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TOPIC: Patron Run Organizing

Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #1

  • Dave
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Based on Lori's most recent email, tickets for the patron run will become available at 12:00pm CDT this Friday. This post is intended to see if there's any interest in people trying to create some organization around ticket purchasing when the window opens.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This thread is
Unofficial - not endorsed or necessarily supported by True Dungeon
Non-binding - you are free to change your mind at any time and do whatever you want
Not a Guarantee - just because you express interest in a time and/or class, you still may not get it.

So why do this? First, there are some groups that would prefer to run together. Second, you may prefer to play certain classes. Third, you may prefer to complete your run earlier or later in the evening. There may be other reasons, but primarily participating in this assumes that those who see the thread (and there will be many who won't) are more likely to respect your choice and opt for a different timeslot and/or class.

How does it work? Just express your preferred timeslot and class in a post and I'll add it to the list. I'm out here frequently, so should be able to keep it fairly up to date. If it turns out to be a bad idea, oh well, it was still worth trying. Below are timeslots and class preferences. Reminder: This is just for the patron run. My understanding is that Lori will let us know our Skull run assignments.

7:00pm CDT
1. ElvisPrime - paladin
2. David Harris - wizard/elf wizard
3. Dergidan - rogue
4. Milambus - monk
5. John Ohlinger - ranger
6. Manimal - barbarian
7. Manimal son - dwarf fighter
8. Jeff Greene - cleric
9. Fred K - wizard/elf wizard
10. OrionW - druid

7:12pm CDT
1. Utaku - Ranger
2. Iniquis - Wizard
3. Digeridoo - Bard
4. Lequinian - rogue
5. Bill Krenson - monk/paladin
6. kevrick - barbarian/dwarf fighter (prefer barbarian)
7. Lord Brian - paladin or cleric
8. Pstyle - druid

7:24pm CDT
1. Fiddy
2. jpotter
3. Arnold
4. Wade Dr. Uid Schwendemann
5. ralykam
6. Nikkeh
7. The other half the TheNicks
8. Reap
9. "Phil" Norton
10. "Phil's dad"

7:36pm CDT
1. BeLinda - Barbarian
2. Brian - Rogue
3. Flik - Cleric
4. Sara - Dwarf Fighter
5. Jason R - Bard
6. Dave - Elf Wizard
7. Mongo - monk
8. Jacob - fighter
9. Mathew - paladin
10. Arcanist - wizard/elf wizard

7:48pm CDT
1. Kaledor - Ranger
2. Smakdown - Barbarian
3. Donly - Fighter
4. Filonias - Cleric
5. Ramsildor - Bard
6. Dustin - wizard/elf wizard
7. Greg - Bard or Druid/Paladin

8:00pm CDT
1. Cary Kelly - druid/cleric/paladin (or anything but bard)
2. Hallie - cleric (or bard)
3. WM13- rogue
4. Chris Wiemer - barbarian
5. zinniz - dwarf fighter
6. Alex - monk
7. Tsaelyn - ranger
8. Timmy Rink - fighter

8:12pm CDT
1. Telshin - Dwarven Fighter
2. Loki - Druid
3. jester - Barbarian
4. HartlessD20 - Rogue
5. Kaelten - Bard
6. Ross Reed - Ranger

8:24pm CDT

8:36pm CDT
1. haasdt - druid (can do almost anything)
2. CarabooC - ranger
3. PanoramicPanda - barbarian
4. Michael - Dwarf fighter>cleric>wizard>elf wizard

8:48pm CDT

9:00pm CDT
1. Valetutto - bard
2. Raven - rogue
3. kurtreznor - druid/wizard/ranger/???
4. Scott Yoder - paladin (flexible)

James - cleric or either fighter

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Last edit: by Dave.

Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #2

Good idea to try this...

My preference would be earlier like 1 of the runs before 7:30 and either Wizard or Paladin, but I could run whatever really.

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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #3

Wizard/bard pair here, pretty flexible on preferred time.

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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #4

The following group is aiming for 7:24pm (I think):

Wade Dr. Uid Schwendemann
The other half the TheNicks
"Phil" Norton
"Phil's dad"

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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #5

Wizard or Elf Wizard here, don't care what group. Would be happy to take that last spot in 7:36

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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #6

Rogue Main, would like to play with any other Team Synergy folks if they are running Patron, open to any group otherwise.

Milambus will most likely want to be in the same group as me, he Mains Monk.

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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #7

  • Dave
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Thanks for responses thus far. Have tried to summarize those still open to joining a group in a category called "open". Given the total number of open slots, we've heard from over 20% of patrons.

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Last edit: by Dave.

Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #8

Druid/Cleric/Paladin but will play anything that isn’t a Bard as needed in a group

Flexible on time and happy to join with other groups

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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #9

Only if she sends the codes!
Team Legacy
Yes I'm an Arneson you do the math.

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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #10

This is a great idea!

Two codes here, one for WM13 (rogue) and one for me (cleric). We’re hoping for a run around 8 pm but we can be flexible.

Edit: I’m also fine to switch to Bard and we can run with Cary and his set of people!

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Last edit: by Hallie Smith.

Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #11

Druid open to any time. Can play bard if needed.
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Patron Run Organizing 2 years 10 months ago #12

  • Dave
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Lots of people open to joining a group. I'm trying to summarize preferences in the "Open" section in case people are looking to form a group. If you settle on preferred time, I can add it. I think most people can be flexible on time, we're just trying to see if we can spread things out a bit so everyone isn't trying to grab the same slots at the same time. Thanks!!!

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