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TOPIC: 2019 Rare Token Images!

2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #37

Allen John wrote: No, you only give up the sculpture. "300 GP plus sculpture" is one item - a rare sculpture worth 300GP or more. Jeff tried to use "300GP+ Scuplture" as shorthand for "any of the rare Sculpture tokens with a value of at least 300GP" but apparently failed miserably, given the number of people misreading it.

Granted, that's still asking you to give up an item worth twice as much as a Potion of Distilled Healing for half the effect.

WOW completely didn't get that.
Maybe the wording should say "Crush a 300 GP or more Sculpture" and that assumes there are some cheaper sculptures out there.
Sweet a combat room, we won't take damage!
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #38

The uncommon 100 GP tokens are both sculptures as well.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #39

Ian Lee wrote: Robe of the Learned - If we really don't want to increase mental attributes, how about no disadvantage, +2 AC, +1 to hit with ranged attacks?

I knew the torso slot was terrible for wizards, but I didn't realize how awful it was for both monks and wizards. It's just atrocious until you Moonhide. I did have some sense that my rare wizard builds just didn't bother equipping anything. Anyway, it occurred to me that a simpler way to go would just be:

Robe of the Learned
Monk, Wizard
+2 Dex

Learned at what? Getting out of the way of stuff, I guess. Or, just rename it to The Rabbit Robe / The Rapid Robe.

Since it's class specific, could be even better. Consider the dearth of Monk/Wizard torso options at uncommon ...
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #40

Regarding the damage wheel numbers; i like seeing some variety and trying different things with damage wheels. So, just pay close attention that the damage wheel numbers are what was intended, but dont feel like they have to follow a standard progression.

Should the skull read '300+gp sculpture'? To convey 300 or more gp, rather than '300gp+' which can be read as '300gp and...'

Heavy crossbows suck. It isnt powerful enough to justify skipping every other round of combat. It will only get used because someone has no other option.

Btacelets of frail agility - seems really strong for ranged attackers and casters. But im not able to convince myself that it is too good. So, good job.

Earcuff of retort - i like this as yet another earcuff option.

Charm of the faithful - thematic, but i dont see this getting much use...unless there are a bunch of people that just love this style of token?

Cloak of painful luck - this is super interesting to me. I cant tell if this is incrdibly powerful, or if the drawback is going to hurt more than i think. Guess we will find out next year :)

Nether stout armor - seems weak for heavy armor. At least up to +6AC & +1CON.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #41

Shadow issues with the Bead Firehold and the Belt of Ogre Power.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #42

kurtreznor wrote: Cloak of painful luck - this is super interesting to me. I cant tell if this is incrdibly powerful, or if the drawback is going to hurt more than i think. Guess we will find out next year :)

I'm curious to see how it turns out as well. It has great potential to turn "you failed that Will save and are now charmed" into just taking a few points of damage.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #43

Xavon wrote:

Kirk Bauer wrote:

Xavon wrote: I still say the Robe of the Learned is weak as a Rare. You go from +1 AC Common robes, to at the Rare level only getting +2 AC, and giving up one of the better slots. If it was +3 AC, maybe. Or as an Uncommon. But as a Rare it just feels underwhelming.

That's an interesting idea. It is the first robe less than a UR with more than +1 AC though. Do you think it should just be +2?

Actually, there was a +2 AC robe in 2013 and 2008, but they were Wizard only.

I'd rather see it have a more balanced cost. Like I said, +3 AC and no waist slot. Or keep the +2 to AC, make it -1 Ioun stone, and open it back up to all classes.

I thought +2 AC robes were the standard at the Rare slot, I think that's the appropriate amount. It's probably still aimed at Wizards, but Jeff probably just opened up the classes in case a non-Wizard got it out of a starting 10 pack.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #44

Kirk Bauer wrote: Yes I'd like to see the paints convert to Alchemist's Ink.

I'd like the skull to work with any GP. Perhaps just make it consume 300 GP?

That would be nice, so that it's usable with GP tokens from future sets.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #45

Bob Chasan wrote:

Arnold wrote:

James J Krot wrote: I still feel like the Skull of Sacrifice is a waste of a rare, cost to high for so little.

Interesting. I know the first draft removed curses as well. I'd originally though that curse removal was the primary purpose of the skull. With the update, I agree with you that the cost is too high.

But for sealed pack runs or folks who don't care about gold, this thing probably works as intended.

Good catch everyone! I really liked the remove curse feature and didn’t catch it that it was removed on the next draft

Maybe the curse portion was removed to differentiate it from Censer of Sacrifice.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #46

  • Picc
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Is there any chance Charm of the faithful could be made slotless and maybe opened up to all classes. I love the item and it would be awesome if more people could use it to help out.

My argument is as follows. If a high end player ends up in a PUG you could very easily end up in a situation where the wizard has 100+ hp and the barb has 40. In a case like that if I were the vet I would love to be able to shift some HPs but my charms are already locked in. If the item were slotless it would be a powerful rare that allowed all of us to help out rather then just those classes that traditionally have the most HPs independent of gear.

I know there is currently a push to keep slotless items in check but I think this would be a worthy exception.

If slotless if to powerful, maybe as a FOP (which require CHA) to play off the idea of a charismatic leader.

I'd also like to advocate for Nether armor, helm, and shield to maybe be a set that granted freedom of movement similar to defenders. Maybe we could even have Nether grives as a treasure box only extension that made the set more two hander friendly.

I would love it if we could do some fun stuff like this to really extend the Reds a bit in terms of investment to the game and maybe encourage them to make the jump to higher level difficulties.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”
Last edit: by Picc.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #47

Picc wrote: Is there any chance Charm of the faithful could be made slotless and maybe opened up to all classes. I love the item and it would be awesome if more people could use it to help out.

My argument is as follows. If a high end player ends up in a PUG you could very easily end up in a situation where the wizard has 100+ hp and the barb has 40. In a case like that if I were the vet I would love to be able to shift some HPs but my charms are already locked in. If the item were slotless it would be a powerful rare that allowed all of us to help out rather then just those classes that traditionally have the most HPs independent of gear.

I know there is currently a push to keep slotless items in check but I think this would be a worthy exception.

If slotless if to powerful, maybe as a FOP (which require CHA) to play off the idea of a charismatic leader.

I'd also like to advocate for Nether armor, helm, and shield to maybe be a set that granted freedom of movement similar to defenders. Maybe we could even have Nether grives as a treasure box only extension that made the set more two hander friendly.

I would love it if we could do some fun stuff like this to really extend the Reds a bit in terms of investment to the game and maybe encourage them to make the jump to higher level difficulties.

Even the "HP Hoarders Anonymous" wizards don't crack 90 on their builds.

My wizard is under 65.

Barbarians at similar gearing levels almost always have more HP than Wizards, due to starting out with 27 more HP on the card at 5th level.

I realize this is not the main point of your argument, I just don't want: "Wizards have 100+ HP!!!" to join the campaign of misinforming memes along with "Wizards deal 100+ every round which is enough to one shot monsters!"
Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.
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2019 Rare Token Images! 6 years 5 months ago #48

Hi Jeff,

Here are a few comments on Rare tokens this cycle.

I really like the art on the sculptures. Really nice artwork in general this year, well done!

The Nether Flail seems awfully spiky for a Cleric.

Cloak of Painful Luck is a nice variation on the +2 Cloak of Saving. I'm not sure which I'd pick, which makes it very balanced.

Earcuff of Retort might be really nice for the Fighter Types, it seems they get charmed and turned against us every few adventures. Plus, I have a feeling immunity to outsider possession might be pretty nice this year.

Nice to see this variant of PoDD be a potion that can be taken with all the various "drink potion as free action" tokens.

I think I'd prefer for Robe of the Learned to just be Wizards (or everyone but Monks) and not have the waist slot disadvantage.

Does Scroll Flame Protection last the room or just one attack? Can it be cast in response to flame damage, or does it need to be cast ahead of time?

I don't think Wizards should have access to Scroll of Healing Maze, healing scrolls don't fit their class. The interdimensional space thing for one round is interesting. It seems like a disadvantage, but perhaps there are situations where it would be a nice advantage.

I like how many different class bonuses you fit onto the Shoes of Skill, it would be nice if that happened more often.

I actually think the Skull of Sacrifice is OK with just sacrificing sculptures. Even if it runs out of them, it's a rare and can be transmuted.

Soul Stain armor seems a bit powerful for some of the classes (like Barbarian).

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