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TOPIC: True Dungeon Character Generators (App)

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 5 months ago #1225

JACKOFTRADZE wrote: It appears that the current app does not recognize the Viper Strike +40 bonus even though my build shows the bonus on Pg 3. I noticed this is the last few VT/Game combats and even just rolling on my own. I have Viper strike set, Rapheals Sneak Necklace and a +20 Str bonus dam. My minimum backstab (with no other buffs) should be 73 (+40 Viper BS, +20 Str Dam & 13 Dam from +5 Ashers). Definitely an issue.

I am a little confused. Is this for a critical hit? Viper Strike set only doubles the sneak attack damage on a critical hit. On a non critical sneak attack it has no effect.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 5 months ago #1226

Cranston wrote:

JACKOFTRADZE wrote: It appears that the current app does not recognize the Viper Strike +40 bonus even though my build shows the bonus on Pg 3. I noticed this is the last few VT/Game combats and even just rolling on my own. I have Viper strike set, Rapheals Sneak Necklace and a +20 Str bonus dam. My minimum backstab (with no other buffs) should be 73 (+40 Viper BS, +20 Str Dam & 13 Dam from +5 Ashers). Definitely an issue.

I am a little confused. Is this for a critical hit? Viper Strike set only doubles the sneak attack damage on a critical hit. On a non critical sneak attack it has no effect.

Got it! I'm rusty on the damage effects. Thank you for the reminder.
"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity."

Boom goes the Devil Drake when this Rogue slides a 20 with a Holy Hand Grenade.

My Rogue Build: truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=569&id=244107&limitstart=0

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1227

On the Android app, version

On a Fighter with Death Knight Armor, Gauntlets, and Boots equipped, the app lists the Death Knight set bonus on page 3, but does not list the +4 Retribution Damage on page 2.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1228

Version 9.3.0 has been released on IOS and Android and includes the following updates:

1. Updated Creature File
2. Added 2022 Polymorph potions
3. Added Potion Catspaw Brew to the Consumable list
4. Updated Bard instruments to include the 2022 instruments
5. Several corrections to the token files
6. Clear Sequence now should clear Mage Powers
7. Spell Bonus/Heal Bonus on Android should be correct
8. Equipping any Havoc ring will prevent any other Havoc Ring from being equipped
9. Canceling Turn Undead will no long crash the app
10. Improvements in graphics to make the entries easier to see.
11. Room numbers will progress 1 at a time from Training Room to 7 on both versions

There will likely be another update before the event, because 2 weeks without an update just seems wrong.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1229

As always, this is awesome. A couple of quick notes.

First, the update was available on my iPad for IOS. As of this morning, the latest version available on my android phone was still 9.2.5.

Spell sequencing - On a good note, I was able to set a 3 spell sequence and execute it in virtual TD. On a negative note, it was a sequence that should not have been allowed. Basically, I did a quicken-fireball-conserve; fireball; Charm of Spell Storing Fireball No Mark.
The problem is that conserve requires a free action and so does the charm of spell storing. This combination should not be allowed. Mage powers other than quicken and MEC all require a free action.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1230

Yesterday was the first time I used the dice roller as a spellcaster (Elf Wizard on Android). Ran into a few questions/issues and am wondering if people can help me out for next time?

1) I tried setting up some Sequences ahead of time and thought I had them in correctly, but something was not correct when I used one in the last fight. The sequence was supposed to be Fireball through Ring of Spell Storing followed by Magic Missile as the normal action. Looking at it again, is the Sequence only for the RoSS portion (or other items if those are equipped) and the spell that takes a normal action cast normally? Whatever happened, I only used the sequence menu, no spells were marked off (Correct for Fireball, not for MM), and it only listed 20 damage in the DM's Dice Roller results, which would have still been incorrect due to missing bonus spell damage from Focus items and the like. My best guess is that just the 20 from Fireball went through and either I missed or needed to state how to allocate the bonus damage?

2) If my character is wearing an item like the Crown of Elemental Mastery, is there a way to update the damage type in the app? Not sure if the Boost menu with 0, 0, [FIre/Cold/Shock] is the way to go or something else? I was wondering in case it makes a difference for enemy resistances/vulnerabilities if they are otherwise built-in by room.

Thanks in advance for the help everyone, and all the tremendous work on the apps.

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Last edit: by Zeiram.

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1231

Zeiram wrote: Yesterday was the first time I used the dice roller as a spellcaster (Elf Wizard on Android). Ran into a few questions/issues and am wondering if people can help me out for next time?

1) I tried setting up some Sequences ahead of time and thought I had them in correctly, but something was not correct when I used one in the last fight. The sequence was supposed to be Fireball through Ring of Spell Storing followed by Magic Missile as the normal action. Looking at it again, is the Sequence only for the RoSS portion (or other items if those are equipped) and the spell that takes a normal action cast normally? Whatever happened, I only used the sequence menu, no spells were marked off (Correct for Fireball, not for MM), and it only listed 20 damage in the DM's Dice Roller results, which would have still been incorrect due to missing bonus spell damage from Focus items and the like. My best guess is that just the 20 from Fireball went through and either I missed or needed to state how to allocate the bonus damage?

2) If my character is wearing an item like the Crown of Elemental Mastery, is there a way to update the damage type in the app? Not sure if the Boost menu with 0, 0, [FIre/Cold/Shock] is the way to go or something else? I was wondering in case it makes a difference for enemy resistances/vulnerabilities if they are otherwise built-in by room.

Thanks in advance for the help everyone, and all the tremendous work on the apps.

For item 1, I am a bit confused about what wasn't working. I did set up a sequence with RoSS-Fireball and a normal Magic Missile and it came out with 29 damage, which is correct. The pool damage for Fireball has to he handled with the DM, and is listed on the VirtualTD view. Remember that RoSS only works once per adventure, so if it is included in a sequence, that sequence will not work more than once per adventure.

Also remember that if any part of a sequence is not valid (RoSS or MM count in this case) the entire sequence is invalid. If you are using Mage Powers, especially MEC, it also checks to make sure you have sufficient hit points to cast the sequence.

Circlet of Elemental Mastery is not presently coded for use in VTD. You can, of course, discuss the change of energy type with the DM.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1232

I had a number of issues with spell sequencing over the weekend. I'm going to try and go through my notes and have them make more sense when I post my final write-up. But real quick, here were are some annoying things that weren't necessarily handled wrong, but were annoying nonetheless. I was using the IOS version on an iPad.

1. Going to ask yet again to create a new symbol in the dice roller for spells, as opposed to using the ranged attack bow and arrow symbol. Many were the DMs who skillfully and colorfully described how I threw my hammer for some really good damage totals only to have me tell them it was a spell (or two) and not a missile.attack.
2. Area of effect spells. If you cast them separately, they don't feed the dice roller. You have to tell the DM what the damage was and how to apply it. I guess this is the pre-2022 way we were used to doing it. But if I had an AoE spell into a spell sequence, it feed the base damage to the dice roller, but not the bonus damage pool. It's really annoying to set up two spells like a fireball and magic missile. I execute it and the MM damage and fireball base damage show up in the dice roller. I then have to tell the DM "excuse me", but you need to add X damage to that total.
3. Any two spell sequences and using fork on one of them. The total shows up in the dice roller, but I still have to manually calculate the damage I expect from each spell so that I can correctly tell the DM how much to apply to the second monster. It's worse when I use sharpen on the forked spell. If my spell normally does say 47 pts of damage, it might actually do 0 or 94. I have to quickly adjust my math to give the DM the correct total.
4. CRIT on sliding spells. It only says CRIT if you slide a natural 20. I guess that's fine if you have the Ring of Wizardry, but normally a natural 20 does nothing to the spell damage and just confused people. However, if you use Sharpen on the spell, it should crit on an 18, 19 or 20, but will only say CRIT if the roll was a 20. Confusing.
5. Rogue flanking for a wizard simply does not work. If I accept it in consumables, my assumption is that it should allow 3 rolls of the die for every sliding spell I cast that round and apply the best. As far as I can tell, it does nothing. In fact, the rogue flanking status remains active in the app waiting for me to do a normal melee or ranged attack. It appeared to me that it was still active in the next room. I'd assume the flanking maneuver to have expired by then.

Again, please don't take my comments as me thinking ill of the app. The app is amazing. It's wonderful. But a wizard's life is complicated enough and right now spell sequencing nuances are not making it any easier. I guess I'm too old for an invite to Hogwarts, but almost feel as if I should be going to some sort of school to learn how to properly cast spells.

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Last edit: by Dave.

True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1233

Dave wrote: I had a number of issues with spell sequencing over the weekend. I'm going to try and go through my notes and have them make more sense when I post my final write-up. But real quick, here were are some annoying things that weren't necessarily handled wrong, but were annoying nonetheless. I was using the IOS version on an iPad.

1. Going to ask yet again to create a new symbol in the dice roller for spells, as opposed to using the ranged attack bow and arrow symbol. Many were the DMs who skillfully and colorfully described how I threw my hammer for some really good damage totals only to have me tell them it was a spell (or two) and not a missile.attack.
2. Area of effect spells. If you cast them separately, they don't feed the dice roller. You have to tell the DM what the damage was and how to apply it. I guess this is the pre-2022 way we were used to doing it. But if I had an AoE spell into a spell sequence, it feed the base damage to the dice roller, but not the bonus damage pool. It's really annoying to set up two spells like a fireball and magic missile. I execute it and the MM damage and fireball base damage show up in the dice roller. I then have to tell the DM "excuse me", but you need to add X damage to that total.
3. Any two spell sequences and using fork on one of them. The total shows up in the dice roller, but I still have to manually calculate the damage I expect from each spell so that I can correctly tell the DM how much to apply to the second monster. It's worse when I use sharpen on the forked spell. If my spell normally does say 47 pts of damage, it might actually do 0 or 94. I have to quickly adjust my math to give the DM the correct total.
4. CRIT on sliding spells. It only says CRIT if you slide a natural 20. I guess that's fine if you have the Ring of Wizardry, but normally a natural 20 does nothing to the spell damage and just confused people. However, if you use Sharpen on the spell, it should crit on an 18, 19 or 20, but will only say CRIT if the roll was a 20. Confusing.
5. Rogue flanking for a wizard simply does not work. If I accept it in consumables, my assumption is that it should allow 3 rolls of the die for every sliding spell I cast that round and apply the best. As far as I can tell, it does nothing. In fact, the rogue flanking status remains active in the app waiting for me to do a normal melee or ranged attack. It appeared to me that it was still active in the next room. I'd assume the flanking maneuver to have expired by then.

Again, please don't take my comments as me thinking ill of the app. The app is amazing. It's wonderful. But a wizard's life is complicated enough and right now spell sequencing nuances are not making it any easier. I guess I'm too old for an invite to Hogwarts, but almost feel as if I should be going to some sort of school to learn how to properly cast spells.

First, I take all your comments as very useful. You have been a great help in getting sequencing to work.

On item 1. That is not in my control. That structure and display is controlled by someone else.

On item 2. I am a little stuck on what to do. The pool is the pool, and I can't make decisions about where it gets distributed. After this VTD season, I will look at including the pool damage if there is only 1 creature in the room. Best I can offer.

On item 3. Running out of display spots to put it, but I will look at adding a display for Forked Spells. The total will still be correct, but I could let you know what the total fork damage is. Again, this will be after the present VTD season

On item 4. Crit with spells gets complicated and gives me a headache. I agree that needs to be reworked, again after this VTD season.

On item 5. Agreed, Rogue Flanking could be added. Spells are handled in a different module from where flanking is set, but there are ways of dealing with that problem. It requires changes in several places. I also need to get a ruling on whether it affects all spells cast in the round with Flanking or just the first one. Likewise, this is longer term.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 4 months ago #1234

Cranston wrote: First, I take all your comments as very useful. You have been a great help in getting sequencing to work.

On item 1. That is not in my control. That structure and display is controlled by someone else.

On item 2. I am a little stuck on what to do. The pool is the pool, and I can't make decisions about where it gets distributed. After this VTD season, I will look at including the pool damage if there is only 1 creature in the room. Best I can offer.

On item 3. Running out of display spots to put it, but I will look at adding a display for Forked Spells. The total will still be correct, but I could let you know what the total fork damage is. Again, this will be after the present VTD season

On item 4. Crit with spells gets complicated and gives me a headache. I agree that needs to be reworked, again after this VTD season.

On item 5. Agreed, Rogue Flanking could be added. Spells are handled in a different module from where flanking is set, but there are ways of dealing with that problem. It requires changes in several places. I also need to get a ruling on whether it affects all spells cast in the round with Flanking or just the first one. Likewise, this is longer term.

Item 1 - I will now leave you alone on that one. But I know even DMs that said they wished that was changed.

Item 2 - Yeah, I can see the challenge. Without more real estate to show a separate pool total, it is what it is.

Item 3 - If you could do your suggestion, that would be awesome.

Item 4 - Fair enough. As always, I'm ready to help test whatever is developed.

Item 5 - This would be great. I saw more wizard spells getting flanked this weekend than I normally do, especially when a wizard sequences two sliding spells (or three) and should get 3 rolls on each.

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 3 months ago #1235

Version 9.4.0 has been released for IOS and Android. Limited updates this month, but include the following:

1. Updated Creature File
2. Add Consumable for Divine Intervention to provide the max damage from the damage wheel
3. Corrected a problem on IOS with maintaining Polymorph through stepping back views
4. Corrected a problem with Psychic: Hit Incorporeal and stepping back views
5. Modified the entry for Slot ID and Code word for better visibility in IOS Dark Mode

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True Dungeon Character Generators (App) 2 years 3 months ago #1236

9.4.0 iPhone - Ranger Unable to equip +3 Turkey Leg of Smiting in Offhand.
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