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TOPIC: 2024 Token FAQ

2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #1

2024 Token FAQ

New Set Bonuses
"of the Ancients":
  • 2-Piece: If exactly two items are equipped, gain +1 to the Ability Score of your choice. This is in addition to the bonuses granted by the individual items.
  • 3-Piece: If three items are equipped, gain +1 level.
    You do not get the additional +1 to an Ability Score that the two-piece set bonus grants.
    There is no additional bonus for equipping all four--even if you could somehow equip two Torso slot items.
Snake Priest: Adds +1 damage as Poison all your Melee and Ranged attacks

New Multi-Year Transmute Series
Greaves of the Stalwart (-1 damage from Melee attacks) is the first of three greaves to be released in the next few years. There will be another pair that gives -1 to Missile damage, one that gives -1 from Spell damage, and the combined transmute will give you -2 to all damage.

New Conditions
We’re creating two new conditions: Diseased & Poisoned. Both of Disease and Poison can still deal HP damage (though not always), but if you fail a saving throw for Disease or Poison, there are going to be repercussions. Simply taking Disease or Poison damage won't trigger these conditions. It must be the result of a special attack that causes one of these conditions and you must fail the save. The details depend on your party’s chosen difficulty level.
If you fail a Disease save:
  • Non-lethal, Normal & Hardcore: ALL damage your character inflicts (everything: Melee, Ranged, and all damage-dealing token effects) suffers a -2 penalty each time your character deals damage. If the attack can affect more than one target, each target takes -2 damage.
  • Nightmare & Epic: ALL damage your character inflicts (everything: Melee, Ranged, and all damage-dealing token effects) is divided in half, dropping any fractions.
    E.g., if a Fighter critically hits a monster and their total damage would have been 59 points, the Fighter only deals 29 points of damage. This would also apply to a massive 59 point Fireball Spell; its damage would be reduced to 29 points.
If you fail a Poison save:
  • Non-lethal, Normal & Hardcore: All healing and regeneration affecting your character suffers a -2 penalty per effect until your Poisoned condition is removed. E.g., a character who normally regenerates 4 HP when entering a new room would only regen 2 HP if they entered a room while Poisoned. If the cleric cast a 10 point heal on a Poisoned character, the character only heals 8 HP.
  • Nightmare & Epic: You cannot benefit from any healing or regeneration until your Poisoned condition is removed.
Note: Being Poisoned does not affect the amount of healing you can give, only the amount of healing you can receive. To help illustrate this, all the following scenarios would be true in a Hardcore party where the cleric and rogue are the only ones Poisoned:
  • If the Poisoned cleric uses a 10 point heal on the bard, the bard heals 10 HP. Being Poisoned doesn’t impair the cleric’s ability to heal others.
  • If the Poisoned cleric uses a 10 point heal on the rogue, the rogue only heals 8 HP. Being Poisoned doesn’t impair the cleric’s ability to heal others, but any kind of healing on the rogue is reduced by 2 points per effect.
  • If both the Poisoned cleric and the non-Poisoned druid cast a 10 point heal on the rogue, the rogue only heals 16 HP because both healing sources get reduced by 2 due to the recipient of the healing being Poisoned.
  • If the Poisoned cleric casts a 10 point heal on themself, the cleric only heals 8 HP. Even though that spell had the potential to heal 10 HP, because the recipient was Poisoned, the healing was reduced.
  • (In a Nightmare party, the Poisoned healer’s ability to heal others is not impaired—assuming the target of the heal is not Poisoned.)
Q: Do these new conditions affect monsters as well?
A: Yes, but currently there are no ways for player characters to gain this special attack.

Q: Do old tokens that cure or remove Disease and Poison remove these new conditions?
A: Yes

Miscellaneous Questions
Potion Moon Dew: When you're Parched, you suffer a -1 to all saves

Can we equip both Gloves of Divine Touch and Lenses of Divine Sight and do the effects stack?
Yes. Wearing both gives you a +4 to healing you cast and you may divide the healing between up to three (not four) targets. All fractional healing points are dropped.

Boots of Defiance: On the round after the wearer takes fatal damage, the character gains one additional round of actions. You can perform one Standard, one Free, and at least one Instant Action, but any Action performed must be offensive. During this not-technically-dead-yet round, the wearer can receive point-based healing which may be sufficient to prevent their ultimate death. (If they got down to -20 HP, they're need at least 21 healing to live.) However, since the character isn't quite dead yet, resurrection effects may not be used on them.

Follower Dragonkin: This does not stack with the extra figurine slot gained from high Charisma.

Hireling Archer: Yes, this affects Spell damage as well. "Ranged" is an umbrella term that includes both Missiles and Spells.

Making more than five Trainers
Q: If I want to make more than five of any particular tier of Trainers, do I have to make more than one Safehold of that particular tier?
A: Yes. When you make a Safehold V, IV, or III, you get five Stewards for one particular Trainer type. If you want to make more than five trainers of that type, you’d need to make another Safehold of that tier.

Underling Druid: If a single attack deals at least 5 Cold and at least 5 Fire and at least 5 Shock, you’d take -15 damage from that single attack.

Underling Elf Wizard: Yes, literally ANY class, even non-casters, can cast a scroll with this token.

Gloves of Common Practice: If a monk or ranger wear these, they get the +1 damage bonus with each hand

Earcuff of Aset: An offensive action is defined as doing at least one of the following:
  • Attempting to cause damage, whether or not the attempt is successful
  • Using an effect that requires a magic/Spell resistance check
  • Using an effect that requires a saving throw
Handy Holy Belt
Q: If the wearer of this belt has a bonus to healing potions they drink, does that bonus get passed to the other character?
A: No
Q: If a cleric/paladin transfers a healing effect, does the cleric/paladin get the healing as well?
A: No. Only the person to whom the effect was transferred gets the healing.

Ring of Serpent Strike:
Q: What does “final dmg total” mean?
A: Calculate how much damage the Spell would have dealt if you were not wearing this ring. After all other bonuses, multipliers, and modifiers have been applied, add +6 to it.

Rod of Ra: 100% of this weapon’s damage is Sacred, but it doesn’t change the damage type granted by other tokens. If you have equipped other items that add a specific type of damage to your weapon attacks, the extra damage from those items stay whatever they are and the attack would deal both Sacred and whatever other damage type is relevant.

Mark of the 3rd Tenet and Mark of the Tenets: These are thank you tokens for purchases that qualify for Adventurers’ Guild membership for that year. At the end of three years, you can transmute the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st Marks into Mark of the Tenets. Marks are basically temporary tattoos or henna stains. You apply them at the beginning of the adventure. Even though the tattoo/henna is temporary, the token is not. It's not turned in on use and you may reuse it on your next adventure.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
Last edit: by Druegar. Reason: fixed minor typos
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #2

  • Impy
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Thank you for the FAQ! Very well written

I really like the change of the two status effects, I think they are much more interesting now.

I think Ancients Set Bonus is a little confusing with it disabling the previous effect. At least it confused me for a moment when I read it. I understand the big difference +1 level makes though
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #3

I love having the FAQ this early in the process -- I assume we have Druegar to thank for that? :)

I love the new conditions. They should add some fun challenges in the future.
My online token shop: www.tdtavern.com

We buy, sell, and trade True Dungeon tokens. We also have a convenient consignment program where you can sell your own tokens.
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #4

For the new multi year greaves: current UR already give -2 to damaged ( Acid, Cold, Fire, Darkrift, Poison, and Shock ) so I’m trying to figure out how buying these will be better that I hat I already have.
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #5

Tyraël The Just wrote: For the new multi year greaves: current UR already give -2 to damaged ( Acid, Cold, Fire, Darkrift, Poison, and Shock ) so I’m trying to figure out how buying these will be better that I hat I already have.

Arcanum set bonus potentially? Multi year will cover blunt damage and other untyped damage. But it will be worse against multi typed attacks for sure. I'd like to see it bumped to -3 personally.
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #6

Kusig wrote:

Tyraël The Just wrote: For the new multi year greaves: current UR already give -2 to damaged ( Acid, Cold, Fire, Darkrift, Poison, and Shock ) so I’m trying to figure out how buying these will be better that I hat I already have.

Arcanum set bonus potentially? Multi year will cover blunt damage and other untyped damage. But it will be worse against multi typed attacks for sure. I'd like to see it bumped to -3 personally.

I'm hoping that perhaps one of the Arcanum Set bonuses will be an alternate path to 6th Level, but I have nothing to base that on. :)
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #7

Mike Steele wrote:

Kusig wrote:

Tyraël The Just wrote: For the new multi year greaves: current UR already give -2 to damaged ( Acid, Cold, Fire, Darkrift, Poison, and Shock ) so I’m trying to figure out how buying these will be better that I hat I already have.

Arcanum set bonus potentially? Multi year will cover blunt damage and other untyped damage. But it will be worse against multi typed attacks for sure. I'd like to see it bumped to -3 personally.

I'm hoping that perhaps one of the Arcanum Set bonuses will be an alternate path to 6th Level, but I have nothing to base that on. :)

Sounds nice but… that would short out the upper lvls of the Safehold and in other words, circumvent. I like it I do, just like the bead expander that some don’t like. One cool thing tho, is that Jeff and his team make the impossible possible and is able to adapt and a hair and still pull off amazing content.
Last edit: by Tyraël The Just.
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #8

Dunno how feasible it is but adding Greaves of Absorption to the Multi year and making it a 4 UR transmute with all being -2 damage and transmuting into a -3 all would be pretty awesome.

On the Multi Year Greaves - You could also have 2 different recipes one with Absorption and 1 without. The one without has extra TG with it.
Last edit: by Kusig.
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #9

Kusig wrote: Dunno how feasible it is but adding Greaves of Absorption to the Multi year and making it a 4 UR transmute with all being -2 damage and transmuting into a -3 all would be pretty awesome.


only hard thing for me to swallow is paying near $300 ( 3 others 1/yr ) for 1 additional point. I’d do it, for me, but idk if many others would be unless it binds with the shirt and starts to give set bonuses. I hope the Arcanum Set doesn’t stop Eldritch items from being made. I have a soft spot for these.
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #10

Kusig wrote: Dunno how feasible it is but adding Greaves of Absorption to the Multi year and making it a 4 UR transmute with all being -2 damage and transmuting into a -3 all would be pretty awesome.

On the Multi Year Greaves - You could also have 2 different recipes one with Absorption and 1 without. The one without has extra TG with it.

Both these ideas are awesome, but I’d prefer the 1st for an Arcanum item. Make it a 4 piece set, and use the greaves currently printed - lots of time to buy them.
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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #11

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2024 Token FAQ 1 year 5 months ago #12

I think the greaves are way te expensive for way too little impact. If it’s just -2 all damage I think I’ll skip this multi year. Hopefully it gets better in development.
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