My wife and I attended our first GenCon this year, and thus this was our very first True dungeon run. We attended an early Thursday run, combat Vipers Pit on Normal difficulty. We had a run comprised of 4 veterans, and 5 complete newbies, ourselves included (one no show)
I will say right off the bat we absolutely loved the first 5 rooms. The combat was fun, the puzzles were challenging, and I was at that time very happy with the 48 dollars I had spent to experience this.
The 6th and the 7th rooms were complete downers.
6th room: We're new to this right? Completely in awe of everything we've seen, so when we're told a "Priestess of Vipron" is stepping out, even when seeing the shadow behind the screen, we're not entirely thinking "medusa". She steps out, and we were absolutely impressed at her costume and her personality.
GM: Okay, you five need to roll fort saves.
Us: What? oh, okay. (I pass, wife and 3 others fail)
GM: (to wife and 3 others in room) Okay, you're petrified. You're out.
Us: Um, okay. Moving on.
Long story short, we manage to kill the medusa even after being 5 people down (remember the no show), we then find out there's no way to unfreeze the petrified people unless we brought items to do so. We're new, so of course, we don't have said items. To further complicate things, because the group ahead of us was running late, we didn't have time to heal up the people who did actually survive.
7th room.
TPK. We lasted 2 and a half rounds with 4 people petrified. We didn't even get to fight the snake, as the priest and the drow killed us that quickly.
Taking either 5 or (usually) 10 damage to the entire party every single round, plus a random drow that stabbed our bard in the back, it felt like we'd been thrown into a brick wall. The snake and the costumes were again, absolutely incredible, but at the time, we were all having a hard time appreciating that. We know that it's the final boss, so it should be challenging, but this felt absolutely impossible, kind of like one of those old arcade games that puts in unavoidable enemy attacks just so you're forced to put in more quarters just to keep playing.
Thursday afternoon: We were in kind of a bad mood, not really sure if we wanted to come back. We had given a little feedback to one of the staff members, and we were more or less told "Well, people said it wasn't hard enough last year, I know it's a tough sell, but you should go into the last room ready to die". In the dungeon, we were told "Move quickly to the next room, you're gonna need all the time you can get". We lasted 2 minutes.
Friday: We had cooled down a little, and others had come out saying they'd had a similarly rough time, so we didn't feel as alone.
Saturday: Meeting some other friends at TD, we had the chance to talk to a different staff member from Thursday, and this time we felt like our concerns were actually listened to. Kudos to the guy in the top hat who walked up to us and asked if we had enjoyed ourselves, and then asked what happened when we said we weren't sure if we wanted to try again.
The drow was explained, and from what we understand there was a part of the script we missed because we were dead by that point, so it made a little more sense. We also found out from a nightmare run player on Saturday that they didn't take the poison cloud every single round in the boss room, so it appears that they did tone down the final room a little. While we were unable to attend the event again this con, we are actually probably going to do so again next year, now that we have a better idea of what to expect.
How it could be improved:
1. There needs to be some kind of warning when dealing with a "make one roll or die" effect, as was in the 6th room medusa, especially for normal mode runs with complete newbies. Even if it's just a riddle in an earlier room. It's frustrating to experience something brand new, wanting to see everything, and then be told "Yeah, that is a really cool costume. Now roll or die because you looked at it". Or at least make it so that there was SOME way to remove petrification if you manage to beat the combat. I'm told they did actually have that a few years prior with another medusa, but for some reason didn't this year.
2. Combat needs to feel challenging, but not impossible. Even with a few random uncommons and rares that some more experienced players let us borrow, we had no way of surviving the final room. I'm not sure we could have even with our full party. Remember, this was on normal mode, not hardcore or nightmare.
3. A lot of completely new players are going to be discouraged from joining in the fun if they feel like they have to pay even more money for special gear on top of the 48 dollars already required to enter, just so they can survive. It shouldn't be easy, guaranteed survival, but it needs to feel possible. Seeing even our decked out players go down that quickly, it felt like even if we HAD spent a ton of money to get extra tokens, we didn't have a chance.
We were told that they had to up the difficulty because of all the items from previous years that people were using, but in this case, unless you had a very specific item or items, it was impossible to remove petrification or to survive damage to the entire party every round. Again, normal mode, with very few extra tokens outside of the starting 10.
As I said, we are likely going to attend again next year, and we will try out true dungeon again. Our experiences in rooms 6 and 7 almost convinced us otherwise, but due to our talks with the staff on Saturday, we've decided to try again, so props to them for their customer service.
Something interesting just happened.