get the other bonuses the ENTIRE dungeon. I get this healing once.

Let me ask a second question.

Is there a single point here where the teeth seem equal to the Rod segments if you have more than 1 tooth/segment?

+1 STR +1 Will ?> Water Walking 1 room/game?

+1 Fort/Reflex and Will ?> Slow Fall

I can't see the teeth as being even slightly on level with the Rod Segments unless the teeth do SOMETHING else.

Also remember. Without the Ioun Stone, the teeth as written have no in game effect.

A Specialty token that requires an UR token to ACTIVATE is patently inferior to a Specialty token that gives a static bonus for the entire game by itself.

You and I are reading different what Jeff is saying about teeth. I am reading that the more of them you have the more they do beyond Psychic Points. Maybe I am wrong of course, but that is how I read it. Sorry but I could ALWAYS used a heal in an adventure. A reflex, will, or fortitude rarely have come up for me. A +1 strength is only good when you are already odd on strength or it does nothing. Now a +1 Dex can be pretty handy and a +1 Con is always nice. But out of the 7 rod segments. I would rather have 4 heals than 5 out of the 7 segments 99 percent of the time. I believe (again I could be wrong) that 2 teeth are going to do more than just give you 20 points. If they do anything else I imagine that would put them ahead of two segments that don't interact at all together until you complete the transmute. We will have to see. I will agree that without a ISOA the 1st Tooth is pretty much useless. I don't think we can say that they all will be useless without something like the ISOA because we don't know if and/or they interact with each other.
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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #88

What happens when the ioun stone is OOP and the teeth are still coming? People that sign up later will be SOL and not have reason to buy the 1K packs. Is the ioun stone going to stick around for 7 years? or will there be a second item to replace it?

Also a one time only power for the final power that goes away? Will it remain something less after that? Just curious is all.

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #89

  • Raven
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Lordoftherealm wrote: What happens when the ioun stone is OOP and the teeth are still coming? People that sign up later will be SOL and not have reason to buy the 1K packs. Is the ioun stone going to stick around for 7 years? or will there be a second item to replace it?

I remember seeing (possibly on an earlier iteration of the Psychic Power PDF) a reference made to another UR in 2017 which will unlock Psychic powers. At present, the only reference on the PDF is

"Players wishing to use a Psychic Power must unlock their Psychic Potential by
equipping an IOUN STONE AMETHYST OVOID (or another future token that unlocks Psychic Potential) before the start of their adventure."

Elsewhere in this current thread, Jeff refers to "the 2017 token" which will unlock more powers, and I think the plan was to have a Psychic token available as a PYP (current or past year) through the 7 year cycle.

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #90

jedibcg wrote:
You and I are reading different what Jeff is saying about teeth. I am reading that the more of them you have the more they do beyond Psychic Points. Maybe I am wrong of course, but that is how I read it. Sorry but I could ALWAYS used a heal in an adventure. A reflex, will, or fortitude rarely have come up for me. A +1 strength is only good when you are already odd on strength or it does nothing. Now a +1 Dex can be pretty handy and a +1 Con is always nice. But out of the 7 rod segments. I would rather have 4 heals than 5 out of the 7 segments 99 percent of the time. I believe (again I could be wrong) that 2 teeth are going to do more than just give you 20 points. If they do anything else I imagine that would put them ahead of two segments that don't interact at all together until you complete the transmute. We will have to see. I will agree that without a ISOA the 1st Tooth is pretty much useless. I don't think we can say that they all will be useless without something like the ISOA because we don't know if and/or they interact with each other.

If you are right and the teeth have other effects then I am happy. If they ONLY provide PP towards a single 1/game effect I am not. It's already 2 tokens required for the level 1 effect and it's 1/game. If we are looking at 3/4/5/6/7/8 tokens required ALL TOGETHER for a single 1/game effect that's pretty crappy.

If it's a single 1/game BONUS effect on other already established effects that's cool and flavorful. Guess we just wait to see which is the case.

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #91

Given everyone's viewpoints, arguably; it's wiser to error on the side of character development and (at least) aquire the Ioun Stone. The Tooth of Cavadar is a steeper investment, and can be justifiably critized for a $1000 price tag. One never knows where the winds of change will take us? Three years from now, the powers may have been tweeked and updated. At worst, the Ioun Stone can be traded? I'm willing to take that risk. I'm still a tad concerned that some (current) psychic powers could make module development more of a challenge for Jeff. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
True Dungeon IS teamwork. Tokens offer a better chance of survival for the team. :-)

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #92

Dennis Burdick wrote: Given everyone's viewpoints, arguably; it's wiser to error on the side of character development and (at least) aquire the Ioun Stone. The Tooth of Cavadar is a steeper investment, and can be justifiably critized for a $1000 price tag. One never knows where the winds of change will take us? Three years from now, the powers may have been tweeked and updated. At worst, the Ioun Stone can be traded? I'm willing to take that risk. I'm still a tad concerned that some (current) psychic powers could make module development more of a challenge for Jeff. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

Dennis, I don't look at the Tooth as having a $1000 price tag. For your $1000 you get four URs, 120 token packs, chance of 00 pack or Golden Ticket, and lots of other bonuses if you start buying in multiples of $1,000. The Tooth is really a freebie bonus that you get in addition to all of the stuff you're buying. In my mind it is OK if it is a fairly minor power because it is a slotless item that you are getting for free. I think Jeff is trying to make this something fun, rather than something uber-powerful.

From my reading, all the Teeth do is add to the amount of psychic power that you have available to use, which gives you a wider variety of psychic powers you can use during the adventure. I do suspect the completed 7-year item will do more than just give psychic power, but I don't know that. Perhaps it will just give you 80 points of psychic power plus participation in the special 2021 event, which is still pretty cool since it is also an Eldritch Item.

I agree with Raven that it sounds like you'll have a UR you can purchase to activate the psychic powers for at least the first 6 years, since Jeff said there would be at least three UR's that do that (all with different additional abilities I suspect). I still think a Relic at the end of the cycle that includes all three of those UR's would be neat. Perhaps you don't need a UR in the seventh year because the completed item might activate your psychic powers on it's own.

If we think of the Teeth tokens as freebie bonuses with your token order instead of costing $1,000, that will hopefully tamper down expectations of power levels. :)

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #93

Dennis Burdick wrote: Given everyone's viewpoints, arguably; it's wiser to error on the side of character development and (at least) aquire the Ioun Stone. The Tooth of Cavadar is a steeper investment, and can be justifiably critized for a $1000 price tag. One never knows where the winds of change will take us? Three years from now, the powers may have been tweeked and updated. At worst, the Ioun Stone can be traded? I'm willing to take that risk. I'm still a tad concerned that some (current) psychic powers could make module development more of a challenge for Jeff. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

Dennis, I share your concern about psychic powers making module development more of a challenge. For Water Walking in particular, it seems like Jeff has the option of creating a room where water walking will allow people to bypass the barrier/challenge (possibly rendering the challenge moot), or to never create a situation where Water Walking is valuable, making the effect meaningless. It seems similar to me to all the fire (for instance) prevention available now. Back when the Dragonscale Set was the main source of Fire Prevention, it seemed to come in handy at least once a year. Now, with the huge amounts of fire damage people can prevent, it seems to almost never be useful because damage sources all seem to be of other types that aren't preventable.

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #94

I think the water walking is no big deal. When desiging any room he's always going to need to consider all the token by-pass ways out there.

The teeth are no more "free" than the rod of 7 parts pieces were. While considering them valued at $1000 a piece is probably high 0 is certainly low. If I buy a lot of tokens and I get a freebie UR should I now value all URs as free? Ofcorse not. Lets just agree they are unique and more rare then URs. Should their power level absolutely be more than an UR? No but it shouldn't be super minor or it ends up feeling underwhelming to the point of why bother.

I personally think these are off to a good but very minor start. Should they get a little boost? probably but maybe that can be accomplished via set rules. Perhaps a set boost for all the URs with Potential to unlock. Perhaps there are set of teeth that unlock more powers, like a 3 tooth set and a 5 tooth set or something like might items.
Sweet a combat room, we won't take damage!

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #95

valetutto wrote: I think the water walking is no big deal. When desiging any room he's always going to need to consider all the token by-pass ways out there.

The teeth are no more "free" than the rod of 7 parts pieces were. While considering them valued at $1000 a piece is probably high 0 is certainly low. If I buy a lot of tokens and I get a freebie UR should I now value all URs as free? Ofcorse not. Lets just agree they are unique and more rare then URs. Should their power level absolutely be more than an UR? No but it shouldn't be super minor or it ends up feeling underwhelming to the point of why bother.

I personally think these are off to a good but very minor start. Should they get a little boost? probably but maybe that can be accomplished via set rules. Perhaps a set boost for all the URs with Potential to unlock. Perhaps there are set of teeth that unlock more powers, like a 3 tooth set and a 5 tooth set or something like might items.

I agree that is sounds like they will get more powerful the more you have beyond having more points. I could be reading more into but that is just want it sounds like to me. I cannot imagine Jeff would make all 7 tokens just do the exact same thing.

There is value to the teeth only because someone will pay money for them. Rod segments 5, 6, and 7 don't go for the price of standard UR but they are more rare. I would think the value would be close to those segments. Depending on what they end up doing they could go for more or less.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Re: New for 2015 -- Psychic Powers! 10 years 3 months ago #96

I find it interesting that there is no text on the first tooth. Makes it very easy to change what it does from year to year. Kind of like the AoW.
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