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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 1 week ago #25

Donald Rients wrote: If one buys a VIG ticket, do they automatically get dibs on buying one the following year before anybody else gets to?

cmdrworf and valetutto are correct. We get the first shot at Renewing the Badge the Following year. This one fact about the badge has rub'd more then a few people the wrong way. Mainly because it limits the program to that of season ticket holders.

Look when the program first started I remember reading posts making fun of people like me, as wasting their money buying into the VIG program, but as you can see the program does have it's followers.

The problem I see is the VIG is limited to 250 badges and 350 companion badges, with a growing base. ( It started with just 100 VIGs and 200 Companion.) Now each VIG can buy up to 3 Companion badges up from 2. The Companions can use the Lounge (which is a much better idea then I had first thought.), They get onto the dealers floor an hour early on day One, and seating reserved for VIGs at some Events. That's it. for $45 more the a normal Badge. It's not much when you try to justify the added cost.

Self Edit:
I was going to put a breakdown of the cost I pay/suffer. From the VIG to the taxi rides to the airports on both ends of my trip, and my TD tickets and Tokens. And I was shocked at how I try not to think of the money I spend on this weekend. I don't spend this kind of money any other time in the year. This is my biggest trip each year by far. I've gone on 2 trips that don't cost me as much and those trips have a beach and blue water.

But to put the price down here is a bit tacky, and in the end, I'm not made of money and I still think this trip is well worth it.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 1 week ago #26

  • Raven
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Bill Powers wrote: I'm not made of money and I still think this trip is well worth it.

I think this sums up the experience of a lot of Gamers who go to GenCon... not just the VIGs.

My first experience with GenCon was back in 1996, when 6 of us split gas costs to drive a beat up old van from Western Canada on a 3 day road trip to Milwaukee, where we camped for $30/night in a 6 man tent at a crappy campground about 30 mins out of the city, so we could drive in daily and spend that much again on downtown parking, just to go to the Con. I loved Gencon, but will admit the stress of driving and the stench of the van were not things I looked forward to again.

Fast forward to 2003... we heard the Con was moving to Indianapolis. There would be hotel rooms available, we were told. No more tents. No sharing a smelly campground shower with who-knows-what germs on the floor. Sure the hotel is expensive, but we're almost a decade older & richer... we can afford it.

We save up most of the year for this one vacation. And it is totally worth it.

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 6 days ago #27

I'm a VIG myself, so I'd be up for running the VIG run. Put me down for one of the Wizards.
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends entirely on what you put into it.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 5 days ago #28

I'm a VIG too... put me down for a Ranger...

I'm legendary out in gear...
Team Legacy
Yes I'm an Arneson you do the math.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 5 days ago #29

Raven wrote:

Bill Powers wrote: I'm not made of money and I still think this trip is well worth it.

My first experience with GenCon was back in 1996,

Wow Raven you just made me feel super old... :( My first GENCON was 1976... it's been a wild ride since!

I do like the VIG since I get first picks on hotel rooms x2 and the free water all day long!!!
Team Legacy
Yes I'm an Arneson you do the math.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 4 days ago #30

I may not be a VIG, but if I am free I will happily join you if needed. For those not in the know I am a red runner and have equipment to decently gear an entire group but sadly lacking in the specialization department.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 3 days ago #31

I should have bought one years ago when they were available. I wish that they would had said one would have first dibs on getting them in following years. Now I feel I will never get the chance. Man, I am so sad now.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 1 day ago #32

This sounds like fun. And a great way to meet some other VIGs.

Count me in for Pali/Cleric.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 1 day ago #33

Kaledor wrote:

Raven wrote:

Bill Powers wrote: I'm not made of money and I still think this trip is well worth it.

My first experience with GenCon was back in 1996,

Wow Raven you just made me feel super old... :( My first GENCON was 1976... it's been a wild ride since!

I do like the VIG since I get first picks on hotel rooms x2 and the free water all day long!!!

You must be old. I started going to GenCon in the mid-80s, nine or ten years after you, and I am old.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 11 years 21 hours ago #34

Hey Bill- I'm VIG as well here (new to the program this year). I'm definitely up for joining the group. I'm open to a one of the fighters, Paladin or Rogue (would need to outfit that one, but should not be a problem). I'd go with any character class available/needed really.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 10 years 11 months ago #35

In response to the opening statement directed at me in this thread:

Yes, I know I can't buy the ticket in advance. If the slot is open and I am free I can just fill. I don't get the vig perks you all do (yet, I would though) but that's not what I'm posting for. I am posting because if I am needed I'll see if I can fill a slot. Literally I can gear an entire party. Being that emergency fill isn't a difficult thing for me.

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Re: VIG TD Group. 10 years 11 months ago #36

Thanks for the offer Arthur. It's always nice to see other TD players step up to help. I would love to have you as part of the group if there's room.

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