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TOPIC: True Dungeon Character Generators (App)

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 3 months ago #1273

iOS 16.1 - iPhone 12 Pro Max
V11b Room 2 Normal
Rnd 1: Dwarf Fighter, Bead of Guided Strike, Nat 20 3xCrit for 51 Damage
Rnd 2: Dwarf Fighter: Bead of Guided Strike, Normal Hit for 51 Damage
Was this normal?
What are you Token About?
Picks up Cog: "I'm Immune to Cow Attacks??!" Jeff: "Trust me, You'll want to hold on to that"
Dougout's Trade Thread
Token Facts: tokendb.com
TD Volunteering: tdvols.com
TD Events: td.events

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Last edit: by Dougout.

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 3 months ago #1274

Odd experience.

ios iPad

Cast a Fireball using the Ring of Spell Storing. Clicked on Cast No Mark. 20 (base) damage appeared in dice roller.

Very next round I cast a fireball normally, by clicking on Cast. 70 (base + pool) damage appeared in dice roller.

Not sure why the same spell produced different results in the dice roller. The only difference is that one was Cast No Mark and the other was Cast.

This happened in room 7.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 3 months ago #1275

Dave wrote: Odd experience.

ios iPad

Cast a Fireball using the Ring of Spell Storing. Clicked on Cast No Mark. 20 (base) damage appeared in dice roller.

Very next round I cast a fireball normally, by clicking on Cast. 70 (base + pool) damage appeared in dice roller.

Not sure why the same spell produced different results in the dice roller. The only difference is that one was Cast No Mark and the other was Cast.

This happened in room 7.

Fire the code guy!

I will take a look on the next go around. Those are handled in different code.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 3 months ago #1276

iPhone 11
IOS 15.6.1
App v.10.0.1
Nightmare run

Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

I got a to-hit result of 28 in a green square (“Hit!”), but 0 damage. Was perplexed until I realized that my to-hit at the time was 27, which meant I rolled a 1 (auto-fail).

Would it be possible in the future to show combat rolls of 1 (even if they otherwise would have hit) in a red miss triangle rather than the green hit square? It would make it more obvious that it was a miss due to rolling a 1 instead of a “hit” that did zero damage. Thanks.

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Last edit: by BeLinda Mathie.

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 3 months ago #1277

  • NightGod
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Android app, the resists on the in-game screen do not show Acid or Sacred resists

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 2 months ago #1278

Version 10.0.2 has been released on both Android and IOS with the following updates:

1. Updated Creature File
2. Corrected a problem with Dwarven 3x Criticals reporting through the Dice Roller
3. Corrected a problem with reporting AoE spells cast multiple times in a room with no creature.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 2 months ago #1279

Just a few bugs/issues I found playing around with the app. Android v10.0.2.0
  • Monk uses the special "Rod of Seven Parts (Voucher Monk)" instead of the otherwise shared special "Rod of Seven Parts (Voucher)".
  • Wizard subclass is shown as "Wizard" instead of "Sorcerer" in the VTD screen.
  • Cleric subclass is misspelled "Templer" instead of "Templar" in the VTD screen.
  • Templar's second-level spell Sunburst does Sonic damage when it should do Divine. It also fails to deal +3 damage to Undead.
  • Cleric/Templar's third-level spell Searing Light doesn't seem to factor in enemy type, as it should deal no damage to non-evil targets and +10 damage to Undead.
  • Cleric/Templar can cast Turn Undead even when the box is checked, but shouldn't be able to.
  • Templar's Turn Undead is not unchecked after moving to a new room. Cleric's version is fine.
  • You can equip both Charm of Spell Storing and Ring of Spell Storing, but shouldn't be able to.
  • Both Charm of Spell Storing and Ring of Spell Storing mistakenly grant the ability to sacrifice (swap) a spell.
  • You can sacrifice a spell that has no uses left, but shouldn't be able to.
  • Sacrificing a third-level spell doesn't allow the second-level Cure Moderate Wounds (Cleric/Druid) to be recast, but it should be a valid target.
  • Ranger cannot No Mark spells despite having access to Restore Spell, Charm of Spell Storing, and Arcane set bonus.
  • Cleric has one base use of No Mark when they should have zero, as they cannot Restore Spell themselves.
  • Pouch of Tulz is unequipped if you swap a build's class.
  • You can equip more than one holy symbol when they should be mutually exclusive; that said, only one applies.
  • Semi-Lich Skull is not mutually incompatible with Skull of Cavadar. You cannot equip the latter while the former is equipped, but can equip the former while the latter is equipped. Doing so removes the latter.
Cleric main / Druid secondary

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 2 months ago #1280


No option to use in consumables to renew rage


No option to use rage (maybe fury since it technically isn’t listled on party card) without checking ability


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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 2 months ago #1281

The Charm of Winter is showing up as Fire damage on page 2 of the calculations.

Jeff Martin wrote: All damage is Sacred.

Acherin wrote: I also added VTD support for the most annoying token of 2024 the +2 Sun Scimitar.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 2 months ago #1282

Even though many of these tokens won't be available for a while, please make sure that all 2023 tokens that do range damage also do spell damage.

Examples I found
Ioun Stone Kyanite Cube
Charm of Biting
Charm of Spring
Charm of Summer
Charm of Winter
Charm of Autumn
Belt of the Leopard

Also, if there's a single target, it would be nice if AoE spells showed total damage in the dice roller. In room 7, if I cast a Fireball, it only showed base damage and I had to manually communicate the pool. However, if I used mage abilities with Fireball, the base and pool damage were combined and the total was displayed in the dice roller. If there is only a single target, no need to withhold the pool for allocation.

btw - I'm using the iOS version of the app on an iPad.

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Last edit: by Dave.

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 2 months ago #1283

On a similar 2023 planning note, in the IOS app on an iPhone 11, the Arcane Charm is listed as +2 Focus only. It does not appear to add 2 to physical missile damage when added to builds (I tried ranger and rogue).

The text on token states: “+2 to Ranged damage . . .” which I read to include physical missile attacks. (If I’m wrong, someone correct me.) FWIW, the token database entry states, “Adds +2 to Focus and missile attacks made by the wearer deal +2 Damage.”

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Last edit: by BeLinda Mathie.

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 2 months ago #1284

Dave wrote: Also, if there's a single target, it would be nice if AoE spells showed total damage in the dice roller. In room 7, if I cast a Fireball, it only showed base damage and I had to manually communicate the pool. However, if I used mage abilities with Fireball, the base and pool damage were combined and the total was displayed in the dice roller. If there is only a single target, no need to withhold the pool for allocation.

btw - I'm using the iOS version of the app on an iPad.

The problem I ran into is for rooms with multiple types of creatures, the app knows there are multiple creatures, but sometimes a single type of creature can have multiples. So the creature is a ghost, and there is one per player, but the creature file does not include a count, so I have no way of knowing there are multiple. At times those decisions are made after I get the file or right before the event, so the app cannot definitively know if there is more than one creature.

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