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TOPIC: [CLOSED] Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - $2,949 raised!

[CLOSED] Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - $2,949 raised! 4 months 3 weeks ago #1

Hey all!

Every year I run charity stuff for Extra Life which is still true, but will be at Gamehole Con. SO! I'm running a charity auction with all benefits going towards Legal Aid Chicago (LAC). If you're not familiar with LAC, check this out:

"You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.”

You've probably heard this line in countless movies and TV episodes. But did you know that it only applies to criminal cases? In the civil justice system, having an attorney is not guaranteed. That means that when a low-income family is being unfairly evicted, a person is being abused by their spouse, a veteran is being denied hard-earned benefits, or a senior is the victim of a consumer scam, they are on their own in a system designed by lawyers for lawyers. That’s where Legal Aid Chicago comes in. For more than 50 years, Legal Aid Chicago has provided high quality, free legal services to people living in poverty in Cook County, Illinois. Legal Aid Chicago strengthens the social safety net and resolves critical legal problems that trap people in poverty. Each year it makes equal justice a reality for thousands of Cook County families.


Look, let's be honest: many times the people that NEED help are the people that can't afford to get that help. I'd love to see what support our passionate community can drum up. Donations are tax deductible (check with your tax professional; I'm neither a lawyer nor an accountant).

Bids grow in whole-dollar increments.
  • If an item's current bid is under $100, the next bid needs to be $1 or more above it.
  • If an item's current bid is between $100 and $495, the next bid needs to be $5 or more above it.
  • If an item's current bid is $500 or higher, the next bid needs to be $10 or more above it.
  • if two people are tied for max bid, the oldest bid is considered to be winning
  • NOTE: unless noted, no item has a "buy out". Please do NOT donate until you've notified that you've won your bid!

If you'd like to bid on something, you must send me a PM in the True Dungeon forums. I do this so that I can have appropriate timestamps and tracking. I've spoken with many of the TD gamers via Discord and other platforms, but I really want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally.

Submit your bids via PM, and I'll get back to you with a fictional moniker from some nerdy book series.
Please be aware that this auction closes at 11pm Eastern on October 15, 2024.

I don't want your money. I don't want to touch your money. In fact, I won't touch your money. When the auction closes, winners will be notified within two hours of closing, and will have 48 hours to make their donations at the LAC website and provide receipts for my records, too. Again, I will NOT be part of the financial transaction.

Most items can be picked up at Gamehole Con, October 17-20 2024 in Madison, Wisconsin. If you need your item to be shipped, we can work out those details privately. In those cases I can likely cover the shipping unless it's a large international fee, in which case we'll split it 50/50 or something. I'm flexible!

This is what we're starting with. Will there be more? I have no idea. We'll find out together!
  • item name - bid - winning bidder name
  • Ioun Stone nugget set: silver, gold, AND platinum - $365 - Severius
  • Libram of Looting - $26 - The Testament of Menoth
  • Greaves of Absorption - $40 - The Testament of Menoth (tie bid)
  • Silver Ship Passage: Pemberton - $86 - Pirate Queen Skarre
  • Silver Ship Passage: Mirthwood - $66 - Venethrax
  • Silver Ship Passage: Outpost Nil - $86 - Captain Gunnbjorn
  • *Adventuring 101: True Blue - $22 - Goreshade the Cursed
  • *True Dungeon True Loot (my term, not theirs) - $510 - Zaateroth, the Weaver of Shadows
  • *Trent Tokens Bag of Mystery - $1,231 - Axis, the Harmonic Enforcer
  • *Gamehole Con 2025 VIG badge - $480 - Lord Exhumator Scaverous
  • *8 hours of professional DM services provided by me - $36 - Zaateroth, the Weaver of Shadows

*: See line item descriptions below.

This bundle currently includes (^ denotes recently added):
  • Blessed Pants of the Hare
  • Belt of Blessed Constitution
  • Amulet of Magnifying
  • ^Bracers of the Inferno
  • ^Lenses of Hunting
  • ^Ring of Stamina
  • ^Ring of Treasure Finding
  • ^Canteen of Quaffing
  • ^Chalice of Chugging
  • ^3x Potion Healer's Rum
  • one 10x Mystic Silks

This is a very, very special bundle. Not to be confused with the super duper special bundle that Trent is offering, mind you. This is being provided by a generous benefactor that wishes to remain anonymous for the time being, but I can assure you that it'll be awesome. Please note that "true loot" is my term, not True Dungeon's. I mean, it's WAY better than the original name of this line item which was "Musty Sack of Questionable Treasures".

Just what is the Trent Tokens Bag of Mystery? It's a super duper special thing which is not to be confused with the very, very special bundle listed above. Well, it's... a mystery. It gonna start small because the bids are small. The bag - which definitely is NOT a mimic - will grow as more bids feed the proverbial beast. Want ridiculous rewards? Make ridiculous bids! Trent has confirmed that it will get more and more impressive, and knowing Trent as many of us do... that's an offer that you DON'T want to miss! The winner can reveal what they won (and I hope they do!!).

The winner of this item will have their information sent over to the Gamehole Con team so that their VIG badge can be assigned directly to their account. If you're not planning to attend Gamehole Con 2025 then please reconsider bidding on this item. This badge is NON-TRANSFERRABLE after initial assignment.

Want to play an online game with your group, but don't have someone ready to run that game? I got your back! I'm willing to run up to 8 hours of online games for you and up to 5 of your staunchest allies. You pick the system and the adventure and I'll get to work! I can run any edition of Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or Starfinder. I can also run systems like Shadow of the Demon Lord, Call of Cthulhu, Iron Kingdoms (any edition), and more. Heck, we could even do No Thank You, Evil! if you're so inclined. It's your bid, let's make it work!

For those that aren't aware, I've written hundreds of articles, dozens of adventures, and several books across many publishers since 2008. Let's make the magic happen, yeah?

I've got an array of sponsors for this year's charity auction, including:
  • Kickass True Dungeon gamers!
  • Trent, of trenttokens.com
  • Gamehole Con

As stated above:
THIS AUCTION CLOSES AT 11pm Eastern Time on October 15, 2024.
I write D&D things!

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Last edit: by AlanP.

Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 3 weeks ago #2

PM sent.

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 3 weeks ago #3

We are one day in and at $900 - I've got some things to add once we ross that $1,000 threshold :)
I write D&D things!

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 3 weeks ago #4

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 2 weeks ago #5

Bump it up!
Lori-gorgon Survivor.

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 2 weeks ago #6

Even with all the shiny new 8k auctions going on (and oh boy are there a LOT of them) we're seeing some decent action here. Remember, we're running through October 15 but the growing lot from Trent would certainly benefit from early, wild bids so that you can rest on your endgame goal of getting all the onyxs and PYPs from the other auctions, right? ;)

We're up to a bit over $1,100 now!
I write D&D things!

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 2 weeks ago #7

Now that we're past the VTD (I hope everyone had a good time!) and I'm on the tail end of a sinus infection, I've had a chance to update the sheet. We're nearly up to $1,500 in total winning bids and a few line items have had some surprising bids... I'll be adding some tokens as this week goes on as a result.

Take care and be well, all
I write D&D things!

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 2 weeks ago #8

The "True Blue" lot has been enhanced with a bunch of extra tokens and a Silver Ship Passage - Outpost Nil has been added thanks to the recent bids and activity! Still a few weeks to go, let's make some magic happen for people that really need it :)
I write D&D things!

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 1 week ago #9

Pm Sent and a bump for charity!
Lori-gorgon Survivor.

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 4 days ago #10

Bumpity bump!

We're very nearly to $2,500, which is AWESOME WORK FROM EVERYONE!
I write D&D things!

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 4 days ago #11

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Charity Auction for Legal Aid Chicago - TEs, growing bundles, and MORE! 4 months 2 days ago #12

I have been sworn to utter secrecy by the contributor. I have been assured that it's totally worth it, and the value will almost certainly outweigh the donation made. I've worked with the contributor before and have 100% loved the interactions every time.

It's kind of like "trust a pirate", I suppose, except that they're not a pirate. That I'm aware of. Or maybe they are, I don't watch their network traffic.

fwiw: I wouldn't add something/ someone to my auctions unless I truly believed in them. ;)
I write D&D things!

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