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TOPIC: 2019 Rare Token Suggestions

2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #49

Aegoce wrote:

Matthew Hayward wrote:
Crystaline Set Bonus - When 3 pieces are worn, after reducing 3 or more shock damage you may add +3 shock damage to your next melee attack.

I'm not sure the set bonus would be applicable often.

It wouldn't be - the items are strong enough to stand on their own, the bonus is just a nice / fun thing.

Aren't most things that deal lightning damage also immune or at least resistant to that damage?

I doubt it, but my D&D lore is not as strong as some.

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #50

  • Picc
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So my wife just had an interesting idea and I thought I'd type it up.

Rogue damage is basically suboptimal after their sneak attack is done. To address this she feels we shouldn't just add to str or damage since it doesn't feel rogueish. So her idea was a consumable that allowed an additional sneak attack. Our thoughts on this boiled down to

Vanishing dust/potionRogue may make an additional sneak attack.(consumable modeled after potion of leaping attack)

Or (and in our minds preferably)

Smokebomb of surprise: 1d4 damage wheel, one use consumable ranged, slide in combat to allow an additional sneak attack next round. (modeled on the frequent uncommon throwing seeds)

The idea would be to allow the rogue to attack with a weak base weapon on alternating rounds after their initial sneak attack to in effect gain a sneak attack opportunity on odd numbered rounds (assuming they had a large supply of consumables). In effect modeling in a one round delay between sneaks similar to the base ability.

Both ideas are consumable so we could test them out in relative safety for a few years, and both would make the rogue feel more engaged in later rounds of combat. Given that most combats go 3 rounds it would also just feel good to sneak attack on the 1st and last round of combat.

To further raise engagement/not waste bag space on a class specific item we could even make it a low level craftable.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Last edit: by Picc.

2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #51

IOUn stone or ring with retribution damage

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #52

Picc wrote: Vanishing dust/potionRogue may make an additional sneak attack.(consumable modeled after potion of leaping attack)

Or (and in our minds preferably)

Smokebomb of surprise: 1d4 damage wheel, one use consumable ranged, slide in combat to allow an additional sneak attack next round. (modeled on the frequent uncommon throwing seeds)

These are really cool ideas that have balance in mind. Out of the various suggested items that would allow additional sneak attacks mentioned in this and other threads so far, the smoke bomb would have my vote. I would assume that the smoke bomb has to hit in order to trigger the additional sneak attack opportunity.

Always great to see tokens that encourage player decisions.
Playing True Dungeon since 2012.

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Last edit: by Philip Goodman.

2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #53

Smokebomb of surprise: 1d4 damage wheel, one use consumable ranged, slide in combat to allow an additional sneak attack next round. (modeled on the frequent uncommon throwing seeds)

This is a great idea for rogue. Seconded.

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #54

jon wrote: IOUn stone or ring with retribution damage

I for one am always for more retribution damage.

That reminds me, since I missed Gencon I need to track down that charm...
~Meta: Don't worry, it is perfectly "safe" to follow the drunken dwarf into the dungeon!

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #55

I saw the save rings called for in the reprint thread but as an alternative, how about a cycle of

Earcuff of Reflexes +2 to Reflex sames, etc?
~Meta: Don't worry, it is perfectly "safe" to follow the drunken dwarf into the dungeon!

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #56

MetaphoricDragon wrote: I saw the save rings called for in the reprint thread but as an alternative, how about a cycle of

Earcuff of Reflexes +2 to Reflex sames, etc?

I suggested these for ioun stones.

I think either way, though we already have the uncommon +1 cycle of earmuffs.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #57

Rare Potion Polymorph - Will-O'Wisp

Damage wheel: 1, 2, 3, 4 shock damage

Flies, can't use or manipulate anything, 5 dr from physical attacks

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #58

Rare Potion Polymorph Imp

Damage wheel 1, 2, 3, 4

Can't be targeted until it takes an offensive action, 50% combat magic resistance

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #59

I would love to see a rare set (along the lines of the defenders set) That can be used by the middle weight classes.

Bard, Rogue, Druid, Ranger

Skirmisher Helm +1 to AC, Can not be surprised
Skirmisher Lamellar +5 to AC
Skirmisher Buckler +1 AC, +1 saves
Set Bonus: +2 to AC, Can wield weapon/item with same hand as buckler with no penalty

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2019 Rare Token Suggestions 6 years 5 months ago #60

How about a -3 Poison damage ioun stone? I can think of at least one good use for that

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