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TOPIC: 2025 Ultra Rare Tokens

2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #1

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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #2

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Question on the new wording for Nightshades' Grim Gloves:

Does this mean ALL melee crits deal triple damage now, not just Sneak Attacks?

And if the Necklaces increase the Crit range for Sneak Attacks to 19-20, or 17-20... um... we've just made the Assassin's Crossbow problem bigger, by extending it to all melee weapons.

Don't get me wrong, I love the gloves, and would really like them to be printed.. but this feels like a correction in the wrong direction.

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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #3

Love the first 4

Belt of the hunter may not be good enough compared to Belt of the Deadshot. I know dex is better than ranged to hit, but being part of a set helps

Charm of critical taunts
This is better tHan previous versions for DFs who don't already have expanded crit range.

Charm of the hedgehog
I say this as a lover of retribution damage, but this is probably too good. 6 by itself is a lot. Could be 4/6/8 and be very good.

Love the coin and death knight helm

Earcuff of the Cabal is a great idea. Is it bonus scroll damage, Mystic Staff damage, and healing? We don't have any Mystic staves that heal, right?

Maybe bonus to healing, scroll damage, and damage with Mystic staves?

Eyepatch is great

Greaves maybe -2 for consistency?

Holy symbol is great, trilliant is great.

Gloves are very, very good. A Raphaels's rogue with these is doing a TON on 2 sneak attacks.

Maybe occupies runestone slot, but not collected?

Is a reprint needed without a transmute path?

Bracers are great

Shield of guarding
I assume this was gamebreaking when it allowed Missile guard?
I'd like it to return, but assume it won't.

Thors Mug
This is quite good.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #4

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Raven wrote: Don't get me wrong, I love the gloves, and would really like them to be printed.. but this feels like a correction in the wrong direction.

I don't know. I kind of like this better because it works for everyone evenly so no one is any farther ahead or behind. Plus whoever wants to use it has to choose to give up a powerful slot that boots hit/damage on every slide to gamble on a crit. IMO the current design is perfect.

The current grind stone on the other hand. don't get me wrong, I love it but should we maybe take it down to +1, as it seems really powerful for a slotless. Or maybe leave it at +2 but make it melee or ranged choose 1.

Wade, you may need to do a shift+ refresh, sounds like your still on the last image.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

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Last edit: by Picc.
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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #5

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Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid) wrote: Earcuff of the Cabal is a great idea. Is it bonus scroll damage, Mystic Staff damage, and healing? We don't have any Mystic staves that heal, right?

You get a +X bonus to the following things:
  • Scroll Healing
  • Scroll Damage
  • Mystic Staff Damage
  • Mystic Staff Healing*
*Currently, there are no Mystic Staves that can heal. Though it seems unlikely, it's hypothetically possible that someday a Mystic Staff that can heal might be printed. Breath-holding not recommended. 😉
Live long and prosper
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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #6

Thanks, I was definitely confused.

I get the intent now, I think a clearer wording for me might be too long for the token.

Is the bonus a pool for aoe or aoe heals?
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"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #7

Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid) wrote: Thanks, I was definitely confused.

I get the intent now, I think a clearer wording for me might be too long for the token.

Is the bonus a pool for aoe or aoe heals?

I had to read it several times to not be confused as well. It almost certainly reads more cleanly if it doesn't affect scroll healing. It would be a power decrease, but I think the decrease would be minor and the clarity would be worth it.
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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #8

+2 Rod of Focus
I think the reduction of damage may go against the general desire for folks to see more parity with polymorph, and would like to see Clerics have nice things. Would recommend a return to the previous damage wheel.

Charm of Critical Taunts
I like this change, but it is duplicative of Kilgor's and Viv's so I would recommend either a larger enhanced range or a different ability.
I misread the ability... nothing to see here :)

Charm of the Hedgehog
Having two different synergy bonuses next year as PYPs feels like too many. I would recommend saving this token until 2026, giving more time to try out Charm of Shared Recovery, or move this to a Bead so it is at least in a different slot. As a spiky bead it would feel on point.

Death Knight Helm
As a melee comp to Cranston's it is okay, but it is clearly moving head slots to what use to be the relic level at UR. I am okay with it, but the budget for this slot just got a lot better.

Nightshade's Grim Gloves
Wow. That is a powerful set of gloves. Maybe too good, particularly with the gloves slot expander from the Safehold on the way.

Picc's Grindstone
Is it still a rune stone or is it just a slotless +2 damage item?
Last edit: by OrionW.
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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #9

Also with no polymorph potion or trinket, it might be a good idea to consider a functional reprint of the Coronet of the Arch-Druid with the spell sacrifice changed to first level spells to match the Shaman’s Belt.

This would take the sting out of a change to how trinket's work if that gets considered again next year and lowers the barrier to entry for an aspiring druid that is not yet at the relic level.
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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #10

I think Picc’s Grindstone has to take up a slot somehow. It can’t be slotless damage increase. That kind of power is just unstoppable for slotless.

I liked it better when it was a UR runestone you don’t turn in, and it was only +1 lol. That is still a slot after all.
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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #11

Charm of Critical Taunts:
"Enhanced Critical" is a Power of 5th level Dwarf Fighters, meaning this token is of no use to 4th level Dwarf Fighters. Additionally, this token does not natively allow a Dwarf Fighter to critical on a 19, so they'd a crit range enhancer to get the triple damage.
Is it intentional that this UR is useless as a random pull for new Dwarf Fighters?

Charm of the Hedgehog:
Yay, the smoother progression is more satisfying. Thank for updating!

Thor's Mug of Battle:
According to FAQ (WIP), this must be held in your offhand for the entire dungeon. Can you put that directly on the token itself, with wording like the existing 2022 UR +2 Mug of Battle , 2022 Rare Captain’s Cup , 2022 CURSED Mirror of Pride , or 2018 Uncommon Tankard of Health ?
Cleric main / Druid secondary
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2025 Ultra Rare Tokens 11 months 2 weeks ago #12

With it bring slotless do we need a reprint of the fitting base? I see those everywhere in shops for pretty cheap… I think they only wanted a reprint if they were going to work in the fitting base.
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