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TOPIC: 2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas

2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #1

  • Druegar
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Please post your ideas for Ultra Rare 2024 tokens here.
If you'd like to see a previous Ultra Rare reprinted, please make that request in the
Reprint Requests thread, not in this thread.

Special Request: When referencing previous tokens, please spell them out rather than using initialisms. Not everyone is familiar with that they mean. If you want to spell them out and then use an initialism in the same paragraph, that's cool, as long as it's clear what you're talking about. E.g., "Charm of Avarice (CoA) is cool token. I hope I can make a CoA soon." is totally cool whereas, "I'd rather see BoGS reprinted than GoGA" is unintelligible to most folks.
Live long and prosper
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #2

A Bead slot expander, but not sure where it would go. Bead Braids? Allows net 3 extra beads, but uses one slot. So 5 beads total?

Something that allows a shield to be used with a two-handed weapon, maybe a bracers?
Tenth level achieved! Now for the long journey to 11th level!
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #3

Something that allows splitting healing to an additional player. Similar to LoDS, but taking up a separate slot and allow the tokens to stack (for the potential of splitting healing 3 ways)
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #4

Necklace of the Nightingale
+2Dex,+2Con,+2Wis,+2INT,+2Cha (or+2 Str instead of cha,wis,int)
Bard: Bardsong +1 saves
Cleric: Mass heal for 6 1/game
Druid: 1 Extra spell surge

Basically I'm tired of wearing a rare neck on my bard.
Token DataBase

Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Character Generator for Android
Amorgen's Excellent Excel Character Generator
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #5

Pstyle wrote: Necklace of the Nightingale
+2Dex,+2Con,+2Wis,+2INT,+2Cha (or+2 Str instead of cha,wis,int)
Bard: Bardsong +1 saves
Cleric: Mass heal for 6 1/game
Druid: 1 Extra spell surge

Basically I'm tired of wearing a rare neck on my bard.

@Pstyle me too :D
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #6

Pstyle wrote: Necklace of the Nightingale
+2Dex,+2Con,+2Wis,+2INT,+2Cha (or+2 Str instead of cha,wis,int)
Bard: Bardsong +1 saves
Cleric: Mass heal for 6 1/game
Druid: 1 Extra spell surge

Basically I'm tired of wearing a rare neck on my bard.

+1 though, even if it were bard only it would still be great to see. I would say the cleric ability should have the cleric take damage (maybe 6) to do the mass healing.
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #7

New Death Knight Items

Death Knight Helm:
+2 AC, +3 Str.

Paladin, Fighter, Dwarf Fighter, Cleric

(Idea is to provide an improved, but class restricted Crown of Might)

Death Knight Shield:
+2 AC, +3 Melee damage

Paladin, Fighter, Dwarf Fighter, Barbarian

(Idea is to provide an improved, but class restricted Rare Brawler's Mug)

+2 Death Knight Sword:
+2 HP on hit

(Idea is to provide a rough Deadly Drow Blood Mace reprint)

Fighter, Dwarf Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger

Note, the class allocation to these items would allow a 6 piece set that only fighters could equip (Fighters special power is gear)

Wizard Robe Options

only need to choose one from the list, but this plays off the robes of healing last year.

Robes of Expertise
don't mark off the first level 1 spell cast per room

Robes of the Invoker
Slide Spells can Crit, and do so on a 19-20

Robes of the Traveler
+3 AC, +1 saves (baby lucky mail)

Robes of Focus
+2 focus

Robes of Regeneration
Regen 2

Robes of the savant
+5 on a passed skill check

Robes of the Fighter Mage
+4 Str and 1 / game cast of Tensor's Transformation (see tokendb for details)

Any Class Suggestions

Bead Bracelets
Wrist Slot
+2 beads

Ring of the Vampire:
+2 melee damage
Gain 2hp on melee hit

+2 Spear of the Phalanx
Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue (ok, not quite all classes)
D6+2 Damage wheel
Gain +1 damage for every other phalanx item equipped
Last edit: by Endgame.
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #8

FOP: Hedgehog - 1/game deal your retribution damage to one target

Cursed Maul - Deals 5 damage to you at the start of every room. -5 to Healing spells. (2H, Improved damage wheel, Cleric and Druid only)
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #9

  • Impy
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Robe of Impacts
+2 Dex
+2 Shuriken Damage
Shurikens can Flurry of Blows

Robe of Chromatic Casting
+2 Dex
+1 Focus
Can change damage type of cast spells to Poison, Fire, Ice, Shock or Sonic

Necklace of Hawk's Cry
+2 Piercing Damage on Attacks
Upon passing Bardic Lore wearer's Critical hits are now x3
Bard Only

+2 Keen Shuriken
Crits on 19-20
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #10

Lenses of the Cabal - part of the Cabal set (starting a 4 year path where the other pieces are reprinted 1 at a time until the whole set is reprinted)
Allows for the caster to spend a 1st level spell slot to counter an opponent's spell or dispel a spell effect depending on the number of lenses of the cabal present in the party.
1-2 - The first 3 points of damage are countered
3-4 - The first 8 points of damage are countered
5+ - The first 15 points of damage are countered
*If all of the damage is countered, the spell rebounds back at the caster.

+2 Prime Blade
-Lower damage wheel (3,3,5,7,11) but every hit heroically inspires the wielder to heal 2 hp, on a natural 20 the wielder is healed an additional 15 hp.
-FoB compatible - usable by all classes
*Ideally part of a transmute path (posted in the appropriate forum)

Robes of the Arcane
-Part of the Arcane set
+2 to AC, +2 Int
Reduces damage taken from MeC, Mage Medallion, or Ashenne's by 5 1/round
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection
Last edit: by Fred K.
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #11

Rare Polymorph Potion Gryphon, Wyvern, Unicorn, Cyclops, etc.

Make it something iconic and around the same power level as the elementals that you can already use with Iktomi’s Shaper Necklace. This would go a long way towards making the Druid legendary feel more relevant and power appropriate when compared to the other legendaries.
Last edit: by OrionW.
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2024 Ultra Rare Token Ideas 2 years 2 weeks ago #12

Like Endgames ideas and seeing the option for cursed items could be fun. I think I remember that this has been played with before "blessed items" but we could explore a cursed set of weapons for all classes that have damage per room or reduce HP by x then provide a nice benefit.

In future years you could explore ways to remove the curse or transmute.

Also some ideas around slotless auras that provide some sort of benift and henderance (Aura of the Night Flame +2 fire damage, but you take x2 ice damage)
Last edit: by Daniel Moody.
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