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TOPIC: Orion's Belt

Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #1

  • jedibcg
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Figured if anyone wanted to discuss the token here was a place to do so vs the thread that was about the riddle.

I saw lots of comments about how it would not replace a legendary strength belt. And had to think duh it is only a relic vs a legendary. You could get or already have tokens to make it equal the relic strength though. It would be cheaper to buy the relic strength belt I am sure. But if you have the Onxy Ioun Stones and the Onxy Charm then that is +5 strength without giving up anything.

I started thinking if I had the tokens to replace my Bless Con Belt that my casters wear. There are definitely tokens out there that currently would be more HP. 5 For the Con Belt vs Will's, Ioun Stone Garnet Cube, And anything else would work better. I don't have those though. So I probably won't change out now, but I would like to make few of them if I end up with enough monster bits and fragments because I think it is a token that is likely to get more powerful as more charms and ioun stones are released. That also got me think about the future TE transmute that we will will see in a few years. I would guess if it is a new TE transmute it would likely go in the IS or Charm slot just because I think anything else and people won't be very happy about it.

So after I make my beads I will work on as many of these as I can just because it feels like something that is just going to get stronger and stronger.
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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #2

If I end up with enough relic pieces, I'll make one but I don't think at the moment it even bumps out Belt of Ogre Mage power for melee builds unless you're drowning in volunteer tokens.

As with any slot expander, it will almost certainly become the best in slot item over time - one +3 Str Ioun Stone or Charm will likely justify the switch.

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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #3

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Very similar to my own thoughts, Jedi!

I do have the Relic Belt, and I did the same math as you - that equipping Orion's Belt with +STR Charm & Iouns would make it equal in power. Then I realized that's not quite true... because those are among my strongest (non-TE) Iouns & Charms... so putting them in the belt slot actually leaves my overall build weaker as I have nothing better to put into the Charms.

Still... that's only a temporary situation. I am certain we'll see new Charms & Iouns in the future which make their way into the "Top 9/10" and the belt will give flexibility going forward.

Definitely going to try crafting at least one.

...I mean, I would anyways, if only for the pretty blue stars. They're as shiny as Sapphires : )

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #4

Personally I really like Orion’s Belt A lot. I think over time it will be considered a great token, I don’t know how many I will make but I’ll make at least 2 hopefully as many as 5.

I think for non fighter types it will be better long term than the legendary. But I don’t have the charms and Ioun Stones to make it better for me today.

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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #5

Kinda shows how good the Charm Necklace is at Ultra Rare, that to get a similar effect in the belt slot it is a Relic.
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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #6

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Wayne Rhodes wrote: Personally I really like Orion’s Belt A lot. I think over time it will be considered a great token, I don’t know how many I will make but I’ll make at least 2 hopefully as many as 5.

I think for non fighter types it will be better long term than the legendary. But I don’t have the charms and Ioun Stones to make it better for me today.

Yeah I think we all are in the same boat. We were expecting to have a charm/ioun stone expander so we didn't get the tokens for one. There are good Ioun Stone and Charms out there without a doubt, just might not loan them at this time. With CoA locking up 1 charm slot for everyone that has one, and maybe CoAS the next best, doesn't leave much room. Soon we will have 3 TE IS which will be locked in for everyone.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #7

When I am not a spell caster. I will double up this slot with Orion’s and fire girdle.

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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #8

Right it only adds your 4th best Charm and 6th/7th best Ioun. Bump those down more if you have other slot expanders already equipped. Those could be +5 STR if you have the vol tokens, sure.

But Surtr's is just going to be better for those who have that, as well it should, it's Legendary. I will find other ways to sneak in the STR Charms/Iouns if at all possible.

It does seem great for those who were using Belt of Blessed Constitution (spell casters), or Viper Strike Belt (Ranged Ranger). So I will make one for use on those classes.
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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #9

  • jedibcg
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Jeff321 wrote: Right it only adds your 4th best Charm and 6th/7th best Ioun. Bump those down more if you have other slot expanders already equipped. Those could be +5 STR if you have the vol tokens, sure.

But Surtr's is just going to be better for those who have that, as well it should, it's Legendary. I will find other ways to sneak in the STR Charms/Iouns if at all possible.

It does seem great for those who were using Belt of Blessed Constitution (spell casters), or Viper Strike Belt (Ranged Ranger). So I will make one for use on those classes.

I will have to look if I can fit it on my ranged ranger (not certain if I am using it for the viper set bonus or not).

That is a good way to look at it though your Xth best Charm and Yth/Zth best Ioun Stone (allowing that you are or are not using slot expansions already).

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote: When I am not a spell caster. I will double up this slot with Orion’s and fire girdle.

Showoff....lol. When you are caster would you double it with something else?
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Last edit: by jedibcg.

Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #10

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote: When I am not a spell caster. I will double up this slot with Orion’s and fire girdle.

Ya that’s a pretty broken ability you have.

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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #11

Here is my ranged ranger: tdcharactercreator.com/#/character/edit/bb385105-eddc-4940-9482-70bba2d99009

I would still have Viper Strike set bonus via 2x VSF and Viper Strike Shirt (no better shirt to equip yet until we get the multi-year transmute one). So Orion's Belt is an easy swap in. I would have to look to see what Charm/Iouns I would add though...
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Orion's Belt 5 years 6 months ago #12

jedibcg wrote:

Jeff321 wrote: Right it only adds your 4th best Charm and 6th/7th best Ioun. Bump those down more if you have other slot expanders already equipped. Those could be +5 STR if you have the vol tokens, sure.

But Surtr's is just going to be better for those who have that, as well it should, it's Legendary. I will find other ways to sneak in the STR Charms/Iouns if at all possible.

It does seem great for those who were using Belt of Blessed Constitution (spell casters), or Viper Strike Belt (Ranged Ranger). So I will make one for use on those classes.

I will have to look if I can fit it on my ranged ranger (not certain if I am using it for the viper set bonus or not).

That is a good way to look at it though your Xth best Charm and Yth/Zth best Ioun Stone (allowing that you are or are not using slot expansions already).

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote: When I am not a spell caster. I will double up this slot with Orion’s and fire girdle.

Showoff....lol. When you are caster would you double it with something else?

It varies on what I play. Depending on if I am a healer etc. I maximize my build then figure out what slot helps best. This belt maybe used in that too. I have to look

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