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TOPIC: Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas?

Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #1

All the Sea Raider tokens have an URL leading to a page that will explain how the Sea Raider Set Bonus(es) work. I thought it would be cool to make something a little more customizable to the character so that an URL to explain was a good idea.

So...I need your feedback on how we should structure it so it is fun, somewhat customizable yet not too complicated for newbies.

We could make it just be a flat "+1 to max for every 3 Sea Raider token equipped (rounded up)", or we have different effects for spellcasters and combat folks. It might be best to keep the the powers tied to hit points to make put the tracking onto the player. So, this would be stuff like DR, Regeneration, extra healing from Volva's potions, etc.


Thanks for your thoughts!
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #2

I hope that making a set bonus that needs a URL or coach explanation is already pushing things for new players. They're sometimes overwhelmed by all the neat stuff happening in their first run! Maybe a reminder card could be made when the set details are finalized? They could be kept at the coaching tables, or printable by fans to keep with them.

As for bonuses, boosting effects that are found on the tokens may help people remember. It also looks like only martial classes would reach the highest tier of bonuses
3-4: +1 healing from Volva's Potions
5-6: -1 damage from Cold
7+: Heal 1 damage when you hit with a Sea Raider weapon
Last edit: by BasicBraining.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #3

BasicBraining wrote: I hope that making a set bonus that needs a URL or coach explanation is already pushing things for new players. They're sometimes overwhelmed by all the neat stuff happening in their first run! Maybe a reminder card could be made when the set details are finalized? They could be kept at the coaching tables, or printable by fans to keep with them.

As for bonuses, boosting effects that are found on the tokens may help people remember. It also looks like only martial classes would reach the highest tier of bonuses
3-4: +1 healing from Volva's Potions
5-6: -1 damage from Cold
7+: Heal 1 damage when you hit with a Sea Raider weapon

I like your teir idea. I would swap the 1st 2. Have dmg reduction then +1 to heals. Or have it +1 dmg ( maybe typed… sonic/force to go with the theme this year ?
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #4

  • Picc
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If we can support a little more complexity, I would love to see the set have a synergy component. Something like, you must equip 3 pieces to count as a raider (and get +1 to hit/damage or spells for each piece you equip beyond 3)

But also if there are at least X raiders in your group it counts as a raiding party and you get an additional bonus of +Y initiative for the the group & are immune to seasickness or something similar.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”
Last edit: by Picc.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #5

How about if each piece you equipped after the 3rd let you use an additional Spirit Pet?
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #6

I like picc ‘s synergy idea, but would it be easy enough for newer players to understand without a lot of experience or explaining?
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #7

  • Picc
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Iross wrote: How about if each piece you equipped after the 3rd let you use an additional Spirit Pet?

A little off topic, but personally what I would like to see is an UR that let you apply a hit/dmg bonus of some kind to spirit pet. If you could get spirit pets up to a hit/damage level competitive with regular attacks, I could see someone doing a pet master build where they brought a bunch of pets and swapped between them each round rather then attacking. As it is now, all I ever hear is they're cool but I can't give up the damage to slide them.

Think I may have just had an idea of a grind "of wonder" effect...
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #8

Picc wrote:

Iross wrote: How about if each piece you equipped after the 3rd let you use an additional Spirit Pet?

A little off topic, but personally what I would like to see is an UR that let you apply a hit/dmg bonus of some kind to spirit pet. If you could get spirit pets up to a hit/damage level competitive with regular attacks, I could see someone doing a pet master build where they brought a bunch of pets and swapped between them each round rather then attacking. As it is now, all I ever hear is they're cool but I can't give up the damage to slide them.

Think I may have just had an idea of a grind "of wonder" effect...

Spirit Pets have an extra limitation on them, each player can only use one Spirit Pet per adventure, which is why I'd like to see some sort of token which makes a P•••mon Trainer build possible :laugh:
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #9

Idk why but I love this idea 😂 though it really screams Druid and Ranger class to me. It would have to imagine the barbarian running through throwing squirrels at dragons 😂😂
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #10

All Belt-Bracers-Cloak-Greaves-Pants-Ring-Shirt-Club/Cudgel/Mace (Fort,2Hp,-3cold,1-6melee)
Barbarian Torso-wClub-tAxe-Shield/Buckler-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-gAxe-Bow
Bard Torso-wClub-tAxe-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe-Bow
Cleric Torso-wClub-Shield/Buckler-Helm
Druid Torso-wClub-tAxe-Shield/Buckler-Helm
Dwarf Torso-wClub-tAxe-Shield/Buckler-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-gAxe-Bow
Elf -tAxe
Fighter Torso-wClub-tAxe-Shield/Buckler-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-gAxe-Bow
Monk -tAxe
Paladin Torso-wClub-tAxe-Shield/Buckler-Helm-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-gAxe-Bow
Ranger Torso-tAxe-hAxe-Cleaver/rAxe/bAxe-Bow
Rogue Torso-tAxe-hAxe-Bow
Wizard -tAxe

What's the deal with the Club, Cudgel, and Mace? Slightly more balanced or top-heavy, but all single hand melee weapons open to all classes. That seems really redundant, at least two of them could be weapons for monster races/enemy groups, like farmer's cudgel, shepherd's hook, cleric's mace, etc.

Same with Axe vs Cleaver

Also is the difference between shield & buckler just AC? Or is buckler supposed to be an archer's buckler? Used to be big shield/small shield would be usable by different classes, or be different rarity or something. Is the goal just to make sure most players draw a couple Sea Raider tokens per pack? (there are also 2 uncommon armors useable by all except monk & wizard,

Also why can druid use shields & helmet and not bard? Used to be neither got helmets (with special exceptions), and Bard could use bigger/heavier shields than druids (then it changed so both could use all shields). In fact, in the Uncommon section, there's a +3 shield that bards can use and druid's can't, so is this making a specific point about Sea Raiders?

I'd be interested in replacing one of the extraneous Common or Uncommon tokens with a bard instrument that isn't a weapon.

All: 8 combo, 8 slots, 10 tokens
Monk: 8 combo, 9 slots, 11 tokens - lacking: Robes, FoB weapon, Uncommon token
Wizards: 8 combo, 9 slots, 11 tokens - lacking: Robes, Hats, Offhand, Uncommon token
Rogue: 9 combo, 10 slots, 18 tokens - lacking: Sneak, Hats, Offhand
Bard: 9 combo, 10 slots, 22 tokens - lacking: Instrument, Hats, Shields
Ranger: 10 combo, 11 slots, 24 tokens - lacking: Hats
Druid: 11 combo, 12 slots, 21 tokens - lacking: nothing
Cleric: 11 combo, 11 slots, 22 tokens - lacking: Ranged weapon, Holy Symbol
Barbarian: 11 combo, 12 slots, 29 tokens - lacking: nothing
Fighters/Paladin: 11 combo, 12 slots, 30 tokens - lacking: nothing

Suggestion 1: If you equip 8 Sea Raider tokens (maximum available to all classes), you "Raid" +1 Treasure chip after the adventure (could alter the requirement to 8 Common Sea Raider tokens, or not using Rare or better weapons, or you could add additional slots to the set to make it a greater token requirement, for instance, a slotless token that does nothing except allow that bonus, like a treasure chest, or a neck or charm slot for the same.)

Suggestion 2: 3-piece bonus, 5-piece bonus, 7-piece bonus (which covers the 7 universal nonweapon tokens), 8+ bonuses based on class
Barbarian: Rage or 2-hand bonus
Bard: Singing bonus
Cleric: Turn Bonus or turn other subtype
Druid/Wizards: Focus
Dwarf: Taunt bonus, AC, or Retribution
Fighter: + to hit or damage with 1-hand
Monk: FoB bonus
Paladin: + lay on hands or +DR when guarding
Ranger: + 1 vs Undead, different subtype, or ranged damage
Rogue: Sneak bonus

Suggestion 3: Offhand Drinking Horn

Suggestion 4: Boots (even if it just means switching Greaves, Bracers, or Ring)
I came here to sing and collect tokens, and I'm alllll out of money.
Last edit: by Singsalot.
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #11

It looks like there are 30 sea raider items. However, you can't use them all at the same time (weapon/armor duplication, etc.). Please double check me but I think that it is possible to have 13 sea raider items at the same time (14 if dual wielding.)
3 items +1 to hp and +1 AC
6 items +5 hp and +1 to AC
9 items +1 to hit and damage, +5 hp, and +1 to AC
13 items (or whatever the 1 handed max is) +1 to hit and damage, +5 hp, +1 AC and once per adventure, the Valkyries will bring the character back to life at half (rounded down) hp.
The progression is fairly simple but the complete set has a really cool bonus that may encourage players to collect the set.
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection
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Sea Raider MEGA Set Bonus Ideas? 11 months 3 weeks ago #12

Fred K wrote: It looks like there are 30 sea raider items. Please double check me but I think that it is possible to have 13 sea raider items at the same time (14 if dual wielding.)

Yes, 30.

You can equip 11/12 at once - Helm, Shirt, Armor, Cloak, Bracers, Ring, Mainhand, Offhand, Belt, Pants, Greaves. (12 if you count ranged weapon & melee weapon by tokens equipped rather than slots/tokens used at once.)

If you dual wield, you aren't using a shield (or helm, as Ranger can't equip the helm).
I came here to sing and collect tokens, and I'm alllll out of money.
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