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TOPIC: New forum feature?

New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #37

I thought WYC was best for token processing....but that might just because it is local for me....lol. Hinestly I do enjoy it for other reasons as well. Hanging out with TD folks without doing TD runs is enjoyable.
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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #38

jedibcg wrote: I thought WYC was best for token processing....but that might just because it is local for me....lol. Hinestly I do enjoy it for other reasons as well. Hanging out with TD folks without doing TD runs is enjoyable.

WYC has always been my favorite for transmuting also. Drop off the tokens, go play a D&D game, and pick them up later. :)

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #39

It sounds like I'll find it pretty easy if I aim for either GHC, Origins or WYC then, I guess I'll wait for details where the Cavadar event will be available and then look into which one is the best fit along with anything else in the area when I'm not in the convention for TD. Thanks all :)
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Last edit: by Iross.

New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #40

Assuming GenCon doesn’t happen this year, I would guess the GT runs will happen at the first con after all this stuff.
Reasoning they will still want to run them to shake out any issues b4 the masses.

My other best guess would be just run 20 and 21 runs at GenCon 21.
Please visit my fledgling token store.

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #41

jedibcg wrote: I thought WYC was best for token processing....but that might just because it is local for me....lol. Hinestly I do enjoy it for other reasons as well. Hanging out with TD folks without doing TD runs is enjoyable.

It is very good for transmuting. But no dungeons run there.
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #42

Bob Chasan wrote: Assuming GenCon doesn’t happen this year, I would guess the GT runs will happen at the first con after all this stuff.
Reasoning they will still want to run them to shake out any issues b4 the masses.

My other best guess would be just run 20 and 21 runs at GenCon 21.

that would be a logistical nightmare.
I doubt there would even be the space for it
*mental note* always listen to Jeff

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #43

Brad wrote:

Bob Chasan wrote: Assuming GenCon doesn’t happen this year, I would guess the GT runs will happen at the first con after all this stuff.
Reasoning they will still want to run them to shake out any issues b4 the masses.

My other best guess would be just run 20 and 21 runs at GenCon 21.

that would be a logistical nightmare.
I doubt there would even be the space for it

I don’t understand why you say that.
GT runs require very little additional space. TD has mastered running group after group every 12 minutes. There just has to be advanced notice for the volunteers staffing this rooms.
I don’t see a huge problem.
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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #44

First, and I think everyone agrees, they will need to offer 2021 GTs. It's a popular selling point for new tokens and its probably never been more important to keep that revenue stream strong.

But in order to maintain GT popularity, they'll need to do something for those with 2020 GTs. If they don't, then people may no longer consider them as popular.

So, whenever we come out of this pandemic shutdown, I think there will be options. Even if GenCon is held, are they going to force people who don't want to attend (maybe they are at risk without a vaccine) to either attend or end up with no value for the GT? They could sell it, but I'm betting offers will be significantly reduced. So whether Gen Con is held or not, there should be options. Some possibilities.
- Turn in your GT and receive the swag bag. The token bags are pretty sweet. Although, you're then missing out on the experience and the bonus perk you sometimes get at the end of GT run (maybe that is also something that could be mailed).
- Add GT runs at the next available con. While I like this option, it depends which con. Not all of them are easy for me to get to. If its Origins or GHC, fine. If it's PAX South, not so much. It's still a good option if they can do it (in my opinion), but only as an option.
- Add more GT runs to next year's Gen Con. This is an ok option, but really not ideal. As previously mentioned, there's no room to run more than whatever 3 runs are being set up that year. Also, people who already have a GT have no incentive to try for another one unless the run times are spread out so people could do more than one. I guess you could label some runs as 2020 and some as 2021 and make the swag bags different, but again, you'd have to spread them out so people could participate in both.

There may be more options, but the bottom line is that the community has an expectation that getting a GT is something special. I know for a fact that there have been some years where the possibility of still getting a GT was the determining factor in making an additional token purchase. I'm probably not alone. So while TD has no obligation to meet community expectations, it's probably in their best interest to do something.

Well, those are just my thoughts on the subject for whatever they're worth (probably not much). :)

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #45

You can bet that the problem of how to handle GT runs this year has been rattling in Jeff Martin’s skull for a while... but I think us posting a solution is premature at this point. The whole gaming community is sort of holding our breath and waiting for federal and state governments, cities, venues, and cons to announce their plans. Many of those entities have good reasons to wait a while.

Event organizers like True Dungeon have plans within plans impatiently waiting in the wings to be deployed/trashed/hastily reconstructed. Rest assured that when we have the info we need to post official decisions, each of those decisions will be made with the best interests of the players, the business, and the employees in mind.

Bottom line: Golden Tickets are special to us at TDHQ as well - don’t worry! We want them to stay awesome too! :)
Mike Naglee

Director of Event Operations
Chief Goblin Wrangler
Borg Kicker
Doer of Things... And Stuff.

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #46

One option to resolve the GT challenge if there is no GenCon this year is to just have this year's GT's transfer over to next year's GenCon.

Yes, the GT's are a great selling point but it sounds like an assumption is being made that something else that is cool couldn't replace them for a single year. I could see the 2021 special "drop" to be something even more rare. Examples: Doing an Underthing run with Patrick Rothfuss (I would definitely trade my GT for that), a unique artifact created for the small group of individuals who get the lucky pull, your choice of any token that has been previously printed, a +10 Holy HandGrenade of Lorislaying, etc.

That solves the problem of the unclaimed GT's out there as well. This year I'm guessing will be lower overall token sales meaning several will go unclaimed. Once this year's sales are done - just dig out whichever ones hadn't been claimed and make a 2021 version of however many tokens that is (filling out the rooms) and include those in the 2021 sales as well.

Having 2021 be a special, "Welcome back from the Apocalypse" theme fits well with doing something unusual and cool.

My 2c worth :)

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #47

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Whatever the fate of the 2020 GT, I am sure it will be awesome if TDHQ is involved. Not like that Wonka guy, I mean come on. Has TD ever turned someone into a blueberry, no I didn't think so.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

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New forum feature? 4 years 9 months ago #48

Picc wrote: Whatever the fate of the 2020 GT, I am sure it will be awesome if TDHQ is involved. Not like that Wonka guy, I mean come on. Has TD ever turned someone into a blueberry, no I didn't think so.

It’s not for lack of trying... Enochian is tricky. ;)
Mike Naglee

Director of Event Operations
Chief Goblin Wrangler
Borg Kicker
Doer of Things... And Stuff.

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

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