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TOPIC: Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas?

Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 1 day ago #13

Once per game the party may invoke the power of the sea raider horde. Do one damage per sea raider item equipped to monsters in the combat. This damage is a pool and can be divided as the party wishes between foes.

Basically a synergy bonus that party gets to invoke once and plays into the Viking theme.

Edit: Maybe also include Singsalot's class specific bonus at 3 item level. I like the idea that each class gets something slightly different.
Last edit: by OrionW.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 1 day ago #14

Sea Raiders, used to life on a boat. Fighting in harsh conditions.

2-3 Pieces Equipped: +1 Reflex Save
4-5 Pieces Equipped: +1 Constitution (in addition to the 2-3 Bonus)
6 or More Pieces Equipped: +1 Will Save (in addition to the 2-3 and 4-5 Bonuses)
Last edit: by AAckeret.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 1 day ago #15

It could follow the same progression as the rod of seven parts (all bonuses cumulative)

# pieces:
2: +1 HP
3: +1 Reflex saves
4: +1 Fortitude saves
5: +1 Will saves
6: +1 Strength
7: +1 Dexterity
8: +1 Constitution
9: 1/year use of prestige class (just kidding on this one)
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 1 day ago #16

Maybe a bonus that the player can apply to a number if different things in the coaching room. Perhaps options would be AC, melee damage, ranged damage, spell damage, perhaps other.

The bonus could be +3 if you have three Sea Raider tokens equipped, and an additional +1 for each additional item. For example 7 items equipped would be +7 to any one of the possible options.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 16 hours ago #17

The best set bonuses for newer players don't have to be remembered.

+1 to all damage for 3 items
+1 to hit for each 5 items
+1 saves for 8 items

Or +1 hp per item on top.of all that, if more is needed.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 10 months 4 weeks ago #18

All Belt-Bracers-Cloak-Gloves-Greaves-Pants-Ring-Shirt-Club/Cudgel/Mace (Fort,2Hp,-3cold,1-6melee,+1dmg)
Barbarian Torso-Axe-wClub-tAxe-Shld/Bklr-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-gAxe-bClub-Bow
Bard Torso-Axe-wClub-tAxe-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe-Bow
Cleric Torso-wClub-Shield/Buckler-Helm-bClub
Druid Torso-wClub-tAxe-Shield/Buckler-Helm-bClub
Dwarf Torso-Axe-wClub-tAxe-Shld/Bklr-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-gAxe-bClub-Bow
Elf -tAxe
Fighter Torso-Axe-wClub-tAxe-Shld/Bklr-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-bClub-gAxe-Bow
Monk -tAxe
Paladin Torso-Axe-wClub-tAxe-Shld/Bklr-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-gAxe-bClub-Bow
Ranger Torso-Axe-tAxe-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-bClub-Bow
Rogue Torso-tAxe-hAxe-Bow
Wizard -tAxe

Change #1 & #2 - redundant weapon changed, more classes have access to Uncommon weapon, nice
- do we need the common war club and uncommon battle club, then? could we use that extra common slot for something else?

Change #3 - new Axe token fully redundant with Cleaver AND restrictive, so worse than even the club/cudgel/mace problem.

Change #4 - gloves added. Cool. Increases the set size for all classes.

Change #5 - War Oar. Cool. Would prefer one usable by Wizards like the old Oar or quarterstaff, but if it's 1-8, I get it. I feel like there's value in having a 10 person party who can all equip it and shout "stroke!" but I'll live.

Unchanged #1 - Club/Cudgel/Mace - very similar tokens, prefer at least one swapped for a different slot in the set, changed to be non-set so it can be themed to an enemy, changed to a different kind of weapon (not universal one hand melee blunt), or a combination.

Unchanged #2 - Sea Raider Buckler - why is it usable by Druid but not by Bard? this is backwards from previous history, and the uncommon shield. Why deny the Bard the offhand slot?

Unchanged #3 - Sea Raider Otter Helm - why is it useable by Druid? Previously, only 2 Helms allow Druid use, both UR and special in construction. Conversely, the Bard can wear the Footman and Mithral caps made of metal. Based on history, neither class should have access to this common helm.

New note #1 - Boar and Fox armor are identical. If we need 3 armors for most classes for the %s, that's cool, but it would be nice if they were at least slightly different.

New note #2 - The buckler & shield are identical. They should be different in effect or in who can use them, or both, or get rid of one.

All: 9 combo, 9 slots, 11 tokens
Wizards: 9 combo, 10 slots, 13 tokens, 0 Uncommon - lacking: Robes, Hats, Offhand, Uncommon token
Monk: 9 combo, 10 slots, 14 tokens, 0 Uncommon - lacking: Robes, FoB weapon, Uncommon token
Rogue: 10 combo, 11 slots, 20 tokens, 2 Uncommon - lacking: Sneak, Hats, Offhand
Bard: 10 combo, 11 slots, 24 tokens, 3 Uncommon - lacking: Instrument, Hats, Shields
Ranger: 11 combo, 12 slots, 25 tokens, 5 Uncommon - lacking: Hats
Cleric: 12 combo, 12 slots, 24 tokens, 4 Uncommon - lacking: Ranged weapon, Holy Symbol
Druid: 12 combo, 13 slots, 23 tokens, 3 Uncommon - lacking: nothing
Barbarian: 12 combo, 13 slots, 31 tokens, 6 Uncommon - lacking: nothing
Fighters/Paladin: 12 combo, 13 slots, 32 tokens, 7 Uncommon - lacking: nothing

Token change suggestions:

Boots of Fury become Sea Raider Boots. We're not even giving up a Norse god's name or anything. I'd prefer boots that could be worn by all classes, however.

Give the Bard access to the common shields.

Change or remove either the buckler or shield so that the tokens aren't redundant.

Possibly use the Uncommon shield in the Sea Raider set.

Remove Druid from the helmet or add Bard to it

Of the 3 common one hand melee blunt weapons, and the two common melee one hand slashing weapons, at least 2 need to be changed to different weapon types, or taken out of the set & re-themed to a different group or replaced outright with non-weapons.
Non-Raider Ideas [ Click to expand ]

Remove one of the redundant armors or change one to have a bonus to saves or something or make one of them +4 AC

Token addition suggestions, ordered by desirability

Monk/Wizard +1 AC torso
Musical Instrument
Holy Symbol (is there something that could be both?)
All-class offhand slot (drinking horn/musical horn?)
All-class head slot
Sling or other Cleric-open ranged weapon
FoB equippable weapon

Set Bonus Suggestions

If you equip 9 Sea Raider tokens (maximum available to all classes), you "Raid" +1 Treasure chip after the adventure (could alter the requirement to 9 Common Sea Raider tokens, or not using Rare or better weapons, or you could add additional slots to the set to make it a greater token requirement, for instance, a slotless token that does nothing except allow that bonus, like a treasure chest, or a neck or charm slot for the same.)

Also or instead, a 3-piece bonus, 5-piece bonus, 8-piece bonus (which covers the 8 universal nonweapon tokens) and 9-piece bonus (requiring a weapon but allowing all classes access)

8-9+ bonuses based on class:
Barbarian: Rage or 2-hand bonus
Bard: Singing bonus
Cleric: Turn Bonus or turn other subtype
Druid/Wizards: Focus
Dwarf: Taunt bonus, AC, or Retribution
Fighter: + to hit or damage with 1-hand
Monk: FoB bonus
Paladin: + lay on hands or +DR when guarding
Ranger: + 1 vs Undead, different subtype, or ranged damage
Rogue: Sneak bonus
I came here to sing and collect tokens, and I'm alllll out of money.
Last edit: by Singsalot.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 10 months 3 weeks ago #19

We're talking about not high level stuff for new players right?.... Keep it simple and fun... and keeping with the Raider theme...
Player Level < 10
3pc - +5 hp
4pc - +1 Level
5pc - +1 Treasure
6pc+ - +1 more Treasure
What are you Token About?
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Last edit: by Dougout.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 10 months 3 weeks ago #20

Dougout wrote: We're talking about not high level stuff for new players right?.... Keep it simple and fun... and keeping with the Raider theme...
Player Level < 10
3pc - +5 hp
4pc - +1 Level
5pc - +1 Treasure
6pc+ - +1 more Treasure

Many set trios of URs is +1 Level. It doesn't make any sense for a set quartet of Commons to grant the same bonus.

Similarly, there are a number of Rares that grant +1 Treasure, but only if no other TE is equipped; and URTE grants +2 Treasure. It doesn't make sense for a set of Commons to grant the same tier of treasure.
Cleric main / Druid secondary
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 10 months 3 weeks ago #21

Dougout wrote: We're talking about not high level stuff for new players right?.... Keep it simple and fun... and keeping with the Raider theme...
Player Level < 10
3pc - +5 hp
4pc - +1 Level
5pc - +1 Treasure
6pc+ - +1 more Treasure

Is there a rule about starting over as a lower level player?… asking for a friend
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 10 months 3 weeks ago #22

Dougout wrote: We're talking about not high level stuff for new players right?.... Keep it simple and fun... and keeping with the Raider theme...
Player Level < 10
3pc - +5 hp
4pc - +1 Level
5pc - +1 Treasure
6pc+ - +1 more Treasure

My concern is this becomes the best option if all you want is Treasure.

Jeff Martin wrote: All damage is Sacred.

Acherin wrote: I also added VTD support for the most annoying token of 2024 the +2 Sun Scimitar.

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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 10 months 3 weeks ago #23

Dougout wrote: We're talking about not high level stuff for new players right?.... Keep it simple and fun... and keeping with the Raider theme...
Player Level < 10
3pc - +5 hp
4pc - +1 Level
5pc - +1 Treasure
6pc+ - +1 more Treasure

Why have the player level here. Are level 10 players going to abuse this set bonus?
3pc. Fine.
4pc. Way too early. This should maybe be the cap stone.
5+ pc. Treasure? No, this set should not be giving additional treasure. It should be adding to effectiveness.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 10 months 3 weeks ago #24

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I actually kind of like the idea of a sub UR set granting +1 treasure. So long as it's not trivial or best in slot rare I think a set bonus would be a cool thing to stack with a rare TE.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

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