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TOPIC: New Newsletter

Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #145

We traded lots of rares to new players who had monster trophies and did not want them last year at GenCon. The new players were perfectly happy with the outcome. In that context, the monster trophies are not worthless to new players.

We should be trying to simplify TD and not complicate it beyond recognition.

Political comment warranted but avoided. lol.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #146

  • jedibcg
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Just because a player doesn't have TE tokens doesn't make them new either. Punishing players for not having TE tokens seems a very poor choice, regardless if they are new or not.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #147

Actually, I'd rather see it go the other way. The base 3 from the newbie box should have a higher average value per draw than the +14 from level 6 CoA player. If trophies ARE removed, they should be replaced with rares, not 50/50 rare/uncommons.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #148

Brad Mortensen wrote: Actually, I'd rather see it go the other way. The base 3 from the newbie box should have a higher average value per draw than the +14 from level 6 CoA player. If trophies ARE removed, they should be replaced with rares, not 50/50 rare/uncommons.

I think educating new players about transmuting and trading is a better approach. And it sound like a fair number are selling them to GamingEtc.
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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #149

I think separate treasure boxes in the exit room would cause a lot of problems without adding a lot of value. They would require Jeff to prepare and track and manage two different mixes of treasure tokens, it would require 1-2 extra volunteers in the exit room, it might cause delays and congestion in the exit rooms, and regardless of what the difference is in the mixes, you'll have some people without treasure enhancers upset that they are forced to make their pulls in the exit room instead of what they perceive is the better pulls in the regular treasure boxes.

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #150

I would like to see something similar to the video Jeff had set up, but with a segment explaining treasure pulls. A little bit of extra knowledge for casual/new players can go a long way.

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #151

balthasar wrote: I would like to see something similar to the video Jeff had set up, but with a segment explaining treasure pulls. A little bit of extra knowledge for casual/new players can go a long way.

That would be neat. Maybe a small insert in the token bags could explain the basics of token trading/transmuting/etc.

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 3 months ago #152

I agree. Informational video about tokens, combat, game dynamics, and treasure that is on a loop not only inside but out in the hallway (where there is light and you can hear) outside the exhibit hall would be nice.

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 2 months ago #153

So, just to confirm, if I die in room 7 and the other 9 members of my party live, I still get 3 treasure pulls?

And if our entire party of 10 gets killed in room 1 and no one is ever revived, we each still get 3 treasure pulls?

Personally, I really like this change.
I play Wizard.

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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 2 months ago #154

  • quip
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Mike Steele wrote: I think separate treasure boxes in the exit room would cause a lot of problems without adding a lot of value. They would require Jeff to prepare and track and manage two different mixes of treasure tokens, it would require 1-2 extra volunteers in the exit room, it might cause delays and congestion in the exit rooms, and regardless of what the difference is in the mixes, you'll have some people without treasure enhancers upset that they are forced to make their pulls in the exit room instead of what they perceive is the better pulls in the regular treasure boxes.

+1, and also agree with Disbeleaf

I'll add my two cents here. IMHO, last year having the treasure boxes in one location made for faster getting through the line from a player side, and from a volunteer and logistics sense is easier. People with large token draws could wait until a lull, and then do their draws, rather than slowing things down.

Also, the exit/treasure&completion & button room IMHO this year was the fastest yet. With the 3 treasure stamps, it should be even faster next year. Please keep in mind, with the year of the database change how horrible the lines were in the exit room. Things need to be as streamlined as possible there, since, hey, we're gamers, and we want to game, not get unexpectedly stuck in a huge line rather be able to get on to our next game.

IMHO, if a new player gets a monster bit for their draw, that encourages them to look further into "what is this funky thing?!?!". As Disbeleaf said, they can trade them for rares from others. They could become more interested in tokens and transmuting as well, which is good for TD.
Winner of a Ring of Focus (that is now a Relsa's Ring of Focus) at Raven's awesome pickpocketing event at TD Tavern in 2008.

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Last edit: by quip.

Re: New Newsletter 9 years 2 months ago #155

Anthony Barnstable wrote: if I die in room 7 and the other 9 members of my party live, I still get 3 treasure pulls?

And if our entire party of 10 gets killed in room 1 and no one is ever revived, we each still get 3 treasure pulls?

As far as treasure pulls are concerned, death is now irrelevant.
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Re: New Newsletter 9 years 2 months ago #156

And treasure enhancers and completion tokens also don't change based on whether or not you die?

So now the only things tied to character death are participation in the dungeon and XP earned?
I play Wizard.

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