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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store - 8k pre-order 7 years 4 months ago #49

  • kurtreznor
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update on what is available from my 8k (added the AG token along with button, and ONYX UR hammer has a price)

Wish Ring $255

Adventurers Guild Button & token 20
Adventurers Guild Button & token 20
Adventurers Guild Button & token 20

4th Tooth of Cavadar 105
4th Tooth of Cavadar 105
4th Tooth of Cavadar 105
4th Tooth of Cavadar 105

ONYX 3 +2 hammer 90
ONYX 5 charm of awareness 95
ONYX 8 figurine of power: raven 95
ONYX 11 guided strike item 100
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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store - 8k pre-order 7 years 3 months ago #50

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  • hail eris! all hail discordia!
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only a few things left for the pre-order, get 'em before they're hot.

Wish Ring $255

Adventurers Guild Button & token 20
Adventurers Guild Button & token 20
Adventurers Guild Button & token 20

4th Tooth of Cavadar 105
4th Tooth of Cavadar 105

ONYX 5 charm of awareness 95
ONYX 8 figurine of power: raven 95
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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store - 8k pre-order 7 years 3 months ago #51

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Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store - 8k pre-order 7 years 3 months ago #52

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First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store - 8k pre-order 7 years 3 months ago #53

  • kurtreznor
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  • hail eris! all hail discordia!
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few more things gone, this is what is left from the coming 8k. other stuff for sale on first page as well.

Wish Ring $255

Adventurers Guild Button & token 20
Adventurers Guild Button & token 20
Adventurers Guild Button & token 20

4th Tooth of Cavadar 105
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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store 7 years 3 days ago #54

  • kurtreznor
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  • hail eris! all hail discordia!
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bump with big update. lots of tokens at really great prices. I do not have my final counts on rare and uncommon 2018 tokens, but there are lots of them (I will keep some and the rest are for sale).
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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store 7 years 3 days ago #55

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"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store 7 years 2 days ago #56

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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store - 8k pre-order 7 years 2 days ago #57

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"In order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain." Mark Twain

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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store 6 years 11 months ago #58

  • kurtreznor
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  • hail eris! all hail discordia!
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just mailed out all the tokens that I needed to ship.

lots of good stuff at low prices. still sorting and counting the uncommons, I have lots if you want them.
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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store 6 years 11 months ago #59

  • kurtreznor
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  • hail eris! all hail discordia!
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UPDATE! finished counting new tokens and added a few things. lots of great deals. keep in mind that even if a trade item is out of stock, there are lots of rares and uncommons at low prices.

kurtreznor wrote: WANT LIST:
Brawler's Horn (GameHoleCon 2017 participation token)
Charm of Good Fortune
ioun stone fluorite cube
medallion of valhalla
kilt of fatherbane x3
ring of the eel
10x 50gp drinking horn

Shipping: if you order less than $50 worth, shipping will be a flat $5. orders $50 or more, shipping is free.


2018 Treasure Chip 2 $7.00
2018 3x Treasure Chip 2 $20.00
2018 10x Treasure Chip 4 $60.00
Adventurer's Guild Button 3 $5.00
4th Tooth of Cavadar 1 $100.00
Wish Ring 1 $250.00

charm of awareness 1 $85.00
charm of shadow shot 1 $85.00
lotus blossom bowls 1 $85.00
crown of expertise 1 $85.00
pouch of tulz 1 $90.00
figurine of power: raven 1 $85.00
Divine Echo Charm 1 $85.00
Belt of Thorns 1 $85.00
Ring of Improved Evasion 1 $100.00
Belssed Redoubt Mail 1 $300.00
Lenses of the Fae 1 $85.00
Gloves of the Cutpurse 1 $90.00
ONYX Shirt of the Underdark 1 $100.00
Draco-lich Claw Charm 1 $200.00

Ring of the Hallowed 3 $25.00
Darkguard Greaves 8 $5.00

Potion Distilled Healing 16 $4.00
Enhanced Creeper Amulet 5 $5.00
Bronzeclad Cloak 6 $5.00
Belt of Baneful Mettle 1 $5.00
Arcane Scroll Tube 6 $5.00
Charm of Health 9 $4.00

Alchemist's Ink 9 $3.00
Alchemist's Parchment 0 $3.50
Aragonite 0 $25.00
Darkwood Plank 114 $2.00
Dwarven Steel 0 $2.50
Elven Bismuth 3 $15.00
Enchanter's Munition 21 $2.00
Minotaur Hide 54 $2.25
Mystic Silk 61 $2.50
Oil of Enchantment 4 $15.00
Philosopher's Stone 70 $2.25
1k GP 37 $15.00

Iron Rook Rivet 3 $5.00
Old Holly Sprig 6 $5.00
Draccus Scale 6 $5.00
Scrael Claw 1 $5.00
Elder Orb Eye 2 $7.00
Spidaur Venom 3 $7.00
Lava Beast Nugget 1 $7.00
Succubus Horn 1 $7.00

+2 Sling Bullet of Gazebo Slaying 7 $5.00
Boots of Foresight 2 $10.00
Pants of Lightstep 7 $5.00
Pants of Quickstep 7 $5.00
Holly Ring 7 $15.00
Greater Holly Ring 8 $15.00
Earcuff of Ramparts 7 $5.00
Earcuff of Crenellations 7 $5.00
Potion Green Dragon Breath 2 $3.00


2018 Rares
+1 Bliss Bastard Club 19 $1.00
+1 Bliss Berserker Axe 24 $1.00
+1 Bliss Hammer 21 $1.00
+1 Bliss Heavy Axe 22 $1.00
+1 Bliss Long Bow 21 $1.00
Arrow of Weal Wind 17 $1.00
Bead Whole Vision 7 $1.00
Belt of the Berserker 16 $1.50
Blessed Wind Gloves 13 $1.50
Bliss Bull Armor 24 $1.00
Bliss Bull Helm 24 $1.00
Bliss Bull Shield 21 $1.00
Boots of Backstabbing 35 $1.00
Boots of Bounding 22 $1.00
Charm of the Sage 11 $1.00
Dust of Deflection 28 $1.00
Figurine of Power: Imp 28 $1.00
Gauntlets of the Midgard Serpent 24 $2.00
Helbane Cloak 23 $1.00
Infernal Despair Armor 34 $1.00
Infernal Hate Plate 21 $1.00
Ioun Stone Agate Orb 25 $1.00
Lenses of Heimdall Sight 28 $3.00
Loki's Trickster Cap 12 $1.00
Necklace of the Norns 29 $1.00
Pants of the Lynx 19 $1.00
Potion Bliss Stout 0 $2.00
Potion Thor's Retort 0 $1.00
Ring of the Anointed 19 $1.00
Ring of Stunning Fist 25 $1.00
Scroll Loki's Blessing 25 $1.00
Scroll Thunderboom 21 $1.00
Scroll Valkyrie Shield 9 $1.00
Shirt of the Valiant 25 $1.00
Tempest Runestone 27 $1.00
Tyr's Bracers 19 $1.00
Wand of Thor's Fury 20 $3.00

2017 Rares
+1 Adem Bracer 3 $1.00
+1 Fae Blowgun Flute 6 $1.00
+1 Heavy Iron Club 5 $1.00
+1 Iron Bastard Axe 6 $1.00
+1 Iron Nettle 2 $1.00
+1 Shillelagh 6 $1.00
Arrow of Ricochet 29 $1.50
Baton of Focus 1 $1.00
Belt of Healing 3 $1.00
Blowgun Needle of Blight 1 $1.00
Bracers of Lightning 5 $3.00
Charm of the Sipquick 0 $1.00
Cloak of Many Pockets 7 $1.00
Decay Runestone 1 $1.00
Defender Helm 5 $1.00
Defender Platemail 6 $1.00
Defender Shield 4 $1.00
Fae Moonlight Armor 2 $1.00
Fae Starlight Armor 3 $1.00
Figurine of Power: Brownie 3 $1.00
Ioun Stone Beryl Prism 2 $1.00
Lenses of Focus 2 $1.00
Medallion of the Third Eye 3 $1.00
Modegan Longbow 4 $1.00
Pants of the Blisswalk 3 $1.00
Pixie Dust 4 $1.00
Potion Denner Infusion 0 $1.50
Potion Leaping Attack 2 $5.00
Potion Polymorph (Scrael) 2 $1.00
Ring of Dark Health 5 $1.00
Sacred Runestone 2 $1.00
Scroll Arcane Destruction 3 $1.00
Scroll Corpse Conversion 2 $1.00
Scroll Leaping Lightning 5 $1.00
Shirt of Vitality 2 $1.00
Shoes of Sneaking 8 $1.00
Wand of Hornets 0 $1.00

2018 Uncommons
Abyssal Lenses of Taunting 40 $0.50
Archer's Buckler 59 $0.75
Arrow of Good Wind 52 $0.50
Bead Unseen Vision 33 $0.50
Belt of the Bull 57 $0.50
Bliss Berserker Axe 40 $0.75
Bliss Guardian Armor 48 $0.75
Bliss Hammer 53 $0.75
Bliss Heavy Axe 40 $0.75
Bliss Helm 50 $0.75
Bliss Long Bow 55 $0.75
Bliss Raider Armor 43 $0.75
Bliss Throwing Axe 44 $0.75
Charm of Blissward 47 $0.50
Charm of Nature 57 $0.50
Dust of Disappearance 52 $0.50
Earcuff of Bravery 42 $0.50
Gloves of Linked Fury 44 $0.50
Gloves of wrath 42 $0.50
Goggles of the Bliss 50 $0.50
Infernal Shoes 61 $0.50
Large Bliss Shield 42 $0.75
Magnificent Bard's Instrument 50 $0.50
Masterwork Thieves' Tools 50 $0.50
Medallion of Energy 47 $0.50
Pants of Quickness 49 $0.50
Pendant of the Boar 33 $0.50
Potion Bliss Wine 0 $0.75
Potion Polymorph (Asp) 0 $0.50
Ruined Bliss Bull Armor 54 $0.75
Sacredseed 53 $0.75
Scroll Abyssal Gift 33 $0.50
Scroll Odin's Blessing 41 $0.50
Scroll Thunderblast 37 $0.50
Tankard of Health 43 $0.50
Tome of Recall 47 $0.50
Wand of Thor's Favor 46 $0.75
Ymir Runestone 41 $0.50

2017 Uncommons
+1 Blowgun Needle 2 $0.50
Antressor Lute 4 $0.50
Artificer's Bracelets 3 $0.50
Artificer's Gloves 4 $0.50
Belt of Endurance 3 $0.50
Bezoar Charm 3 $0.50
Earcuff of the Bliss 5 $0.50
Equinox Runestone 3 $0.50
Fae Elm Armor 5 $0.75
Fae Holly Armor 2 $0.75
Fae Oak Armor 6 $0.75
Fae Yew Shield 0 $0.75
Faebane Girdle 6 $0.50
Faerie Dust 0 $0.50
Faerie Runestone 6 $0.50
Frostnut 5 $0.75
Gloves of Fae Turning 2 $0.50
Gloves of the Footpad 2 $0.50
Gorgonbane Goggles 4 $0.50
Greater Fae Blowgun 4 $0.75
Greater Mistletoe 5 $0.50
Heavy Iron Club 5 $0.75
Holly Helm 0 $0.75
Iron Bastard Axe 7 $0.75
Iron Hand Axe 4 $0.75
Iron Mace 4 $0.75
Ironclad Cloak 5 $0.50
Kinetic Accelerator 6 $0.50
Large Fae Shield 6 $0.75
Necklace of the Birch 9 $0.50
Potion Bull's Strength 0 $0.75
Potion Cat's Grace 2 $0.75
Potion Denner Essence 48 $0.50
Ring of Soothing Touch 2 $0.50
Wand of Yellowjackets 3 $0.50

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Kurtreznor's 2018 Token Store 6 years 11 months ago #60

2nd order pm sent.
"In order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain." Mark Twain

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