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TOPIC: Reviews and feedback

Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #145

cmdrworf wrote:

Deni Valetutto wrote: Things that were awesome:
Our 7th room DM on Zephyr Puzzle on Saturday was fabulous. I really wish I had gotten his name, because he had that on lockdown.

I was DM until 530, and the Roarry took over for the rest of the night.

I second this. My Zephyr puzzle run was at 2:03. I was with a complete but awesome group of strangers as I had the last ticket. You had the narrative down and although it worked out that the ranged players were steering, the wizard saved the day with her awesome slides. Restoring her Scorching Ray and giving her another slide sealed the deal! You kept the action moving, it was clear, exciting and rewarding
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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #146

I can not see one single instance where it should EVER be considered valid to resell someone's ticket if we have verification that the player IS coming and we have the ticket in hand.

Honestly at that point I would make the decision to "ghost" the final spot and take the double wristband for myself over screwing up a pre-built run.

If the party has no idea who the missing player is then no harm no foul. If we know who we are waiting on and we know tickets are paid it should be up to the GROUP to determine if we want the person replaced or not. NOT up to the hostess.

There is $480 in tickets at that table, making a decision to add a random player to a pre-built table is negatively affecting the experience of the other 9 or 10 players there. Doing so without player consent is just wrong.

I would much rather hear
"You seem to be 1 short and we have 1 player wanting in, is your missing player en route or would you like a replacement?"

"Yo, we sold your friend's ticket even tho you said he's coming cuz $$ y'all"

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #147

It had the skeletons in it, one for each person. And then there was a portal (square box on the corner of the board). Does that help?

The Lore like which symbol was it or what he told me when I got it? If it was the 2nd it was something like you see all of these skeletons and they appear to be coming out of this portal in the back if you attack the portal it will be deactivated (paraphrasing) but it was like a light bulb went off.

Raven wrote:

Angela Melzak wrote: The 4th room monster(s)/portal was neat though, I was the bard and was able to find out the lore and had everyone attack the portal, our DM said that we were the first to actually do that all weekend (it was late Sat by the time we came though), and then our Wizard nuked the monsters with some spell/attack I didn't hear.

Could you please clarify this?

Which room was this with the Portal? I don't remember one except for the very last room on the puzzle side... tho the DMs may have described a portal in other rooms and I missed it.

If you don't mind, I'd love to know what the Bardic Lore was.

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #148

Second this! It might be a cool idea to one that goes even farther so that way the players could get to know a DM. (It would make for a different experience.

binia wrote: I would like to second someone's comment that having an NPC/dm from the first room on Zephyr follow the players into the next room was unexpected and fun. Great idea!

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #149

jtillots wrote: This is the second instance I've heard this year of volunteers or long term TDers having tickets given away that were in hand and shown to the hostess.

This makes me super sad, I know we did have some new people working Hostess and it sometimes can be hard to get use to, especially over the radio stuff. I personally was doing my best to get everyone where they needed to be and not calling in open slots until well after the time indicated. I do hope as the years pass that we get people who have done hostessing before and less new people because you really need to know what you're doing in that area.

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #150

  • Raven
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Angela Melzak wrote: It had the skeletons in it, one for each person. And then there was a portal (square box on the corner of the board). Does that help?

Yep, tho some helpful folks already told me the Sarcophagus was the "portal" in question.

The Lore like which symbol was it or what he told me when I got it?

The latter. And thank you very much for the paraphrase.

Our party didn't really use Bardic Lore much, so I was curious what cue'd other folks in to attacking the Sarcophagus. For us, we did the first round against the Skeletons, and then our spellcasters (and a few ranged sliders) took out the Sarcophagus when we realized it was just spewing out the skeletons non-stop.

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #151

  • TJRat
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Joe C wrote: Did anyone pass the rope hall puzzle in Viper's Pit?

I ran this room Sunday - only one group passed. No one spelled out all the letters. A few had to 'eenie-meenie-minie-mo' between the spear and speak.

Many laid out the ropes correctly, but never looked at the pattern (a letter). They just assumed that they had to connect the dots in order, circle, triangle, etc.
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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #152

Raven wrote: Yep, tho some helpful folks already told me the Sarcophagus was the "portal" in question.

The latter. And thank you very much for the paraphrase.

Our party didn't really use Bardic Lore much, so I was curious what cue'd other folks in to attacking the Sarcophagus. For us, we did the first round against the Skeletons, and then our spellcasters (and a few ranged sliders) took out the Sarcophagus when we realized it was just spewing out the skeletons non-stop.

Yeah, I did see that after I read farther. I forgot to checkbox to receive updates for this thread. Oops.

Understandable, if the party is use to not having a bard I can totally see that.

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #153

TJRat wrote:

Joe C wrote: Did anyone pass the rope hall puzzle in Viper's Pit?

I ran this room Sunday - only one group passed. No one spelled out all the letters. A few had to 'eenie-meenie-minie-mo' between the spear and speak.

Many laid out the ropes correctly, but never looked at the pattern (a letter). They just assumed that they had to connect the dots in order, circle, triangle, etc.

My group got it after spelling out "SP". DM said we were the only group he'd heard about that didn't take any damage on the puzzle.

I really liked the puzzles in Flight of the Zephyr puzzle. I did REALLY dislike the DM from the first room (the druid chick). While doing the puzzle where you have to align the 5 generators with the 25 tiles, she informed us that no line terminates. All form a continuous line to the other side. Well, the pieces were impossible to see when not placed on top of the light. When we'd put a piece down just to get a better look at it, she'd say things like "That piece can't go there since that would terminate some lines." and my friend would kindly respond "We're just trying to get a good look at it" After about 3 or 4 times of this occurring, as politely as I could I said "You don't know what we're doing. You're a DM. Can you please quit trying to act like a party member? We have a system and we don't need you nagging us while we work through this." That solved the issue, but I couldn't believe how involved she was. Also, the clue in that room was horrible and misleading. Overall, I was VERY disappointed in the clues we got in Zephyr. The puzzles were really cool, however. And the final room was great (although I wish they'd have been clearer about the volunteers as we lost our fighter to being a volunteer when I probably would have made a much better candidate). The DMs in the final room did an amazing job, however. Kudos to them.

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #154

Elizabeth McCullers wrote: the "observation area" which was advertised in the guidebook, but frankly didn't really exist.

Can anyone point to where that was said please? A direct URL or screenshot would be awesome.

Elizabeth McCullers wrote: Adding the Tavern back solves that and offers a place for folks to mingle and learn about the TD experience without having a Greeter have to spend 15 minutes (over and over for new people) answer the question "Whats up with this place?"

Getting dumped into Hall A caused a number of space issues. Though it may not feel like it, there is a significant size difference.

Elizabeth McCullers wrote: Schedule break times for volunteers

That's actually a serious issue. You should have had two breaks per shift. Unfortunately greeters/list-takers don't automatically get hit with the "bubbles" and from what you're saying didn't get a break. Thank you for bringing that up because we need to come up with a way to break those not in direct contact with groups/bubbles.

Elizabeth McCullers wrote: 3) Vipers Pit had a table set aside from the check-in table for folks to complete the waivers, but Zephyr didn't.

That was 100% due to space limitations. The Viper "inn" was about 50% wider than the Zephyr inn.
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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #155

Druegar wrote:

Elizabeth McCullers wrote: the "observation area" which was advertised in the guidebook, but frankly didn't really exist.

Can anyone point to where that was said please? A direct URL or screenshot would be awesome.

Don't have a screenshot on hand.

But it is on Page 87 of the Event Catalog.

"Escape Into Our
Now located inside Exhibit Hall A, True Dungeon offers a free Visitor Area (or "storyscape") that will immerse you in this year's adventure locale - a small vaillage at the edge of a dark forest. Stop by to see why over 8,000 gamers will enjoy True Dungeon this year."

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Re: Reviews and feedback 10 years 5 months ago #156

Okay, Druegar, just sent you some pics.

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