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TOPIC: True Grind at GenCon 2015!

Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #49

  • quip
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Incognito wrote: It is kind of how in a typical Grind, a lot of the monsters from future rounds may actually be "around" but might not be visible / detectable / targetable until it is their turn to come out.

Not be visible or detectable = in-visible ;)

Just as long as they aren't in-vincible :laugh:
Winner of a Ring of Focus (that is now a Relsa's Ring of Focus) at Raven's awesome pickpocketing event at TD Tavern in 2008.

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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #50

Incognito wrote: The 2015 Grind Environmental Rules Compilation can be found here:


The 2015 Grind Party Card can be found here:


The 2015 FAQ will be posted shortly (probably Saturday evening).

The 2015 FAQ can be found here:


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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #51

quip wrote:

bpsymington wrote: I cast Magic Missile at the darkness.


That was great!

"Are there any girls there?"

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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #52

An excellent question from fiddy:

Q: Given the environmental rules you posted... Do dwarves happen to get darkvision?

A: Unfortunately no.

For balance purposes, Dwarf Fighters and Elf Wizards are not able to see in the dark. Just like how they cannot see in the dark in a normal TD adventure.

Sorry! But our Dwarf Fighters and Elf Wizards seem to be genetic aberrations!

This also answers quip's question:

quip wrote: Are the non-humans considered to have any vision in the darkness?

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Last edit: by Incognito.

Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #53

quip wrote:

balthasar wrote:

quip wrote: How would scroll: Faerie Fire work in the dark setting?
Would it light up the monsters for 1 room?

Probably would, if they were 'invisible' to begin with :P

I asked, since in D&D, Faerie Fire did not only apply to invisible creatures.
Also, they are "invisible" to you if you can't see them (a stretch in magical terms, but based on the definition < here >).

quip wrote: How would scroll: Faerie Fire work in the dark setting?
Would it light up the monsters for 1 room?

After thinking about this for a few days:

In the Underdark, Scrolls of Faerie Fire will reveal invisible objects and creatures and will also illuminate all monsters currently in the room (regardless of whether or not they are invisible). These monsters are illuminated for the entire room, and can be attacked normally by melee, missiles, or spells by any players.

Faerie Fire is really closely tied to the Underdark and the drow. Plus, I doubt there are really that many 2009 Faerie Fire scrolls floating around.... ;)

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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #54

  • TJRat
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incognito wrote:

"Faerie Fire is really closely tied to the Underdark and the drow. Plus, I doubt there are really that many 2009 Faerie Fire scrolls floating around...."

Well, how many scrolls of light and potions of darkvision ya think are out there? We've found exactly zero in the few short days we've had to look for them.
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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #55

TJRat wrote: incognito wrote:

"Faerie Fire is really closely tied to the Underdark and the drow. Plus, I doubt there are really that many 2009 Faerie Fire scrolls floating around...."

Well, how many scrolls of light and potions of darkvision ya think are out there? We've found exactly zero in the few short days we've had to look for them.


Those are even older!

However, I think a lot of Faerie Fire scrolls were probably turned into Alchemist Parchment, while I think fewer Darkvision Potions and probably almost no Light scrolls were used for Alchemist Ink or Parchment.

Darkvision Potions are not that rare. As Red woodies available in 2005 and 2006, there is a fair number of them out there.

Light scrolls are extremely scarce since they were only available in 2003.

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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #56

Would the bard spell flare work similar to faire fire?
Sweet a combat room, we won't take damage!

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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #57

valetutto wrote: Would the bard spell flare work similar to faire fire?

Unfortunately, no.

Flare tends to be a dazzling type of spell that creates a burst of light.

Rather than a spell actual used for long-term illumination.

I would also have to draw the line against the Wand of Illumination, since that seems to be undead-focused.

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Last edit: by Incognito.

Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #58

So, who saved one of these?

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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #59

  • Arp
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I hope this is not getting too nit-picky, but...

~ would an Arrow of Flame double as a light source?

~ would a creature struck by an Arrow of Flame (or even a normal arrow set ablaze) be considered illuminated, in that other players could at least target the arrow sticking out of the creature?

~ could the various alchemical tokens (Alchemist Fire, Firebloom Geode, Fireseed Hickorynut, Fireseed Hollyberry, Flask of Combustion, Flask of Conflagration) be used to set a creature alight so that it would be considered illuminated?

~ could an Alchemist Fire be tossed into the middle of a dark room (not targeting a specific creature) to create a fire that would provide light?
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Re: True Grind at GenCon 2015! 9 years 5 months ago #60

Arp wrote: I hope this is not getting too nit-picky, but...

These are good questions!

~ would an Arrow of Flame double as a light source?

~ would a creature struck by an Arrow of Flame (or even a normal arrow set ablaze) be considered illuminated, in that other players could at least target the arrow sticking out of the creature?

~ could the various alchemical tokens (Alchemist Fire, Firebloom Geode, Fireseed Hickorynut, Fireseed Hollyberry, Flask of Combustion, Flask of Conflagration) be used to set a creature alight so that it would be considered illuminated?


Just like with the Flare spell, these are instantaneous effects which do not create a long-lasting flame.

After the monster takes the fire damage from the Arrow of Flame, the fire goes out. Otherwise, the monster would be taking the fire damage each round. Thus, the fire will not function as a light source.

The same applies to Burning Hands and Fireball spells.

If there was a hypothetical Flaming Sword weapon, that might actually serve as a light source. Unfortunately, the +2 Flaming Short Bow does not work (it just makes the arrows fiery).

~ could an Alchemist Fire be tossed into the middle of a dark room (not targeting a specific creature) to create a fire that would provide light?

The Alchemist Fire would not burn long enough to provide meaningful light.

However, if you forgot to bring your Flint & Steel or Tindertwigs, an Alchemist Fire could be used to light your torch on fire.

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