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TOPIC: Safehold Program Thoughts?

Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #13

I would love to see safeholds with two variables:
1 - which character class is assigned to the safehold
2 - what kind of safehold it is

For instance, if you assign your safehold to the elf wizard, a certain suite of things may become enabled for you. Perhaps your safehold only requires 20 points to transmute enchanter's munition and oil of enchantment, while the general wizard would see those benefits on alchemist's ink & parchments (etc).

When selecting your type of safehold, you could declare it as production, martial, education, or arts. Production safeholds might generate pets, darkwood planks, a small amount of GP when you send in transmute materials, or something similar. Martial safeholds provide a 1/game runestone-like effect where a retainer does "a thing" in combat. Education, similar to martial but for puzzles. Arts, grants an opportunity to engage with a larger True Dungeon story as the year progresses.

Ensuring that these benefits when used in-game are mild is key, I think. New players (me!) can see that investment is rewarded, but may feel overwhelmed with both options and powerscale (slotless things, ioun stones, charms, beads, runestones, and so on). Seeing safeholds as something to which a TD character "retires" into between adventures rather than brings with them into the adventure would be pretty sweet!

I loved the idea of getting a keep, monastery, wizard's tower, and so on in my early D&D games. They became difficult to manage simply because they are inherently mechanical, which ultimately took the focus away from my character and placed that focus on my rewards. It's a fine line to walk, that's for sure.
I write D&D things!
Last edit: by AlanP.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #14

Daniel White wrote:

Pstyle wrote: I'm not a fan of more slotless(or new safehold slot)"permanent" bonuses right now. We already have the path of enlightenment and uber avarice coming up to contribute to slotless permanent bonuses.

Agree. I like Leitz's idea of connecting these to the lore of the game and the game world. I would much prefer that to statistical bonuses on the party card.

+1. No more slotless stuff. Already too many slotless Tokens IMO. And I really like Leitz's ideas too. Also no Farmville please.

I'm glad Jeff asked for feedback but without any more info than just being a land holder I'm not really sure how helpful the feedback will be. Would like at least some of his thoughts in terms of how this might incorporate into the actual game.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #15

I'd be worried if a safehold did anything like offer discounts on trade items or transmuting tokens. I could see people monetizing that, acting as a middle-man for others for a price to get them the discount.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #16

Against any in game benefit since it would further broaden the divide between those that spend a lot and those that don't.

Just bragging rights and a sink for a soul forged token that can't be transferred.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #17

I love this idea for role playing purposes.

Allowing us to establish alliances and claim
Property will be fun!

Game benefits are not truely important to me, but the higher the benefits the higher the cost.

This concept allows us to create our own guilds, have a home base and maybe have out of game events.

The wizards high tower of land hood is having a scroll give away to all new wizard players type thing.

I don’t know if I will be able to afford it but I’d love to set up one.

The idea of an updating map for the lands happening on a semi regular basis is a cool one, seeing where players are from in game adds more flavor.

And maybe you’ll all stop being murder hobos ;)
*mental note* always listen to Jeff
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #18

Rob F wrote: Also no Farmville please.

Awww... but I want to put these monster (bits) into my safehold and watch them regrow into real monsters.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #19

My initial thought was it would just be a different type of Treasure Enhancer. Instead of random treasure it gives you a small amount of gold. I was thinking 100g per a level. Could also just give a random trade good, but giving gold is likely the easier approach.

While I like the idea of allowing trading one trade good for another, it feels like it should be limited in quantities per a player, and proving ownership for mail in transmutes seems difficult. I think a lot of the imbalance could be fixed if the game had more recipes with more generic requirements. The maps are a good start but I wish we would see generic sections on relic and legendary recipes that just specify in addition to the above 50 or 100 of any trade 1 trade good which includes the following. Don't lower the overall cost just don't make it quite so specific.

Would allow you to use essentially the same recipes for legendary tokens year to year as well. My thinking is a recipe for a legendary would be something like 10x of each Trade 1, 2x of each Trade 2, 100 of your choice of any additional trade 1 trade goods, plus the fleece, gold etc. Basically stop trying to balance the tokens though different recipes do it through players using whatever they have too much of.
Last edit: by Kenban.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #20

Comment on prior posts - I really support Kurt's idea of the Safehold levels requiring massive amounts of resources in order to advance to higher levels, whatever the benefits. We could use a serious trade good sink at higher levels.

I have two suggestions:
1. Have the safeholds have interesting individual benefits. For example:
Level 1: Your lands provide you with areas to hide and take a breather. You gain a safe area for resting between rooms in a dungeon even if you didn't succeed in the prior room. As such, you may use 1 scroll or potion in the in-between space even when you normally couldn't. - very minor benefit but interesting.
Level 2: Your lands provide you with a tithe. You can exchange trade goods for gold. - The conversion rate shouldn't be good - definitely worse than the secondary market but still interesting.
Level 3: Your lands provide you with extra eyes and ears. You can get a rumor (per the old rumor tokens) every run and gain advantage on initiative rolls. -The benefits start to get a bit better.
Level 4: You get a unique present from King Jeff recognizing you as a great lord. You have your own puck for sliding (using masking tape for the class.) It is a normal sized puck but it remains yours. -Imagine knowing how your puck will slide every time?!
Level 5: You are invited to the court of the king. You can attend an annual event as a guest of the king without the normal admission. This could be a golden ticket run, patron run, or something else. -At this point, it is a pretty serious benefit.
-To keep the benefit levels, you have to do the transmutes but also renew them with "tithes to the king" in gold or the benefits expire.

Second idea is a community benefit:
If the combined safeholds have enough resources contributed, the community benefit increases. Individually, they provide something small but could be significant for the community.
Community benefits:
Level 1: The ability to advance the safeholds (no mechanical benefit)
Level 2: All players get +2 hp per difficulty level
Level 3: A single big-boss NPC get nerfed
Level 4: All players get +1 treasure draw
Level 5: Benefits from previous years' unique items (ducks, GT amulets, etc) get renewed for 1 convention (probably GenCon) plus +2 treasure draws (for a total of +3 draws)

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #21

edwin wrote: Against any in game benefit since it would further broaden the divide between those that spend a lot and those that don't.

Just bragging rights and a sink for a soul forged token that can't be transferred.

If it doesn't have a game benefit then what's the point in using resources to craft it? Biggest thing I've learned from playing is that it does not take a lot of money to be able to contribute to a group. Odds are you either have a group you run with consistently or you run in PUGs that do NM almost as a default by now. An extra +1 or +2 to stats or damage will not make or break builds. HP and saves will.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #22

I agree with those who'd like it to be an out-of-game reward and not just more slotless stats for our characters.

Maybe instead of a physical token it's more of a virtual leveling system. You "transmute" your Level 1 Safehold and that level is reflected in your TD.com account. Then each year on some cutoff date (December 1st) everyone with Safeholds are mailed rewards based on the level achieved. There could be a Safehold treasure box and you get 10 pulls per level of your Safehold. I'd expect the minimum pull to be a trade good and potentially up to a legendary for a lucky few. There could even be special tokens that are exclusively found in the Safehold treasure.
Classes Played: Barbarian (65 times), Monk (56), Ranger (33), Rogue (25), Cleric (21), Fighter (13), Druid (12), Paladin (11), Dwarf Fighter (10), Bard (7), Elf Wizard (2), Wizard (2)
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #23

Fiddy wrote:

Rob F wrote: Also no Farmville please.

Awww... but I want to put these monster (bits) into my safehold and watch them regrow into real monsters.

I didn't know Fiddy had a sense of humor...
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 2 months ago #24

Reap wrote: I agree with those who'd like it to be an out-of-game reward and not just more slotless stats for our characters.

Maybe instead of a physical token it's more of a virtual leveling system. You "transmute" your Level 1 Safehold and that level is reflected in your TD.com account. Then each year on some cutoff date (December 1st) everyone with Safeholds are mailed rewards based on the level achieved. There could be a Safehold treasure box and you get 10 pulls per level of your Safehold. I'd expect the minimum pull to be a trade good and potentially up to a legendary for a lucky few. There could even be special tokens that are exclusively found in the Safehold treasure.

I could get behind this. Would also be fine with it just being a slotless bonus effect like spell swapping and the like. For me it has to do SOMETHING other than just be a cool flex token.
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