Review - I volunteered over the weekend for my 3rd year and from that end I want to thank those above me that kept us lowers ready for the players at nearly all times (from the front end of the dungeon) and ready and willing to help and answer questions. Most hick-ups when I were working were minor and ironed out quickly. I so very much enjoy checking in players and I hope to continued to do that for years to come. Also, players, thank you sooo much for quickly listening to myself or one of the others when coming up to the table, we tried to make check in go as smoothly as possible, for you as well as for us. And everyone was so nice and awesome, thank you for that!
As far as running, I was able to do 3 of the 4 dungeons this year (missed Viper Puzzle) and goodness, so much awesome going on there! The first group I ran with we had a great group that were more than ready to go (Zephyr Puzzle), included another volunteer as well and I had a blast! One of the puzzles we tripped up on and I would say maybe needed a tad more explained about it (room 4? with the pvc tubes), by the time we had started to figure out how it worked we were out of time. (When I ran through on Combat side we all got down to work and still couldn't do it because we had run out of tubes). Room 7 blew my mind! That has to have been one of the coolest things I've seen personally in my 3 years of runs. Though we did have a smooth flight. My second group had a few friends I had run with before and they convinced the group to run on Hardcore, I wasn't thrilled about, but I promised them I wouldn't object. It was still fun, though it became more stressful for me personally even up to the end where our flight was far from smooth, I would admit it was neat to see it from a good and bad point of view and can show a vast difference in what can happen. Last run was on Viper Combat with the same few friends and a group that seemed more than willing to go on Nightmare. I felt the same about that as I did about Hardcore. I did have fun, though I think it would have been more so had I not been so stressed about it. The 4th room monster(s)/portal was neat though, I was the bard and was able to find out the lore and had everyone attack the portal, our DM said that we were the first to actually do that all weekend (it was late Sat by the time we came though), and then our Wizard nuked the monsters with some spell/attack I didn't hear. The room before that with the eggs, that was such a neat idea and I wish that I had been running on a bit more brain power, cause I totally could have solved it. Ug, regretting that. And the room with the sand was awesome a sweet idea even if it was a bit gimmicky. We died in the final room as the monster got initiative on us, and that is really where I had the least fun, I like being useful and I didn't get the chance to as I was too squishy. The huge real life monster was wonderful to look at and I have to thank everyone that are in those or work them, I spent some time in the Draco-lich and I know how hard it can be!
Feedback - Over all it felt like the dungeons themselves were really stepped up this year, good on that. Some technical issues, but those can happen any time any where. The front check in is great, and having the store there is a wonderful idea as well, TD may want to think about adding in a small separate from check in ones as people not going for a run were having trouble finding them. I did hear a few people say that they missed the tavern and this year there seemed to be a lack of front where people could ask questions or look around and see a bit more of what was going on. I know space is an issue, but it didn't feel terribly friend when one walked in the door. Oh, XP, the epilogue room was great! We could get our token stuff, hear a bit about what would be happening next (and thanks for the hint on next year) and then getting out code and turning in the clips, lights and cards. I put up my XP today and that WAS the best way to go. *thumbs up* The photo opp as well, it's a great chance for people to exchange info for keeping in touch. I need to get my photos up soon.
That's all I've got off the top of my head. Thanks for all the memories!