Regarding the damage wheel numbers; i like seeing some variety and trying different things with damage wheels. So, just pay close attention that the damage wheel numbers are what was intended, but dont feel like they have to follow a standard progression.
Should the skull read '300+gp sculpture'? To convey 300 or more gp, rather than '300gp+' which can be read as '300gp and...'
Heavy crossbows suck. It isnt powerful enough to justify skipping every other round of combat. It will only get used because someone has no other option.
Btacelets of frail agility - seems really strong for ranged attackers and casters. But im not able to convince myself that it is too good. So, good job.
Earcuff of retort - i like this as yet another earcuff option.
Charm of the faithful - thematic, but i dont see this getting much use...unless there are a bunch of people that just love this style of token?
Cloak of painful luck - this is super interesting to me. I cant tell if this is incrdibly powerful, or if the drawback is going to hurt more than i think. Guess we will find out next year
Nether stout armor - seems weak for heavy armor. At least up to +6AC & +1CON.